165Chapter ominous premonition

165Chapter ominous premonition

This night is also nothing special happened, just Chu Tian solved a few ordinary and second-order zombies, said, now is really second-order and third-order zombies everywhere, ordinary zombies have become a bit of a rare species, the number of encounters this night is not as much as the second-order zombies.

Time soon came to the morning, the people woke up to pack up and continue to set off, every day to eat a walk, and can also walk while eating Chu Tian snacks from the supermarket, the speed of the crowd is not at all fast, almost can be said to be walking, which makes life pleasant a few points.

Anyway, they are not in a hurry to go back, slowly walk rather than too tired, tired to rest, do not want to walk also rest, kill the zombies, it is because of this speed, they walked the next day the distance is very short, almost only left the city behind a little, and even see the city’s tall buildings.

But it does not matter, Chu Tian as a few girls travel together, before the end of the world has not had this experience, really travel with a beautiful woman, how will not be tired! This is Chu Tian’s summary of experience.

The second day of the vigil is Coconut Dreamer, she is very worried about Chu Tian’s spirit and health, so the first day on the vigil, but Chu Tian did not let, the 037second day, what also has to be her vigil, she is the most like the night action in the crowd, after all, before the transformation is a snake, has very good night vision, in the night can also see things, and Coconut Dreamer sleep at night also. It will not be unhinged, but it is the perfect candidate for night watch!

Chu Tian night is also a good night’s sleep, a few people can watch the night only Kidola, Coconut Dream Plus and him, Ai two sisters did not and Su Mei night will affect their spirit the next day, as for the Balu beast, she arrived at night there is absolutely no action, it can be said that as long as the sky is dark, the Balu beast began to sleepy, eyelids are difficult to open again.

On the contrary, as soon as the sun comes out, the Balu beast will jump out to meet the sun, she seems to like the sun, probably because the Balu beast is a monster related to plants, plants like sunlight is also very normal.

The next night there is no matter, the people have slept a good sleep, Ai family two sisters to be able to sleep well every day to eat a full life is very satisfied, so these days every day with a smile, belong to the girls of youthful vitality also seems to return to them, sometimes in the (cfbj) evening, the people sitting next to the fire, two sisters will give everyone singing, dancing or something, I have to say, Ai Xin and The two sisters also are really versatile, just like the dancers on TV.

Soon, a new day dawned and everyone started a new day’s journey.

There is no special thing in the morning, the people are laughing and joking on the walk, occasionally coconut dream plus will also go to the air to fly a circle, as a fun project.

But by noon, the sky is a shadow flying over, the shadow of the speed is very fast, just a moment from the top of the crowd flew past, but Tian Tian still saw it.

If Chu Tian is correct, that is exactly a winged zombie.

“Dreamy, go and shoot it down. ” Chu Tian said to the coconut Mongaard beside him.

“Okay.” Liu Mengga answered a sentence, even Chu Tian saw it, how could it escape her eyes! She noticed the winged zombie early, and did not move just waiting for Chu Tian’s order.

Coconut Dreamcast immediately stretched out his wings and flew after the zombie, while Chu Tian and others continued to move forward.

In a short while, the coconut Mongaard flew back with the remains of the zombie.

Chu Tian took out the crystal nucleus from its abdomen, after these days of exercise, Chu Tian has become a skilled worker to take out the crystal nucleus, and can take out the crystal nucleus from the body of the zombie in a few seconds.

“Fourth-order Sky Crystal Core”

The moment you take out the crystal core, the system’s voice comes through.

Hearing the system’s voice, Chu Tian was shocked, he did not think that just passing by a zombie, but is the fourth order!

And what makes Chu Tian even more uneasy is that just now he looked up and saw the direction of the zombie flight, which seemed to be exactly towards the base city! An ominous feeling rose in Chu Tian’s heart, he just felt a chill down his spine.

“Little dream, you immediately fly back to the base city, see what is the situation there. Remember to come back and tell me.” Chu Tian said, the reason why this kind of thing let Liu Mengga De come, is because Mengga De can fly in human form, very light, and not to scare others.

“Okay master. “Coconut Mongaard nodded and answered, and immediately flew away, according to her flight speed, it only took an hour or two to fly to the base city.

We “also need to speed up, now to start full speed ahead!” Chu Tian said to the women behind him, he remembered that a place in front of him put the luxury car previously driven from the Ai family district, with that car will be able to get to the base city within a day.

“What’s going on?” Su Juan walked over and took Chu Tian’s arm and asked.

“This zombie seems to be flying towards the base city” Chu Tian said his guess, even if the zombie is not going to the base city, as long as they pass in the vicinity of the base city, it is easy to find the base city, so large human gathering place, in the air is naturally visible at a glance.

“I have a bad feeling, we need to get back to the base city as soon as possible. ” Chu Tian went on to say, he hoped his hunch was wrong, but it wouldn’t do any harm to get back to the base city soon.

“Good, then let’s go!” The women behind us also responded, and we all quickened our pace and began to hurry.

Two and a half hours later, Yumengard came back.

“Master, nothing happened in the base city, except that I saw a few more of those flying guys along the way, but they were all taken out by me.” Liu Mengjia said with her head down, she also began to feel that things were a little strange.

“Nothing, then why would there be zombies flying around there? ” Chu Tian touched his chin, can not guess the reason, but as soon as possible to return to the base city is always good, a little peace of mind, we are still in a rapid rush.

The third night and after a night without incident, this night’s vigil is Kidola, she saw a few days before the Coconut Mungad and Chu Tian fight for the vigil, the thing is also interested in the vigil, so take the initiative to ask for the vigil.

Since that was the case, Chu Tian couldn’t refuse her, so he let Kidola keep watch. But this should be the last day to spend the night outside, and if his memory is correct, he will find the luxury car tomorrow!

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