182Chapter Base City Situation

182Chapter Base City Situation

“Lu’s family?” Chu Tian heard the words of the divine Eagle first stunned a moment, he came in the base city for a few days, for the base city of the major powers are not particularly familiar, so naturally do not understand the divine Eagle in the words of the Lu family, just think it is probably a family similar to the Su family it.

“What? Chu Tian brothers do not know the Lu family? “He knew that Chu Tian was not from the base city, but he did not expect Chu Tian to come to the base city for so long, but he did not even know about the Lu family.

“The Lu family is now the largest family in the base city, and most of the adventure teams and collection teams in the base city are controlled by the Lu family.” Su Yu hinted in a whisper next to him.

“Adventure team? Gathering team? “Chu Tian heard these two new terms and became even more puzzled, he had only heard of a security team in the base city before “zero-thirty-seven”.

The “adventure” team is the team that goes out to find survivors and suitable places for people to live. “Su Yu then whispered, “Of course more or explore the cause of the disaster.”

Chu Tian stroked his chin and thought carefully, it seems that the people of this base city have not given up hope ah, there are still people exploring the cause of the disaster.

“Then the collection team is out to find food and water?” Chu Tian said, in this post-apocalyptic world the most important thing is food and water, the base city although the city’s facilities are perfect, but there is almost no arable land, food will certainly not last long, the big families have a lot of food stored, the ordinary citizens certainly do not have so much surplus food.

“Yes, of course, the collection team will also go out to bring back a variety of food seeds, the old city of the base city is not large, but also enough for us survivors to live, and after we live full, there will be a lot of land left, that will need seeds to maintain the continued development of the base city.” Su Yu just want to speak, God Eagle is the first step to explain, he only manage the armed forces of the base city, for the collection team and the adventure team things also only know a little skin.

“So, ah… Chu Tian whispered, the work of this collection team is also very important ah, I have to say that the people of the base city is really very powerful, after the end of the world can still remain so calm, create so the team and organization to maintain the order of the city.

“In addition, the base city has a security team and construction team.” Su Yu continued to science, today simply to this base city organizations are to Chu Tian speak well.

“The role of the security team is to ensure the security of the base city, in the base city can kill, but the purpose of killing can not be to rob others of resources or endanger the stability of the base city, this is the most basic provisions of the base city. In the last days, the resources are more valuable than human life.

Chu Tian nodded after hearing, so that the thing that killed Huang Wei that day is not against the rules of the base city, if the reverse is Huang Wei killed Chu Tian, then Huang Wei also did not violate the rules of the base city.

“What will happen if you violate the rules? ” Chu Tian asked, but he knows the importance of resources for people, people are hungry and anxious but anything can be done. This base city even if it is fair, the power to allocate resources is still in the hands of the big clans, since it is in the hands of people, there will certainly be uneven distribution of the situation, there will naturally be people fighting for resources, the struggle.

“All those who violate the rules, will be expelled from the base city, into the base city’s blacklist, can never enter the base city again. “Su Yu whispered, she is feeling that this rule is more cruel than the direct execution of people, to know that the outside can be full of man-eating monsters, in addition to Chu Tian and divine Eagle such powerful people, I am afraid that no one wants to go out of the base city.

Chu Tian thinks this rule is very good, some people are to let them see the cruelty of the world, in such a post-apocalyptic world, to live in the base city is really a lucky thing, if they voluntarily give up their luck, then they should suffer the consequences of that.

“The construction team is to repair the buildings of the base city, they are the surviving craftsmen, so the damaged buildings of the base city are they to repair.” Su Yu continued to introduce, the construction team was also established because before the disaster, the base city walls have a lot of construction sites, because the city walls are almost all old buildings, many need to be demolished or pushed to re-build, it is in the renovation phase of the city, so there are a lot of construction sites here, workers are good at building houses, naturally formed such a responsible for the repair of various facilities team. ….

People are not always idle, not to mention the base is still very safe, will not worry about their own security problems. So the members of the construction team is also out to find something to do, repair private home things also use the work for some money, this is not a two-for-one thing?

Even before because of the arrival of zombies destroyed the gate, now there are base city construction team in repair, before the construction site not only left workers, but also left a large number of materials, can be used to build something else, really can not also knock down the base city no one lives in the house, the base city there are still many houses no one lives, so the adventure team looking for survivors to the base city can also have a house to live.

“So. Then what are the big families in the base city?” Chu Tian continued to ask, no way, he is too unclear about the power situation in the base city.

“The main families in the base city are the Lu family, the Wang family, the Hu family, the Liu family and our Su family.” Su Yu mentioned the Su family, but also some proudly puffed out his chest, in fact, before the arrival of Chu Tian, the Su family’s power is the weakest of these large families, even the Huang family is not as good, if not for the maintenance of the arms warehouse, may be squeezed out of the ranks of the large families.

“The head of the Lu 1.9family is called Lu Guang, the base city’s adventure team and collection team are their family’s forces, so their family has almost all the base city’s foreign resources, and the number of Lu family is also the most, the base city is the south of the entire villa area is their family, and it is said that their family has a small security team with a little less than the number of security forces. ” Su Yu said, her good-looking eyes are full of fine light, such a large family between the intelligence is her best understanding.

Chu Tian nodded, this is also very normal thing, the Su family on that dozen people, before there are two security guards, not to mention the large number of Lu family, the big family mastery are valuable resources, and it is the more valuable resources, the more will cause others to Kai ship, so the big families do not dare to take it lightly.

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