162Chapter flame reinforcement!

162Chapter flame reinforcement!

“This is Chu Tian looked at the changes Liu Mengjia has produced, widened his eyes, she clearly has a complete pair of wings below, and a pair of not so complete wings, the pair of wings is very small, flapping is also followed by the wings above, can not see what use.

Only the color of the two small wings and the two pure white feathers above are different, but a light red, like the color of the red dress of Imengard at this time, the small wings also emit a faint red light, and there are some patterns on the upper side.

“Two pairs of wings!” Chu Tian saw this scene, he could not help but think of the legendary angels, the higher the level of the angel, the most wings on the back, if memory serves, the most should have eight or four pairs of wings! If the wings of Liu Mengjia “zero thirty-seven” can evolve like an angel, then it would be too powerful!

Think about the eight wings of the coconut Menggaade, that look with the wings, really is probably a fairy in the sky it!

“Can I fly now?” Chu Tian asked a question, because since the wings came out, it means that Coconut Dreamcast should be able to fly now, so let’s try the effect of this strengthening!

“Okay!” Liu Mengga, like an excited little girl, immediately nodded and turned around and jumped down the building and disappeared. But soon, she reappeared in the line of sight, and showed a big smile to the people sitting in the building, along with the golden sunlight at sunset, this scene is really like a dream, let Chu Tian feel that he is not in a dream.

Otherwise how can see such a beautiful scene! He now only feel that the coconut Mengga in front of him is a real angel, is the kind of angel that appeared in the previous movie animation!

Chu Tian looked to the side, Su Mei’s eyes also brightened up, she looked fascinated outside the coconut Mengade, not blinking, no girl will not long for such a scene, and no girl will not imagine themselves as the scene of the angel, but in this scene, the angel is not her.

But she is not so jealous, more or envy, after all, that the sun is too beautiful.

“Too beautiful …Su Mei spit out these three words, for her now, only these three words can represent her mood, all the world to describe the beauty of the beauty of the sentence here will feel too long, only these three words, is the most real heart of people see the beautiful things written.

Su Mei is a rich girl, naturally, has been to many places, seen a lot of beautiful scenery, she has seen Tokyo’s Mount Fuji, seen South America’s rainforest, seen the Northeast’s snow country, also seen the European churches, but all the people called “the most beautiful” scene, are not as shocking as the one in front of you.

In the dusk of the broken wall, the beautiful angel suspended in the air, smiling at people, this is simply the picture of the Bible, if possible, Su Mei really want to use the camera to record this scene.

Chu Tian saw Su Mei’s eyes, smiled, and turned his face to the outside, at this time Liu Mengjia has begun to test the wing enhancement, she flew around east and west, Chu Tian can clearly see that her speed than before a lot faster, for steering and lift-off stability has also strengthened a lot.

After flying for a while, Coconut Mongaard came back, and she nodded to Tian with satisfaction, showing a smile, that smile is full of pride.

After finishing the enhancement test, Chu Tian looked at Kidola, who was holding the crystal core Chu Tian gave her and hadn’t absorbed it yet.

“You also quickly absorb the crystal nucleus ah small pull. ” Chu Tian said with a smile, this girl does not know what to do, so long has not absorbed the crystal nucleus.

The first thing you need to do is to take a look at the crystal nucleus, which is still in her arms, and blush instantly.

After absorbing the crystal nucleus, can see a faint red fluorescence on the body of the Kidola, it is and the crystal nucleus is almost the same color, but after the end of absorption, but did not find the Kidola have any changes.

“How is it?” Chu Tian asked, the change in Kidola will certainly not be as straightforward and subjective as the wings of Coconut Mungad, so it is still necessary for Kidola himself to feel.

“Well… Kidola thought for a moment, then closed his eyes and felt it, “do not feel any change…

Chu Tian was disappointed by her next answer.

Kidola is also very disappointed, if I had known it was like this, I might as well have kept the core, I can still keep it as a treasure!

Chu Tian clasped his arm and thought about the reason for the lack of change, Kidola absorbed the fire crystal nucleus, which should logically strengthen Kidola’s flame.

“Xiaola, you try to spray fire. ” Chu Tian could not figure out what it was, so he tried to say.

Kidola would not disobey Chu Tian’s request, so she gently inhaled and then exhaled flame into the air, something she was very skilled at.

But then she and Chu Tian did pupils tighten, and then a smile.

Because the flame that Kidola spat out was more vibrant and dense than before, it looked like the purity of the flame should have increased. The temperature of Kidola’s flame now should be higher than before, and the moment he spat out the flame, he could clearly feel a heat wave coming through.

“My flame seems to be different. “Kidola is surprised, her own flame she is still very familiar with, before certainly not like this, the previous flame temperature is lower than the current one, and not so bright, Kidola almost melted the wall in front, before the flame can only do scorching only.

“That’s right, it should be the precision has improved.” Chu Tian stood up and said what he had in mind, he carefully1.9 thought about the flames of Kidola before, the duration of the flames was sufficient, the control of the flames was also strong, and there was almost nothing that could be enhanced.

The only thing that Tian Tian can think of is the flame that was thrown out by the zombie before, that little fireball doesn’t seem to have much, but it has a very pure concentration, and that’s exactly why its fireball has great power.

So the moment she saw the flame of Kidola, Chu Tian understood that this fifth-order crystal nucleus to strengthen not Kidola’s body or skills, only her flame, so she could not feel the evolution of what place.

But the evolution of the flame is more precious than any other enhancement, the flame can greatly strengthen the combat ability of Kidola, and will accompany her in all stages.

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