167Chapter Eagle, sword up!

The first167 chapter should alas, the sword rises!

In an instant, Liumengarde came to the place where the gunshot occurred, where there was a soldier-like person with a long rifle, holding a wing-shaped zombie attack.

He clenched his teeth against the zombies in front of him, and those zombies opened their mouths wide, as if to bite the soldier’s head off, and its hands grabbed the soldier, who could only move his body backwards, but then his strength would be weakened.

The corpse has several blood holes in its body, and blood is constantly flowing out of it, every time it moves, more blood will flow out, it looks very seeping, if it is an ordinary person, at this time will certainly fall down because of excessive blood loss, but this is a corpse, will not fall down because of this injury.

It waved its huge wings, it seems to directly use their wings to fan the production “zero thirty-seven angry flow to push the soldier away, that wing flapping, gradually, the soldier is finally unable to support the huge pressure, he threw the gun to the side, the zombie was also used to the side.

The soldier immediately retreated backwards, but due to the confrontation just now, now has some physical exhaustion, so naturally is not the strength to get rid of the fast winged zombie.

The wings of the winged zombie flapped gently, and it arrived in front of the soldier, looking like it was about to grab the soldier.

But the zombie did not win, but suddenly flew to the distance, mounted on the wall, the wall hit a big hole.

“The… soldier looked at the zombie flying out, very surprised, but what surprised him more was to see the zombie flying away after the appearance of the red dress girl, the girl has a beautiful appearance, but also has a beautiful figure. In an instant, the soldier thought he had seen an angel.

“Are you okay?” Ryu Mungad asked, and showed a smile to comfort the soldier.

“You…. are you an angel! “The soldier stood up, and did not answer the question of coconut Mongaard, but stumbled and shouted, and I do not know whether it is the role of the sunset, he seemed to blush a little.

“Pfft…. what are you talking about?” Liumengarde laughed softly, her eyes curved into the shape of a nice crescent moon. Her temper is very good, if the person standing here now is Kidola, hearing such a reply will probably just slap the soldier in front of her.

Of course the greater likelihood is that Kidola will not even save the soldier.

“Nothing.” The soldier scratched his head, and his face was red.

“Do you know what’s going on here? How come all of a sudden there are walkers coming in.” Liu Menggaade asked, this is Chu Tian handed over to Coconut Menggaade thing, she must know what exactly happened in the base city.

“I don’t know much about the specific, just the day before yesterday a helicopter came here, after the continuous zombies to the city walls down, after the air those guys also came to the …young soldier’s expression showed a trace of fear, he pointed to the air suspended zombies, but did not dare to look up, it seems that this time the things that happened in the base city to make him very memorable.

Helicopters”? Where is that helicopter?” Liu Menggad immediately asked, listening to the soldier’s words, is a person will feel that the helicopter is not ordinary, right.

“This I do not know the …soldier again awkwardly scratching his head, “My name is Liu Tian, what is your name?” He began to introduce himself.

“My name is Dream, so do you know where that helicopter landed?” Liu Mengjia had to continue to ask, she was only concerned about the helicopter.

“I don’t know.” The sky Liu down measured Liu Menggaade, “Now this place is so dangerous, you a girl should not run around, why not and I

Liu Tian’s words have not yet finished, saw Liu Meng Gade fly up a palm towards him, Liu Meng Gade’s speed is very fast, naturally he was unable to dodge, so he had to close his eyes.

After a long time, he opened his eyes, Coconut Dream Plus is no longer in sight, he turned around, but saw another more shocking scene for him, his pupils tightened for a moment, jaws are going to fall on the ground.

He saw Liu Mengjia spread his wings, a light jump, and flew away directly in the air. There was a puddle of disgusting green liquid under her feet.

“It’s really an angel…” Liu Tian rubbed his eyes and whispered to the sky, then he picked up his gun and ran to the side to find a house to hide.

Coconut Dream Plus did not throw in the base city low altitude flight, looking for Liu Tian said the helicopter, but looking around there is nothing to find, but to deal with a lot of zombies, the base city is full of zombies, it seems that not all the zombies in the base city can not find the helicopter to solve…

Chu Tian stood outside the base city, looking at the group of zombies in the air, because the distance is very far, he could not see the distribution of zombies, only to see the dense many zombies, for why they hang in the air and not choose to go down, this is also Chu Tian confused, obviously a lot of people in the base city, go down for sure to be able to eat a meal.

The zombies outside the city have been attacking the gates of the base city, the scale of the zombies this time is much larger than the last time Chu Tian dealt with the tide of corpses, the gates of the base city should not last long.

This time, the zombies in the air have action, a few zombies flew to the city wall above the gate, they raised their hands, the air formed a few cyclones, cyclones together, but formed and the day the fifth-rank zombie used the same tornado!

The tornado is connected to heaven and earth, speeding towards the base city gate, the huge that the sound feels like it can destroy the sky and earth.


This time, the air rang a loud eagle alas, the sound is so loud and clear, almost can be said to resound through the clouds, eagle alas after, the air suddenly appeared a long gray-yellow, like the eagle wings of the man, he carried a long sword in his hand, fast approaching the zombies.

The first time I saw this, I was able to1.9 cut off the head of a corpse with each stroke of his sword. Soon, the heads of all the zombies by the city wall were cut off and fell to the ground, and the tornado in the air disappeared in that instant.

Although the tornado came close to the city walls and destroyed many houses, it did not threaten the gates inside the walls.

The man solved the zombie, quietly hanging in the air, looking beyond the walls of Chu Tian’s hiding place, and towards which he raised his longsword.

“He can see me?” Chu Tian looked in surprise at the person hanging above the wall, the distance was too far for him to see who it was, but he knew that the other party was able to see him, and the raised longsword seemed to be a signal to him.

While Chu Tian was thinking about this, Coconut Mongaard flew back and came to his side.

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