179Chapter 5 Thunderfire zombie

179Chapter 5 Thunderfire zombie

The army of zombies just broke through the smoke one by one and entered the base city, the security team in the base city are standing by, the god eagle just gave the order for today, they are here today to wipe out all the zombies.

The flame zombie walking in the front of the zombie army is the first to reveal his head, his skin is full of flames, but under that flame, there is a faint gray-white pattern, that pattern even under the flame is very obvious, can easily see them through the flame.

[Fifth-order Thunderfire zombie]

The system’s voice came out, another name that Chu Tian had not heard of.

The “Thunder Fire” zombie, it seems to be two attributes of the fifth-order zombie again.” Chu Tian heard that name, muttered a sentence, to now meet all the fifth-order zombies have two attributes, and for the use of two attributes are stronger than the fourth-order zombies.

In the moment that the fifth-order zombie stepped into the base city, countless bullets have been shot at it, the bullets instantly formed a fire network, limiting the zombies’ progress, the zombies around the flame zombie can barely advance, but will soon fall, because there will always be bullets shot into their heads.

And at this time, the fifth-order zombie finally showed its another ability, it raised its hand, the silver current visible to the naked eye began to pass between its two hands, but also emitted a “rebuke” sound, sounded very dangerous.

The zombie raised his hand, the current immediately passed in the air, the bullets have no way to break through the air current network, have stopped in place.

But the current net only lasted for a while, then disappeared, and the gray-white pattern on the zombie’s body became brighter and brighter.

Then the fifth-order zombie stretched out its hands, immediately two currents shot out from its body, shot to the security team in front of the body, the current reached the security team, immediately wanted to spread out to the side, flowed to the nearby security team, the security team hit by the current immediately fell to the ground, and lay on the ground twitching.

The current did not cause fatal damage to them, but it made their bodies paralyzed, unable to move. In this way, the security guards in front of the zombies almost lost the ability to fight. They have become a liability on the battlefield.

“Pull them down,” God Eagle shouted a word, waved his hand in the direction of those security members of the ground, immediately rushed out a few other security members to pull them away, but they just came to the side of the security members of the ground, the sky small fireballs flew in their direction, the sky of human head-sized fireballs, just like a meteor shower, looks bright, dazzling, but for this time they are very desperate things. Like a meteor shower, looks bright, dazzling, but for them at this time, is a very desperate thing.

The fireball was about to fall on the security team members, a figure cut through the air, came to them, he wrapped his body towards the bone-chilling cold, he reached forward, the cold also spread towards the direction of the fireball, soon, in front of the fireball formed a thick ice shield, the ice shield hanging in the air, blocking all the fireballs flying over, the body of all the security team members protected behind them.

The fireball fell on top of the ice shield, quickly extinguished, into a small ball of carbon, fell to the ground.

“Go!” Chu Tian shouted to the security team behind him, if there were more fireballs, he may not be able to hold on to this ice shield.

The security team members also immediately understood, quickly pulled away the people who fell to the ground.

At this time, Kidola and Coconut Mungad have come to the body of the fifth-order zombie, Kidola stretched out his hands, the body released a laser, the laser accurately hit the fifth-order zombie, the zombie was laser knocked back a long distance, but the laser also did not penetrate it.

“Little dream small pull, do not waste time, hurry up to solve it. “After the fireballs are extinguished, Chu Tian also put away the ice shield in his hands, he took out his ears, said to the front of the coconut Mongaard and Kidola, today brought the two of them out together, must be the purpose.

Coconut Dreamcast nodded at this time, she understood what Chu Tian meant. So she also raised her hands and formed a huge cyclone in front of her, as the speed of the cyclone became faster and faster, the ground formed a huge tornado, the tornado swept all the zombies in front of the city gate, and for a while, the zombies flew all over the sky.

Seeing the tornado created by Ryu Mungad, Kitora opened his mouth and spat out a flame into his hands, the flame grew bigger and bigger in his hands and finally became a huge fire ball, Kitora raised the fire ball above his head and gently threw it towards the tornado, the flame was thrown into the tornado and became stronger and stronger by the wind.

Eventually the whole tornado was filled with the red flame of Kidola, that tornado has now turned into a tornado of death flame, the zombies in the tornado were gradually covered with flame and turned into an individual, their bodies naturally could not resist the high temperature of Kidola flame like this, and soon became charred corpses.

Liu Mengjia has raised his hand again, the flame tornado stopped, the air of the charred corpses to rain all from the air fell, with the smell of roasted meat.

The remains of the zombies fell to the ground, only a few of them were still able to move, most of them were solved by this joint effort of Kidola and Coconut Mongaard.

“My security team members ….below see such a scene, are shocked to open their eyes, did not expect that Chu Tian’s side of the two beautiful-looking woman, there is such strength, they are grateful that they were not because of Chu Tian’s lustful power to go and talk to these two women, if a word of molestation is not right, then it is not the bones of the corpse.

God “…” Another security guard beside him (the good Zhao team members then added that sentence, originally thought that tonight is another bad battle, but did not expect to have nothing to do with them, the battlefield was surprisingly cleaned up by the two dainty women.

Even the divine eagle on the side is dumbfounded at the zombies falling in front of him, he also could not imagine that the two beautiful women around Tian Tian are so tough on.

“Good job!” Chu Tian walked over and stroked the heads of Coco Mangade and Kidola, and the two girls smiled back at him, not only letting him touch them, but even looking like they were enjoying Chu Tian’s touch!

This can make a side of the security team members red-eyed, mixed feelings in the heart, and envy and jealousy in the heart of the feelings intertwined, this Chu Tian even a person has two fighting force strong beauty, and he seems to be the Su family’s aunt, it is said that the Su family’s daughter also looks great.

It’s really a man’s temper!….

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