177Chapter zombie attack again

177Chapter zombie attack again

The huge fireball smashed into the vine wall, the vine wall was immediately smashed open a large hole, then began to burn, and soon was slowly burned open a larger hole.

The entrance to the city was burning red, the guards could see the hideous faces of the zombies outside through the ice wall, which made the guards scared.

“Quickly, quickly go to report! ” said the security team members pushing another security team member in panic, another security team member immediately ran into the city and ran to the villa where God Eagle lived.

The security team member picked up his gun, in front of the ice wall to observe the situation outside, named him Gu Fei, usually is a person of great courage, which is why he dared to guard here, the general public see such a situation, has long been scared out of their wits.

Although he was a little panicked, but still able to calm “zero-thirty-seven” down, but not long, to meet him is another hellish scene.

A body burning with flame zombie came over, his body flame than today’s fourth-order flame zombie more Sheng, like the fire god from the volcano, it seems that just that huge fire ball is his work, soon, he stretched out his hands, in front of his body gathered a small fire ball, fire ball that continues to grow, slowly expanding into a huge fire ball, by the flame zombie raised overhead.

The zombie’s arm gently raised, the huge fireball smashed towards the ice wall, with the flow of hot flame, the huge fireball smashed on the ice wall, although the ice wall is very thick, the fireball did not immediately smash the ice wall, the fireball and the ice wall together, the ice wall began to gradually melt, but Chu Tian’s ice can not be so easy to melt, the fireball on the fire went out, the ice wall only melted a small half or so The ice wall continued to flow down the side of the water.

Gu Fei looked at the melting ice wall, some panic, but there is nothing he can do now, he can not get out, can only watch the ice wall melting a little.

After the flame zombie’s fireball went out, he raised his hand again and threw a smaller fireball, and after the fireball was thrown, he threw another one, and the fireball was thrown faster and faster, and the number of fireballs grew, gradually forming a dense meteor shower of flame.

Fireballs continue to smash on top of the ice wall, the ice wall began to have more and more dents, it looks like it will not be able to hold on.

At this time, the sound of the fireball smashing on top of the ice wall is also very loud, even louder in the quiet night, the entire base city can hear the sound of the fireball touching the ice wall.

People in the base city were woken up, everyone was panicking about the strange noise, but they didn’t dare to go out, because there were still an unknown number of winged zombies roaming around outside, and everyone could only sit on their beds and pray, and let themselves barely sleep.

“Mom, what’s going on out there?” A little girl sitting on the bed asked her mother beside her, her voice small and seemingly timid.

“It’s okay, it’s going to be okay.” The woman supported the little girl’s hair, said gently, her eyes full of tears, eyes are also very panic, but she can now only force to suppress their own trembling voice, slowly comforted the girl.

This is exactly the life in the base city, every family is in this situation, everyone is very afraid, very panic, but also have to comfort their own side of the people.

Chu Tian naturally also heard the sound outside, at this time he has made out with Su Mei, the two then lying on the bed, the loud noise can naturally attract their attention.

” Chu Tian!” there was a knock at the door.

“What’s wrong. ” Chu Tian immediately rolled out of bed, dressed, opened the door, a set of actions flowing.

After opening the door, she saw none other than Su Yu, her eyes looked towards the house and saw Su Mei lying on the bed with a quilt wrapped around herself.

“What is it, Sister Su Yu.” Chu Tian asked, this woman opened the door after a look into the house, but also did not speak.

“Aang, God Eagle sent someone over to ask you to go to the city gate for support, saying that the situation is very urgent. “Su Yu heard Chu Tian’s words, then reacted, she also hurriedly said to Chu Tian.

“Okay, I’ll go right away.” Chu Tian replied, then Su Yu left, and Chu Tian went inside to change his clothes.

“Are you leaving again? ” said Su Mei lying on the bed, her eyes a little sorrowful.

“Maybe there’s something wrong with the city gate, you heard the loud noise just now, I’ll be back as soon as possible.” Chu Tian kissed Su Mei’s forehead and explained to her….

“Well, you be safe and come back as soon as possible. “Su Mei said, reached out and hugged Chu Tian, also gave Chu Tian a kiss.

Then Tian Chu got dressed and turned around to leave.

He knocked on the door of the monster girls’ room, Kidola, Coconut Mungad and Baloo were sleeping in one room.

Ghidorah opened the door, rubbing her eyes, “What is it, master?”

Chu Tian saw Kidola immediately blood spurting a little, only to feel a burst of evil fire burning in the belly.

The reason is that now the Kidola is in a naked state, her wonderful punk body is in full view of Chu Tian.

“Eh…, why aren’t you wearing any clothes? Chu Tian was a little embarrassed, he had something important to do now, but Kidola was “seducing him” like this.

“Ah! Because sleeping with Yume, so do not like to wear clothes. “Kidola looked down at her body, then reacted, she and Yume Gade sleep together without clothes, the two monster girls do not like the feeling of clothes on the body.

“What’s wrong Kotora? “At this time, Coconut Mongaard heard the sound and also woke up, she walked to the door and stood next to Kidoula.

“Ah! Master! Do you want to come in and play?” Liu Mengjia smiled and pressed to Chu Tian’s ear, said softly, the voice was very charming, very seductive, her body fragrance also came to the surface, looked very tempting.

Looking at the two naked creatures in 1.9front of him, Chu Tian had some tears and laughter, he forced himself to restrain the urge to rush into the room and let himself calm down.

“Ahem, now there is an urgent matter, you two quickly put on clothes and follow me. ” Chu Tian cleared his throat, said, to achieve great things people can not be tempted by the immediate.

“Yes!” Liumengarde and Kidola two women heard Chu Tian’s words, is also immediately into the house dressed, open the door out.

As for the Balu beast that little guy, now is whirring and sleeping, there is no need to take her, Balu beast in the night is not the ability to move, so even if Tian wants to take her, she is not awake.

A few people said a word to the housekeeper, Old Wang, and left the Su family, heading in the direction of the gate.

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