158Chapter teamwork

158Chapter TeamWork

After the big flower was burned, the trap formed by the flames and poison gas in the air had disappeared, and the zombies of the zombie group, although they suffered a lot of zombies, continued to move forward and came to the Kidola and Liu Mengjia, but at this time the zombies in the group had burned most of them.

The zombies just advanced a distance, the air again appeared a huge cyclone, will zombies cage leather into, the outermost ordinary third-order zombie body immediately unstable, they wobbled in the air, and finally began to become confused, will fall to the ground.

The result is that the three fourth-order zombies there is a hand raised, a counter-directional cyclone appeared, coconut Mengade made the cyclone quickly disappeared, the zombies immediately they stabilized again, towards this side of the rush.

“This group of things is really troublesome ah. ” Chu Tian sighed, this zombies although now not hurt the coconut Mengade and Kidola a hair, but their attacks are not able to solve these zombies at once.

“Go and help them.” Su Juan pushed Chu Tian, signaling him to hurry over, in his heart Chu Tian is the most reliable 25,to solve all the problems.

“This time I will not make a move. ” Chu Tian shook his head and said, this is the decision he just made suddenly.

“Why?” Su Juan asked, she was surprised to hear Chu Tian’s words, in her mind Chu Tian was not such a person.

“This is a good opportunity for them to work together, before I was there, they all acted on my orders, this time just to be able to exercise their own fighting ability. ” Chu Tian said seriously, this is the best opportunity, the opponent is not the previous kind of weak chicken, Liu Mengga De they will not be in any danger.

Su Mei listened to it, can’t deny it, although she knows what Chu Tian said, but still can’t agree with Chu Tian’s idea, because in her heart, that is very dangerous zombies, but in her heart, Chu Tian said it must be right.

On the air battlefield, the zombies have come to the front of Ryu Mangade and Kidola, both sides are close to each other.

“Baloo!” Baru beast called out, the hand green light blooming, the vine also began to stretch, but this time the direction of the vine is not the group of zombies, but Chu Tian they are located in front of the building.

The vines are entwined together, gradually forming a huge wall of vines, the wall just broken by air currents all blocked, although there are many small holes, but not the size of those zombies can pass through.

Chu Tian immediately went to the vine wall and looked through the small hole to see what was happening outside.

Master”, leave it to us here!” Liumengarde moved her arms, said without looking back, her voice now sounded reliable and reassuring.

“Haha, then you guys go!” Chu Tian showed a pleased smile, he shouted to the outside, he grew up to see the children can now protect themselves, and can think of themselves together, I’m afraid there is no more happy than this in this world.

“Hey, hey, I’ll bring you back all the crystal cores! “The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what you want to do.

“Then, let’s do it big!” Liu Menggad gently closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, they were already dark green pupils, and the snake-like eyes gave rise to a chill when you looked at them.

Coconut Mongaard took a deep breath, mouth small bulge, looks a little cute, but the next moment, from the mouth is the death of the King’s poison gas.

The dark green poison gas from the usual poison gas looks much thicker, the outermost zombie touched the poison gas, quickly began to rot, turned into a puddle of green liquid, slowly fell to the ground.

However, Tian also understands that this poison gas will not last long, the three fourth-order zombies are raised again, in front of the convergence of a large cyclone, the poison gas completely blown away, but this is the coconut Mongaard poison gas, even if blown away, the effect will not be weakened.

The surrounding houses came into contact with the poisonous gas and began to rot, and for a while, the gas spread even further.

And there is part of the poisonous gas towards Tian where they are spread and go, Liu Mengga to see this, immediately put away the poisonous gas, because now the poisonous gas in addition to corrosion around the house will not have any effect.

The next moment in the gas disappeared, Kidola is directly into the group of zombies, her three heads and tear and bite, in the loss of a group of fuss, the surrounding zombies but there is no way to take her, because her body is wrapped in flame, as long as the zombies touch her, will begin to burn.

Coconut Dreamcast also followed in the footsteps of Kidola, flapping her wings into the zombie herd, her side surrounded by poisonous gas, like a ball of poisonous gas, but also so that the zombies can not get close, not to mention that there is a Balu beast on the shoulder, to control all the zombies to touch her.

Every punch and kick of the Coconut Dreamcast can make the zombies rot and turn into liquid.

If it is Kidola is fierce and tough incomparable domineering, then Coconut Monga is gentle and sinister incomparable softness, this rigid and soft in the air with the incomparable tacit understanding, the zombies to be consumed at a very fast pace.

“Little dream! “Kidola shouted, three heads immediately spewed flames, forming a huge flame, 037continued to burn the zombies in front of them, the zombies turned into a scorched corpse fell to the ground.

After hearing Kidola’s voice, Coconut Mongaard also immediately left, dodging the flames and watching the walkers from the sidelines.

But the walkers kept moving forward, despite the deadly flames ahead.

It didn’t take long for there to be very few zombies left on the perimeter.

Finally, the three fourth-order zombies in the rear, began to move.

Two of them flew towards Kidola and Coconut Mangald respectively, and one of them came towards Tian’s side.

The zombie and the previous one, or not to dodge, finally took the fireball, and the previous zombie performance as one.

“This thing really won’t learn. ” laughed Kidola.

“Yes.” Liu Menggaade also echoed, smoothly slapped away the fourth-order zombie, the zombie began to decay, but the decay speed is very slow, far from the third-order zombie so fast, it continued to rush towards the coconut Menggaade, and again by Liu Menggaade a kick away.

In fact, the melee ability of Coconut Mogadishu is very strong.

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