166Chapter Base City Catastrophe

166Chapter Base City Catastrophe

Chu Tian’s memory is very clear, there is a place in front of the highway here was destroyed, resulting in no way to drive the car past, not far from here, even in front of their camping place today can still see the traces of the time to come to live here.

A night quickly passed, the next day when the sun came out, Balu beast jumped out of the tent, soaking up the sun, Kidola is yawning, after last night she realized that the vigil is not something interesting, the whole night is very boring, almost nothing, only occasionally there will be zombies passing by.

“Good morning, Xiaola. “Not long after, Chu Tian out of the tent, looking outside yawning Kidola, is helplessly smiled, said hello, this girl had to fight to keep watch, there is no way.

Kidola is not a natural wild beast like Coconut Mungad, her ability to stay up late is still very general.

“Did something happen yesterday?” Chu Tian asked, a customary question.

Nothing special except “this pile. “Kidola yawned again and pointed to a pile of winged remains on the ground next to him, about a dozen of them, all piled up together in a half-human high “mountain”.

“These are all the ones that flew over last night?” Chu Tian asked in surprise, not expecting so many zombies to fly over after the fourth-order zombie during the day.

“Yes. ” replied Kidola, catching winged walkers was the only fun Kidola had this night.

“Are they all flying in the direction of the base city?” Chu Tian immediately asked, this is currently his greatest concern, if all the zombies are heading towards the base city, it is still very dangerous – dangerous.

“Yes, all in the same direction as that zombie during the day. “Kidola nodded, and her brow furrowed, although she felt that the base city of those who died did not matter, but since it was Chu Tian cared about people, she also reluctantly cared about it.

When asked, the girls in the tent also got up, they came out of the tent, smiled at the outside Chu Tian.

Everyone”, we have to hurry up today. ” Chu Tian said loudly, clapped his hands, got everyone’s attention, today if we can find that car, it is estimated that we will be able to reach the base city at night.

He gave everyone a little bit of food, everyone ate and went on the road, did not sit and eat like the other days and then go on the road, they also know that the situation is really a bit of a crisis.

The girls jumped on the road, they ate well in the past few days, rested well, so the whole way to catch up quickly.

It didn’t take long for Chu Tian to discover the place where they had lived when they came here, and to find traces of their previous camping, which meant that the luxury car was not far away, which lifted the spirits of Chu Tian’s group and gave them more motivation to move forward.

Soon, we found the luxury car placed there before, the side of the car is full of dust, but there is no damage, which means that the car, can continue to drive!

“Everyone on board!” Chu Tian clapped his hands and arranged for everyone to get on the car, they now have six people, sitting in this car will be a little crowded, but fortunately the girls are relatively thin, so they can still sit well in the car.

Chu Tian drove the car, all the way to the direction of the base city, the car’s speed is fast, if this highway is not damaged by anything, soon you can reach the base city before the end of the world, and then follow the road in the city back to the base city.

Along the way, Chu Tian found a more strange phenomenon, that is, they simply did not encounter any zombies along the way! The zombies that were hanging around here before have disappeared! Even the neighborhood where Ai Xin and Ai Yan’s home is located, originally experienced a wave of zombies, there will certainly be a lot of zombies there.

But this journey is a zombie are not seen, which almost let people feel zombies are gone, the end of the world did not come feeling. Even the ordinary and second-order zombies that are usually seen everywhere are not seen, you know that also zombies here is more common than the summer flies also creatures, but the whole day but have not seen.

“Why is there not a single zombie today?” Sitting in the passenger side of the Su Mei asked a question, even she found all this road strange place.

“Maybe we’re luckier.” Ai Yan smiled reluctantly, she also knew that it was impossible, but still answered Su Mei, trying to ease the silence. And she saw Chu Tian’s tightly locked brow through the mirror on the driver’s seat, and she knew that this matter must not be simple.

Request flowers …………

“That’s really good…” Su Mei obviously also noticed that the current atmosphere is not too much, so replied a sentence also did not say more.

The sky is getting dark, they will also soon reach the base city, so they simply do not rest, want to reach the base city in one breath.

But before arriving at the base city, a scene that made everyone’s eyes open wide and very shocked appeared in front of everyone.

It was like an apocalyptic scene, countless zombies lying outside the walls of the base city, the base city is also a war of fire, and hundreds of winged zombies suspended in the sky above the base city.


Along with the dusk sunset, this is simply a hellish scene, dense zombies surrounded the base city surrounded a watertight, the base city will also be a lot of gunfire, seems to be happening in this fierce battle.

Chu Tian did not drive the car directly to the base city walls, because it is simply impossible to drive past. He just parked the car in a small forest, which is a former landscape forest outside the base city.

“Meng, you go check the situation. “After parking, everyone quickly got off, Chu Tian yelled loudly to Liu Mengjia, because the sound of gunfire in this city is really too big, so there is no way to hear normal speech.

“Okay!” Liumengard nodded, and gave birth to her wings, flying towards the base city.

She took off quickly, and landed quickly in the base city, extremely fast, like a gust of wind, without attracting the attention of any zombie.

She landed on the ground and quietly observed the situation around her, and found that the city was already full of zombies, only they were all winged zombies, and they were chasing people everywhere, and people were fleeing everywhere, shouting and shrieking, but they were all drowned out by the sound of gunfire.

She quickly ran forward, unfolded her wings in low altitude flight, speed is also extremely fast, she came to the nearest place where the gunfire occurred. She came to the nearest place where the shots were fired,

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