159Chapter Destroying the Swarm

159Chapter Destroying the Swarm

The zombie that came towards Tian and them also reached the vine wall built by the Balu beast, it ignored the vine wall and wanted to break through it, but the moment it touched the vine wall, it was tightly entangled by the vines growing out of the wall, and it had no way to move.

The zombie was then pulled aside by the arriving kiddo and burned to a crisp, without even using its wind powers, before it was thrown to the ground, and its huge wings behind it were torn off raw by the kiddo, before it was thrown to the ground like garbage by the kiddo.

The two of them are also excited after such a battle, they gradually began to enter their own fighting state, at this time, the coconut Mengade again spit out a mouthful of poisonous gas, poisonous gas quickly spread out, and immediately a few zombies fell to the ground.

Chu Tian looked at the zombies that were falling like rain, and was very happy, today was a great harvest, countless third-order crystal cores, four fourth-order crystal cores, and even, there was… Chu Tian looked at the huge blue-winged zombie in the air, Chu Tian was also very interested in the mysterious pattern on its wings.

The two sisters of the Ai family in the house looked out the window, but also very shocked, they are acquainted with the coconut Mongaard, but also know that Liu Menggaard can fly, but did not expect her to fight side by side with the battle in the air, which makes them can not help but start to guess the identity of this monster.

In view of just walked out of the room when already met outside the Su Mei, Su Mei is sitting with Chu Tian. Then the identity of the monster is obvious, they can not believe, nor do they want to believe such a fact, but the truth emerged in the heart, the fact that emerged is the face of Kidola.

They really hard to imagine the air that huge three-headed monster is actually that cute girl, Kidola words are not much, but people look very cute, Ai family two sisters also like this beautiful little girl, very want to get along with her, but today to see such a picture, but let them after not dare to continue to get along with her.

They suddenly remembered that they had seen the monster turned into a girl cartoon, think about the chills behind, but they know that this is Chu Tian’s companion, and thought of the little Balu beast, if it is and Balu beast as reliable companion, then even if it is a little rough-looking they can not discriminate against others, right? And now they are still under the protection of Kedora and Liu Menggaade, that will make them dispel the idea of fear of Kedora.

“Don’t be afraid, Xin’er|” Ai Yan held Ai Xin’s hand tightly and gave her encouragement, since they wanted to follow Chu Tian afterwards, they had to accept these, these were Chu Tian’s special abilities, they couldn’t be afraid, and they had to become Chu Tian’s helpers as soon as possible, they couldn’t stand so much behind him all the time. He can’t stand behind him all the time.

“Well, sister, I’m not afraid.” Ai Xin also nodded, replied, this post-apocalyptic world is a good environment for people to grow up quickly, before the pampered Ai Xin now also have such an awareness. Really let Ai Yan decided to be very surprised.

Once again to the side of the battlefield in the air, the battlefield of the third-order zombie has not left a few, the blue-winged tall zombie but still no action.

But it was after the zombies were cleaned up, Chu Tian was able to see the true face of the zombies, not only on the wings on the back, but also on its face with strange patterns, something Chu Tian had never seen before, but Chu Tian somehow felt very wonderful, very profound.

[Fifth-order Winged King zombie]

The system’s voice sounded, giving the official name of this zombie, which is no longer an ordinary winged zombie, but a winged king.

“Wing King…” Chu Tian shouted the name of the zombie, no wonder this zombie has the ability to dominate other zombies, so this is the wing king zombie!

This with a “king” word is really unusual.

The air zombie little by little by Liu Menggaade and Kidola cleaned up, the fifth-order wing king zombie is finally a movement, he raised his hands, hands in front of the convergence of a small fire ball, the fire ball is not large, but the color is more dense than the color of the fire ball condensed by Kidola, the color is more deep red. Seems to contain unlimited energy.

He threw the fireball gently to the ground Kidola and Coconut Mongaard, Kidola immediately spit out the flame, trying to assimilate the fireball of the winged king zombie and his own flame.

But the fireball thrown by the winged king zombie exploded the moment it touched Kidola’s flame, and the wave from the explosion pushed Kidola away for some distance, but Kidola did not suffer any damage, just showing an unhappy expression, again, her flame was not able to dissolve the other party’s attack.

She immediately gathered three small fireballs, three heads at the same time a gentle movement, the fireball gently pushed to the front of the fifth-rank zombie, but the zombie that is a gentle twist, avoiding the three fireballs.

“”Huh?”” Kidola sighed, did not expect this thing to be able to actively dodge the attack, indeed very different from the previous zombies ah.

After the zombie out of the fireball, Liu Mengjia has arrived in front of the fifth-rank zombie, a palm towards the fifth-rank zombie, if the zombie in this palm, will certainly also begin to decay.

But the zombie actually flickered to the side, dodging the palm of the coconut Menggaade, Liu Menggaade then followed the inertia of flying to the back of the zombie.

The moment you fly past, the coconut dream plus the heart is also very doubtful, it is not because her speed is not enough or not accurate enough to hit, but before facing the zombies are not dodging, what attack as long as the straight aim them will certainly be able to hit.

So this time the coconut Menggaade attack was dodged is also very out (of the good Zhao) out of her expectations, she directly soared to the back of the zombie, the results of the zombie did directly a slap to the back of Liu Menggaade.

Although the coconut Mengade was slapped one, but did not suffer any injury, her body instability for a moment, quickly recovered, continue to fly in the air.

“This guy is interesting ah! “Kidola said also came to the body of the zombie, it opened a big mouth, bite to the zombie’s shoulder, the results of the zombie is also to the side of a dodge, to avoid the attack.

But Kidola has just learned a lesson, certainly not the second time to fall for it, her other head will bite the zombie, this time the fifth-ranked zombie did not dodge the attack on.

“It seems that although this thing has a little combat skills, but not so skilled ah,” Chu Tian muttered, he just based on the performance of the fifth-order zombie, is also analyzed the advantages and defects of this zombie.

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