163Chapter Follow-up events

163Chapter Follow-up events

After hearing Chu Tian’s words, Kidola was also very satisfied with her new flame, she raised her finger and a small flame appeared on it, the flame jumped, like a naughty pet, and tried to go upwards, Kidola looked at the deep red flame and was very happy.

“Thank you so much, Master! ” Kidola shouted to Tian, and her joy could be heard from her voice.

Chu Tian smiled, seeing his monsters evolve, he was happy, a little more than strengthening himself. At this time Chu Tian seems to have remembered something, he suddenly looked at the door of the room that was not destroyed.

“Ahem, you guys come out, things have been solved. “He only remembered at this time to let the two sisters of the Ai family not to come out of the words before.

After Chu Tian’s words, the door of the two Ai sisters’ room was slowly pushed open, and the two people slowly showed their heads to observe a glance, and then walked out.

“What just happened?” Ai Yan asked gently, saying that she may be the oldest here Chu Tian Chu Tian to. The sight in front of her still took her by surprise, the whole wall opposite the outside25 had almost been destroyed, the only thing left on the wall was a huge hole, can’t even say it was a hole, the whole wall had disappeared.

“As you can see.” Chu Tian shrugged with a smile and replied: “The zombies came back to attack us in the morning, and now it’s over.” He sounded very normal, as if he had taken care of a few ordinary zombies.

“The amount… of all the zombies are solved? “Ai Xin asked in a small voice, if she remembered correctly, the morning zombies are covering the sky, covered the entire sky, that kind of countless number of zombies, really can be solved in so many hours?

They are in the house is able to see just a part of the scene in the air, but only a small part, so they did not see just most of the battle picture, just heard a variety of explosions, they are also based on the sound to determine the situation outside the battle.

Even so, they were still worried about Chu Tian’s comfort, and it was only when Chu Tian called out to them and saw that Chu Tian and everyone else were safe and sound that they were completely relieved.

“Are you all okay?” The two Ai sisters went to Chu Tian’s side and looked at everyone in the room with concern and asked, although they had seen Chu Tian take care of a large number of zombies before, they still had to ask a question to feel at ease.

“It’s okay! “Baru beast stood up and said loudly, everyone in the room saw the lively little Baru beast and all of them laughed out loud.

“Well, now it’s almost dark, we should look for a new place to live, now this place is definitely not available, and low on the zombie crystal cores I also want to recover, so there are a lot of things to do before dark.” Chu Tian stood up and clapped his hands, and gave everyone something to talk about afterwards.

“And with all the noise this place just made, it’s sure to attract a lot of walkers as well.” Liumengarde added.

“So Dream, you go find a place to stay tonight, and if there’s nothing wrong, we’ll leave here tomorrow.” Chu Tian began to arrange the work of everyone present.

“Yeah.” Liu Mengjia answered and jumped out of the building and flew off into the distance, now comfortable with her ability to fly.

“Xiaola you are here to protect their safety, I and Balu go to recover the zombies crystal cores!” Chu Tian said with a smile, now there must be a lot of zombies in the vicinity, so we can’t let Su Juan and the two Ai sisters go out, so only Chu Tian and Balu beasts go out to recover the zombies. Chu Tian does not want to give up so many crystal cores for nothing.

Kidola will have to stay here to protect them, she just fought for so long, it’s good to rest.

In this way, Chu Tian and Balu beast also and Liu Mengade the same, jumped out of the building, Balu beast with vines wrapped around the protruding things upstairs, the two so step by step jumped down the building.

But only so walk downstairs, because now the outside of the house must be full of zombies, open the door to go out, then there will be unnecessary trouble, to come to the bottom of the battle site also need to take a detour, that is not as convenient as this.

Although there are still a lot of zombies down there, but Chu Tian casually solved, wing-type zombie drop location is still considered relatively concentrated, so collect it is still very convenient.

The two of them just collected slowly, and it didn’t take long for Lyumengarde to come back, she found a house suitable for them to stay there tonight.

After informing Chu Tian, Coconut Mongaard also began to help cell phone crystal nucleus, the speed of the three people is faster, before the sun went down, they finished the collection of crystal nucleus.

After that, Tian Tian and the beast and the coconut dream of the Gard together from the door into the building, because anyway, after coming out also need to clean up, so now together to clean up.

After clearing the walkers, the two teams met successfully, and they left the building to go to the residence they had found in Coconut Dreamcast, which was not close to here, and they walked for about an hour before they arrived at the residence. During the period also met a lot of zombies, but are not considered to be any trouble, but now is the meeting of all the war power of Tian together, it can be said that there is no zombie 037can help them.

That is also a very luxurious residence, the structure and the previous house is similar, there are also three rooms, so the allocation of rooms also according to last night.

In the evening, in order to reward everyone for their hard work during the day, Su Mei gave everyone her best cooking, for this reason when they left, but also specially let Chu Tian take the gas tank with them, before that house of dishes and meat naturally will not be spared.

In this way, everyone had a beautiful meal, and the fatigue from the daytime battle and the rush was swept away. In the evening, Chu Tian and Su Mei chatted about the day, Su Mei suddenly felt that there is nothing wrong with such a life now, there is nothing around the people you do not know, as if the world is their own.

Chu Tian also thinks so, the end of the world in turn gave him the opportunity, but if there is a chance, he still wants to get rid of these zombies, leading everyone to escape from the end of the world, of course, that is a long time later.

Chu Tian also gave all the sky crystal nuclei to Liu Mengjia, just strengthened her wings and flight ability, the fifth-order sky crystal nuclei brought for the strengthening of the flight time is not so much.

Finally, after absorbing all the third- and fourth-order sky crystal cores, Liu Mengjia was finally able to use her wings all day long, and her pair of small wings grew out!


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