176Chapter crisis again

176Chapter crisis again

Since the crisis in front of the city gate has been solved, Chu Tian is naturally able to return to the Su family, although there are still many winged zombies roaming around the city, but Chu Tian is obviously not among those who are afraid of these zombies.

After Kidola also became a human form, when it was looking for no one to change, Chu Tian did not want people to know that his girls are monsters, that will scare others.

Soon, Chu Tian, Kidola and Yumengarde arrived at Su’s house according to the route they remembered, looking at the brightly lit Su’s house, Chu Tian’s heart also dropped a little, the light is able to attract the attention of zombies at night, so there are a lot of zombies around Su’s house, but they can not enter Su’s yard, because Su’s yard surrounded by iron fence, usually the fence The door of the fence is open, but in this special period is certainly to close.

Chu Tian and Kidola cleared out the zombies around the courtyard, and as for the remains of those zombies, they will be given to the security team tomorrow to deal with it. Chu Tian just collected the crystal nuclei in their bodies by hand.

Chu Tian naturally does not need to call the door, when he left his housekeeper Lao Wang gave him the key to the Su family, he was able to enter and exit the Su family at will, took out his key and opened the door to the Su family.

In the moment he walked into the door, immediately felt a huge draught in front of them, with a very strong aura rushed towards them, this time Kidola also moved, blocked in front of Chu Tian.

Kidola and the other hand against each other, and the two stand still for a moment.

Soon everyone reacted to come over, the original rushed over is the coconut Mengade, Chu Tian let her protect the safety of the Su family, so she spent the day guarding the door are.

The hands of Kidola and Coconut Mangald were against each other, and after they saw each other, they were both a little embarrassed and blushed and hugged each other.

“She heard their footsteps from a distance, but did not ask for the familiar scent of Chu Tian.

This is because Tian Tian killed too many zombies today, the blood of the zombies fell on him, covering up his smell, so he smells similar to the zombies.

“It’s okay.” Chu Tian smiled and stroked the head of Coconut Mongaard, he certainly does not care about this kind of things, rather Liu Menggaard can have such a sense of precaution makes him very happy.

“Honey, you’re back!” At this time Su Mei also came over and gave Chu Tian a hug, seeing Chu Tian come home safe and sound was the most happy thing for her.

“I stink, Mei’er. ” Chu Tian said with a smile, but still hugged Su Juan, the people in this room know his relationship with Su Mei, so there is no need to avoid it.

However, Su Yu is watching from afar, she saw Chu Tian back, should have been very happy, but I do not know why, see Chu Tian and Su Mei hug together he is not so happy.

And now she wants to, but also dare not go up to hug Chu Tian, can only watch from afar.

“Brother Chu Tian!” At this time, Ai Xin and Ai Yan also came up and hugged Chu Tian, but of course, only a shallow hug, just to celebrate Chu Tian’s safe return.

“The aunt is back but a great thing, hurry to report the master!” This time the old king sent a subordinate to go upstairs office to find the master, Su Ren is sitting there inventory of the Su family to support the security team of arms, arms but Tian in the base city of the foundation of the family, but the current base city is suffering a disaster, support the security team is also the Su family’s share of the work.

Su Ren people are old, look at a while to put down the presbyopic glasses to close their eyes, the Su family has recently been sheltered by the divine eagle, certainly because of the influence of Chu Tian, Su Ren for this point is still well aware of, he saw these arms, and remembered Chu Tian.

I wonder how Chu Tian, his good son-in-law, is doing….

Master”!” At this time, there was a knock at the door and a shout from Lao Wang.

“Come in.” Su Ren answered.

Old Wang pushed the door in, his face raised with a smile. Bending down to Su Ren said: “Master, the aunt is back, do you want to go down to see?

“Ru? Finally back, quick! I also go down to see!” Su Ren’s face also showed a look of joy, he immediately picked up the crutches, in the old Wang’s support out of the door, to go downstairs.

“Su Lao, I’m back.” Chu Tian saw Su Ren walking down, also hugged his fist, said.

……… is asking for flowers…

“It’s good to be back!” Su Ren walked up to Chu Tian, patted his shoulder, today he also listened to Su Mei said their experience these days, each experience makes Su Ren heart jump, although he has seen zombies, but since the base has not left the city, so do not know what the outside world is like. So Ren increasingly feel Chu Tian is an unfathomable person, so he must leave Chu Tian in the Su family.

“Good! Since we are now reunited as a family! Then, Master, I think we’ll eat!” Old Wang said with a smile next to him, today he is the back kitchen let prepared an extremely rich dinner, is since the end of the world since the Su family’s most extravagant meal.


“Good! Then let’s eat!” Su Ren also smiled, Chu Tian killed a day of zombies, must also be hungry.

After everyone went to the dining room, this time the table is more lively than before, unlike the previous only three people, this time there are Chu Tian, Su Mei, the two Ai sisters, and two monster girls and Su Ren Su Yu, the table is almost full, this is really the most lively Su family a time.

While the meal is still not ready, Chu Tian also went to take a shower, changed clothes, he did not want to eat with the stench of zombies, but then, Kidola is also killed a day zombies, back to human form, but her body is not a little stain, white and clean, as if nothing had happened.

Soon we began to eat, the meal is very good, is Chu Tian since the disaster to eat the most delicious meal, than when we left, eat the meal is still much better.

After eating the meal, we all want to rest, Su’s family has a lot of rooms, we can choose the room they want to live, Chu Tian is naturally and Su Mei a, they are also very long alone two people sleep together.

But at this time, outside the city gate.

“Look outside, there seems to be some kind of light.” The security member in charge of defense said to another member of the team.

“You’re looking at it wrong, there’s a group of that monster outside, how can there be a bright light.” Another team member yawned and didn’t care.

But after that, a huge fireball came crashing down on the city gates! It was,

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