168Chapter Kill into the base city

168Chapter Kill into the base city

“Meng, can you see the man on the wall?” Chu Tian asked, he naturally can’t see, but Liu Mengjia is certainly no problem.

“Can ah, that is the master you saw the other day the man. “Coconut Mongaard took a look at the man on the wall and turned back to reply to Chu Tian.

“I have seen the person?” Chu Tian was even more puzzled, but looking at the other party’s movements, it was indeed directed at himself.

“Yes, it’s the one called God Eagle!” Liu Mengga De took another look, more sure, “Although the wings grew, but I still remember him.

It turns out that “it’s him, it’s really someone who has broken the sixth or more genetic lock, a few swords cut a few fourth-order zombies.” Chu Tian muttered, “What is the situation in the base city?” He continued to ask, this is the immediate priority.

“There are walkers all over the city, but they all seem to be winged walkers only, no other walkers have entered the city yet.” Liumengarde stated her findings.

She just walked away from the side of Liu Tian is ,25also in the city after a few circles, although not to find the location of the helicopter, but also the base city’s situation to see a general.

“And it’s said that there are a lot of some strange things about this zombie invasion.” Liu Mengjia has to say a word, the helicopter thing she is certainly also to tell Chu Tian.

“What’s strange? ” Chu Tian asked.

Then Coconut Mongaard told Chu Tian about the helicopter mentioned by Liu Tian, that helicopter had always concerned her. Unfortunately, it was never found.

Helicopters”?” Chu Tian muttered a sentence, he is aware that there are several helicopters in the base city, the helicopters will certainly not have any problems, so could it be that the helicopters carry over things, Chu Tian thought of here, also lost any clue, can attract zombies things, he is also unheard of.

“It seems that after we go into the base to the city to figure it all out. ” Chu Tian held his chin, said in a small voice, the base city was under siege this thing there are too many strange things.

“But how are we going to get in?” Su Mei on the side asked, looking at the zombies on the walls of the base city, her legs got a little soft.

Chu Tian is now also struggling with this matter, facing so many zombies, and also with Ai Xin Ai Yan and Su Mei, want to go in together with the difficulty is really too big.

“Dream, can you fly with people?” Chu Tian asked, the coconut Mengade now for the mastery of flight has also been very good, just have not seen her with people other than Balu beast into the sky, so not sure if she can bring the three girls into the city.

Although Kidola can fly with people, but the target is too large, will attract the attention of the zombies in the air, and with a human state of Kidola is also very difficult to fight in the air, so there will be some danger, Chu Tian does not want to take the risk.

“I can try.” Liu Mengjia had to answer, she was not sure, after all, had not tried.

“Then try it. Take Ai Xin to try first.” Chu Tian pointed to the side of Aixin, she should be the lightest of the three girls, start with the lightest first.

“Good.” Liu Mengjia won a cry, then immediately came to the side of Aixin, with hands to hold her arms, with her gradually ascending.

She took Ai Xin in the air and slowly circled around, found no problem, and landed next to Chu Tian.

“No problem master, it should be fine.” Liu Mengjia said with a smile, can help Chu Tian work, is the most happy thing she can do.

Then Tian Tian also let the coconut Mongaard try to try to bring up Ai Yan and Su Mei, were able to successfully bring up.

Since they can be brought up, Chu Tian let Coconut Mongaard take them one by one to the base city to find a safe place to settle down first.

Because according to the previous investigation of the coconut Mungad, the Su family is not in danger for the time being, because the door of the Su family is closed, and no one goes out, the zombies will not pay attention to whether there are people inside.

Coconut Dream Plus has to first take Su Mei flew back to the Su family, because the people of the Su family in addition to Su Mei and Chu Tian had not seen others, Su Mei first back on a better explanation.

“Well, we’re here Su Juan sister.” The flight speed of Liu Mengga De is naturally very fast, a few minutes from the outside of the city to fly to the courtyard of the Su family, and are hiding behind the house at low altitude flight, almost did not attract the attention of zombies.

“Mm-hmm. “Su Mei responded, landed on the ground, then walked towards the entrance of the villa, this villa she knows, before also came to live a few times, so it is quite familiar.

She came to the door and found it locked, so she knocked again.

“Who is it?” A gruff man’s voice came from the door, but it was small.

“I am Su Mei. “Su Mei revealed her identity.

“Wait, let’s go report it. “The gruff male voice came again.

So Su Mei had to stand outside the door and wait patiently, and Liu Mengjia also stood by her side, and she would only leave when she saw Su Mei safely inside.

Not long after, there were a lot of footsteps coming from the door, and the door of the room was opened.

The moment the door opened, ushered in is a big hug, it is from Su Yu’s.

Mei’er”, you can come back. “Su Yu in hugging Su Mei softly said, the voice is a little choked, eyes covered with tears.

Originally because of this a hug some shock Su Mei heard this voice, is also immediately relaxed 037,her mood is also very excited, there are many words want to say, and finally she slowly raised her arms, hugged Su Yu tightly.

“Yes, Sister Su Yu, I’m back. “Su Mei close to Su Yu’s ear, said softly.

“Quickly into the house.” After hugging for a while, Su Yu remembered that the outside is very dangerous, hastily pulled Su Mei into the house, after entering the house, Su Mei immediately saw on the hanging crutches looking at them Su Ren.

The man was much older than she thought, his head was covered with white hair, and there was a cane in his hand.

“Dad, I’m home!” Su Mei shouted, ran over and hugged Su Ren.

“It’s good to be back! “Su Ren trembling to catch Su Mei, old tears.

At this time, the coconut dream has quietly disappeared, she has to go back to pick up Ai Xin and Ai Yan it.

Soon, the coconut Mongaard sent Ai Xin and Ai Yan also sent to the Ai family, Ai family people see Liu Menggaard body grew wings, are also very surprised, but once you think of the divine eagle is also able to give birth to wings, so there is no doubt about it.

After sending the three girls away, she returned to Chu Tian’s place, and Chu Tian took this time to study the distribution of the zombies.

Master”, how do we get in?” Kedora asked after Lyumogard returned.

“Let’s kill it in!”

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