175Chapter Crisis Lifted

175Chapter Crisis Lifted

Chu Tian plunged his Glacier Rift Sword into the ground fiercely, and ice blue crystals appeared on his forehead, which was the precursor of his intention to use the Cold Qi skill.

Soon, the monstrous cold air from Chu Tian’s body erupted, emanating out toward the zombies, the zombies contacted the cold air to the instant they all became ice sculptures, soon, the zombies in the zombie group immediately had a path of zombies turned into ice sculptures. The cold air also followed the ice sculpture road towards the gate of the city wall gate direction spread and go.

And the cold instantly condensed the original city gates, forming a huge ice gate at the location of the original gate, the ice gate is very thick, completely replacing the previous base city gate, the gate outside the zombies completely blocked.

” Chu Tian brother good ability ah. ” God Eagle saw Chu Tian and Balu beast performance, immediately smiled and gave Chu Tian a hug, he really felt lucky today, to meet Chu Tian back, otherwise this city gate is also very difficult to defend.

“It’s just a skill that’s not worth mentioning, it’s just a small skill.” Chu Tian clasped his fist and replied, he could hear that the divine eagle was now sincere in what he said, but still had to be modest.

“Then037 let’s solve all the zombies in this city together! ” the divine eagle shouted, the voice was as loud as the one that just flew up into the sky, and it resounded through the clouds.

The security guards around you saw the gates blocked, is also greatly encouraged, all of them are full of energy, ready to counterattack! This shout is like the horn of the counter-attack, let people’s blood boil.

The security guards raised their guns and charged at the zombies, who began to fall in large numbers, gradually piling up together to form a mountain of zombies.

The zombies are now completely surrounded, but no zombie will choose to retreat, the zombies are still towards the security team members to advance with teeth and claws, the zombies are not able to feel the ability to fear.

The security team gradually approaching forward, have the courage to face the zombies.

But this zombie group can still have a big problem, that is, the door hit a huge hole in the fourth-order steel zombie, the zombie’s defense ability than the flame zombie on a lot of strong, even rifle bullets have no way to penetrate the zombie (cfbj) steel like hard skin, and even only leave a small scratch, even a little scrape can not do.

The god eagle at this time to find the steel zombie, he cut a sword on the steel zombie, can easily cut the fourth-order wing-type zombie sword this time but not able to play, just in the steel zombie body left a shallow dent, as if the sword cut on top of the iron block.

The hand of the divine Eagle is shaken some slight pain, the sword cut in the zombie body will occur after the violent shaking, that shaking of course can feedback to the divine Eagle hand.

At this time, the steel zombie raised its fist, which suddenly turned into a huge hammer, and it violently smashed the hammer towards the divine eagle.

The speed of the divine eagle is naturally very easy to avoid the attack of the steel zombie, he immediately flashed to the side, dodging the fist of the steel zombie, and then beat the wings suspended in the air, dodging the hammer of the steel zombie that came horizontally after.

After the divine eagle again is a sword towards the steel zombie’s head, but the steel zombie is in the head formed a huge iron shield, the iron shield and blocked the divine eagle’s sword, the sword slash also did not cause damage to the steel zombie, but also just left a small mark.

God Eagle wipe the sweat on his head, the steel zombie hardness is somewhat out of his expectation, can crash through the city gate hardness, really is extraordinary.

But the god eagle but broke the sixth genetic lock of the strong, naturally will not be helpless against the fourth-order zombie, he closed his eyes, gripped his sword tightly, the sword in his hand also into the stronger breath, the strength of the sword also seems to be more.

The steel zombie, completely without any fighting ability, just a body harder iron block, it rushed very fierce, but there is no way to touch the divine eagle such a strong person after thousands of battles hammered out.

The god eagle opened his eyes, a dodge towards him to dodge the steel zombie, then a kick on it, kicked it to the distance, the zombie followed the fall, then the god eagle a sword slash to the steel zombie, this sword at first glance and before there is no difference, but the discerning can see that the power contained in it.

The sword cut through the air, almost rubbed with the air spark, straight to the body of the steel zombie, the steel zombie was struck, immediately produced a crack, then the crack began to slowly spread, and gradually shattered to the whole body of the steel zombie, soon, the zombie body issued a “clatter” sound, began to crack, the zombie Immediately shattered into many pieces of different sizes, and soon completely cracked, the crystal core in its belly also fell to the ground, emitting a faint gray fluorescence.

God Eagle walked over and gently picked up the steel zombie’s crystal core and received it in his pocket.

So far, the only two into the base city of the fourth-order zombies were solved, the remaining zombies are naturally very good solution, the divine eagle and Chu Tian into the zombie herd, is simply a chaotic kill, casually solve a large zombie.

Soon, the zombies at the entrance of the base city have been completely solved by Chu Tian and the security team people, the sky is now completely dark, this time we once again used the city gate above the headlights, illuminated the entrance area, we then light to solve all the zombies.

Now only the winged zombies in the base city is not solved, but at this time the city has been dark, not all homes have generators, so the base city has little light, people can not then light up the street zombies, the city only some powerful families have lights, the city can almost be said to be a dark, so in the city to deal with zombies is too difficult, only let everyone be prepared, Wait until tomorrow to solve it.

So far, the crisis of the base city has been completely solved, but the frozen city gates are not particularly safe, so people have to be sent to guard the door, the city gates are now a wall of vines and a wall in the defense, compared to the previous gate’s defensive capabilities are stronger than a few points it.

With this, the base city of this crisis has been completely solved, the number of dead and wounded is still not counted, but it can be predicted that it must be a very serious loss, but how to say that the base city also saved before coming again, is also considered a good thing.

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