160Chapter against five zombie class!

160Chapter against the fifth-order zombie!

After one of the heads of the Kidola bit the fifth-ranked zombie, the other two heads also bit over, to tear the body of the fifth-ranked zombie fiercely, but at this time, the body of the fifth-ranked zombie is bursting out of the flame, the fifth-ranked zombie like burning covered with flame, the flame will also flow in the body, gradually formed a flame armor in the zombie body, the flame emits the hot breath of death.

“It smells awful.” Kidora complained and let go of her mouth.

Although Kidola is not afraid of fire, but the flame carries a bad smell of rotten breath, so although the flame can not hurt Kidola, the smell is very uncomfortable for Kidola.

After letting go of the mouth of the zombie, Kidola immediately backward, but also in the air spit, she has never had such a bad smell. Although she is a monster, is the king of the sky, but can not stop this smell ah!

This time the zombie that the fifth-order zombie also rushed towards them, it is the burst of rotten smell but the nose sensitive coconut dream plus forced to dare not approach.

Coconut dream plus have to retreat to the side, frowning, pinching their noses ,037seems that the bad smell makes her very distressed. She really wanted to fly up to the zombie a class, but the smell is really hard to top!

“Baloo, is there a way to solve this?” Liu Mengga asked, she and Kidola do not have the ability to solve the smell, then we can only rely on the Balu beast, Balu beast skills are what, even Chu Tian did not figure out.

The flower moved for a moment and slowly closed, and it didn’t take long for the flower to quickly bloom again and give off a sunlight-like glow, which was dazzling but also very warm.

After the flower shook a bit, granular pollen slowly floated out from the flower, after the pollen floated out, the air immediately produced a sweet scent, this scent spread very quickly, gradually covered the area. This breath will be the zombie flame emitting the stench completely covered up, everyone can only smell the sweet smell of the flowers, no longer smell the zombie flame out of the stench.

After that, the pollen drifted around the zombie and formed a circle around the fifth-ranked zombie, and the pollen formed a circle to completely cover up the smell of the flame armor.

And Baru beast is also very careful to send the pollen to the side of Kidola and coconut Mengade, in their surroundings also formed a circle of protection, instantly, the whole air is filled with sweet smell, like walking in the spring flowers.

After the smell disappeared, Liu Menggaade and Kidola finally able to seriously fight, these two divine beasts of anger is not this small zombie can withstand, the two of them together, but also let this zombie fell so long, they feel very unhappy, especially just the zombie issued that smell, so they are more disgusted.

After the lesson of the previous attack was dodged, Kidola Coconut Mongaard also got serious, their instinctive fighting ability is not weak, reaction is also fast, just used to the previous zombie’s action of not dodging.

This fifth-order zombie although there is a certain ability to dodge, but still not so high combat IQ, and even ordinary humans are worse.

However, the fireball he released was a cause for concern for Chu Tian, who had never seen a zombie release a special skill before.

And this fifth-order zombie is able to release the kind of explosion of small fireballs, and even the large flowers of the Balu beast can not resist the explosion of the fireball.

And the other party can also use the flame to form armor, which is very strong fire control technology, more curious is Chu Tian, the combat IQ is so low zombies, but can have and their intelligence is completely incompatible with the ability.

(cfbj) even before that four fourth-order zombie is also the same, their air skills and eat more than ten sky crystal nuclei Liu Meng added almost, but they will only abuse, completely unable to make the right time and timing to use the skills, which is the reason why the zombies will be easily solved.

“What is this all about?” Chu Tian was puzzled, he really couldn’t think of any significance of such an evolution, because zombies would have been able to inflict lethal damage on ordinary humans already.

Tian Tian suddenly thought of the base city of those who broke the genetic lock human, they are able to give birth to special abilities, the flesh is also much stronger than the ordinary human before.

“Is it because with the increase in the number of humans who have broken the genetic lock, the ability of the zombies has also become more and more powerful?” Chu Tian suddenly analyzed such a reason, recently broke the genetic lock of more and more humans, human means of fighting zombies also more and more, the base city also has a powerful existence like the divine eagle, people also seem to begin to stop fearing zombies.

And to the human that powerful ability to adapt and transform the environment, fear is soon to be able to rule the earth again, and if the zombie intelligence and ability to improve with the level of higher and higher, then it is estimated that after there will be and human can compete with the existence of the court.

“It seems that the zombies are really the natural enemy of human beings.” Chu Tian sighed, I didn’t expect that while humans are progressing, zombies will also evolve, the creator really doesn’t want humans to have a good time.

At this time the air above the battlefield, the flame of the zombie raised his hand, the air immediately appeared a huge cyclone, cyclone speed faster and faster, the scope is also growing, and finally became a huge tornado, the tornado connected the sky and the ground, rapid rotation, the ground cars and houses are sucked in, rolled to the sky.

This tornado is much bigger than the cyclone made by the three fourth-order zombies that joined forces before.

Tornado quickly towards the Kidola and Coconut Mongaard side close, they quickly fly away, dodge the tornado, but after dodging, the tornado is a sudden turn, again towards them rolled over, the tornado speed is faster and faster, moving faster and faster.

The Kedora can easily avoid, Coconut Dream Plus can not, she only mastered the wind ability a few days, flying speed is far from Kedora compared to.

Coconut dream of Gad look about to be swallowed by the tornado, but she gritted her teeth, turned and rushed into the center of the tornado, that is, the eye of the wind, in the tornado is difficult to fly smoothly, but Coconut dream of Gad still stabilized her body, she raised her hand with difficulty, the reverse cyclone also rolled up in front of her.

Soon, the sky cleared and the tornado dissipated.

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