161Chapter Five Order Crystal Cores

161Chapter Five Order Crystal Cores

After the tornado dissipated, the fifth-ranking zombie raised its hand again, looking like it wanted to gather strength again, but its actions have been so obvious, how could Kidola and Coconut Mongaard give it this opportunity.

The Ketorah instantly came to its front, a bite on one of its hands. The zombie immediately force, want to break free from the Kidola, but the Kidola dead bite its arm, if the zombie want to break free, it can only break their own arm, but the zombie’s instincts let it will not do so, so it Kidola dead bite.

Kildora and stretched out his other head, and then bite the zombie’s other arm, and finally the middle head will bite it to death, but Kildora does not want to do so, she does not want to bite the rotten zombie’s head.

This time, Coconut Dream Gad came over to help her relief, Coconut Dream Gad went around to the back of the zombie, a palm slapped the zombie’s back, the momentum of the palm is very fierce, Coconut Dream Gad’s hand is also entangled with green poison gas, after the palm, the zombie’s back appeared a deep green – palm marks.

The zombie skin of the naked eye turned green, and also entwined with a light – faint green vapor.

In the moment of this slap to the zombie’s body, Kidola loosened her mouth and retreated to the side, the poisonous gas of Coconut Mangald but even she did not dare to touch.

The zombie just stood in place without movement, its body began to soften, the poison gas from its skin slowly seeped out, forming a green gas, the zombie wrapped in the inside.

The fifth-order zombie began to slowly decay, and its decay speed is also very slow, but because the concentration of poison this time is very deep, so the decay speed before and the fourth-order zombie almost similar.

The Balu beast on the shoulder of the Coconut Mangald also stretched out his hand, vines elongated, slowly twisted in the air, and finally formed a huge ball of vines, wrapped in the zombies and the outside of the gas mass, this is to prevent the spread of poison gas, the spread of this concentration of poison gas is very frightening.

“This group of little ones is not bad. ” Chu Tian looked at what was happening outside, Chu Tian said with a smile, he was very satisfied with the performance of the three monster girls today, it seems that they have been able to take charge of their own.

“Yeah, they’re great!” Su Juan on the side is a thumbs up and nodding, she saw this level of combat for the first time today, she was surprised and excited to see Chu Tian’s monsters have such strength, she was very relieved.

But on the one hand, there is also a little bit of loss, she looked at the two standing figures in the air, and thought of their looks and body are stronger than their own. This makes Su Mei very sad, women, for this kind of all-round better than their own people will inevitably be mixed feelings. Not to mention that they and themselves also belong to the same man.

While the zombie in the air was rotting in the vine ball, Kidola’s three mouths opened at the same time, and three hot rays shot out of her mouth at the same time, and the three rays converged to form a thicker ray, which went straight through the huge vine ball, and just through the body of the zombie.

Coconut dream of Gad at this time retracted the poison gas, Balu beast also retracted the vine ball, the full appearance of the zombie has been revealed, its body skin completely rotten, only the appalling white bones left.

But its wings really did not decay, after the gas and laser, the wings really did not suffer any damage, still as just now, the pattern on the wings emitted a strange bright light. This is also the reason why this zombie was attacked in this way, but still hanging in the air.

The internal organs were mostly decayed, only the heart was missing, because the heart was melted away when the laser rays of the Kidola penetrated. Only in the abdomen there are two shining things, that is the crystal nucleus, white and red fluorescence between the two kinds of light reflected in the air, there is a strange sense of beauty.

The Balu beast released the vine and took out the crystal core from the zombie and held it in her hand. She laughed happily and jumped on the shoulder of the coconut Mungad.

“Call it a day!” Liumengarde clapped his hands, and at this time the light on his back wings flashed, “Ah! Time’s up.” The first thing you need to do is to get your hands on the vines, and then you’ll be able to get your hands on the vines.

Kidola looked at the two people in a hurry, smiled and the two people flew back, back to the house into the human appearance.

Master”, give you the crystal nucleus!” Baru beast put the two crystal nuclei into Chu Tian’s hand, said with a smile, it looks like she has little interest in these two crystal nuclei.

…… request flowers ……

Chu Tian smiled and took the crystal nucleus, which can be the thing he wants most now. But I didn’t expect this zombie to have two crystal nuclei, it seems that this is also the reason why it can use two abilities.

“[Fifth-order sky crystal core] [Fifth-order flame crystal core”

The system’s voice sounded at the same time, Chu Tian observed the two crystal nuclei, these two crystal nuclei than the third- and fourth-order crystal nuclei, there are more patterns on the top, but not quite the same as the patterns on the wings of that fifth-order sky zombie.

It is estimated that this is another pattern.

At this time, the wings of Liu Mengjia is also retracted, her wings time is up, after eating so many crystal nuclei, the existence of the wings has been extended to four hours.


The three hours is exactly the time that Coconut Mangald women and corpses fighting, now the day has come to the evening, the sunset light has been sprinkled on the faces of the people.

“This is for you!” Chu Tian handed the sky crystal nucleus to Liu Mengga De, believing that after eating this crystal nucleus, her ability should be able to be extended to long enough.

Coconut Mongaard smiled and took the crystal nucleus, looking in a great mood. These days Chu Tian had given her almost all the crystal nucleus, which also made her happy, and she thought it was a preference of Chu Tian.

“This is for you! ” Chu Tian also threw the flame crystal nucleus to Kidola, her flame ability, if it can be strengthened, it is also very effective for the improvement of combat power.

“Thank you, master.” Kidola carefully took the crystal nucleus, put it in her arms and felt the temperature on the nucleus, because she had not received a crystal nucleus from Tian since the coconut Mungad was hatched.

So the two girls absorbed their crystal nuclei first, also as a break from the previous battle, Coconut Dream Plus absorbed the nuclei, the body of the wings immediately reappeared, which of course is not Coconut Dream Plus let it out, but the effect of absorbing the fifth-order fifth-order crystal nuclei.

Coconut dream to add that already large wings, and then this time after the appearance, but also extended a few points, and that under the wings, and a pair of small wings! The first one is a pair of wings,

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