157Chapter Battle of the corpses

157Chapter Battle of the corpses

The first time I saw it, I had to go to a place where I could see it.

But Chu Tian is not a little fear, because in front of his eyes but there are two can destroy the sky and earth of the divine beasts!

In the twinkling of an eye, the zombies came in front of them, the dense group, as if the locusts had committed a swarm of insects passing through, even the blue sky was completely covered by the zombies, this scene is even more horrifying than the zombies hovering in the air in the morning.

“Balu, control them. “Coconut Mongaard spoke up, she had seen the Baru beast’s control ability a long time ago, and she now trusted the Baru beast.

“Good! “Zero thirty-seven” Balu beast smiled and responded, the little one is not afraid of so many zombies, but also very excited. She raised her two small hands, the vines on her fingers immediately stretched out, and then quickly forked, into more vines, vines continue to attack the zombies.

The three zombies in the center of the zombie group immediately raised their hands and instantly generated three cyclones in front of the zombie group, the three cyclones got closer and closer, and finally fused together to form a huge cyclone, the cyclone was about the same size as the one just condensed by Liu Mengjia.

The cyclone immediately swept the vines of the Balu beast into it, the vines were tough, and were not torn off, but were blown together to the center of the cyclone, and finally tangled together, turning into a tangled mess.

“Balu Balu! Bother! “Balu beast retracted the vines, but the vines are still tangled together, and finally Balu beast hands lit up green fluorescent, hands of the vine knot to be untied.

It is the unraveling, Balu beast is still frowning, a look of unhappiness, it looks like she is very dissatisfied with their skills did not succeed.

Chu Tian was watching from the back, he did not have the ability to fly and could not participate in the battle, so he could only watch from the back, but he believed that his two girls must have the ability to solve these, and in due course he would also participate in the battle.

“Baloo!” Baru beast shouted, childish voice in this battlefield or a little out of place, but with the Baru beast shouted, her body emitted bright light, but not the usual green luminescence, but the sun-like bright light.

The sunlight on the Balu beast quickly dissipated. After the air appeared a huge red flower, and Balu beast head of the red flower is slightly different, but the general consistency, the flower quickly bloom, the flower gently move, white pollen immediately from the flowers floating out.

The pollen came into contact with the group of zombies above, and immediately a violent explosion occurred, each grain of pollen was able to produce an explosion. The zombie group immediately stopped moving forward, although they do not care about the explosion, but the impact of the explosion still let them have no way to continue to move forward.

“Baru actually has such a big move! ” Chu Tian saw Baru’s use of this skill, very surprised, did not expect Baru can still make this powerful attack skills, but look at the light on Baru’s body, it is likely to eat that light system crystal core reason.

That day’s light zombie also let Chu Tian’s memory is very deep, see the light on the Balu beast he remembered that zombie.

But this flower is not just for explosions, in the pollen generated by the explosion of the zombies can not move an inch, the flower has a lot of vines, like a python, vines also slowly forked, more and more, the front of the winged zombies are tightly wrapped.

This is a very strange picture, huge flowers wrapped around the air zombies, vines swaying, looks like eating birds of prey cannibalistic flowers.

The zombies were filled into the huge flower below, and the nectar of that flower was the deadliest poison, corroding all the zombies that were dragged in.

“My goodness, this flower actually has both control and corrosive abilities. ” Chu Tian was even more surprised, I didn’t expect just a juvenile Balu beast to be able to make such skills, this big flower is really a very comprehensive skill.

It seems that this is also because the Balu beast and the previous two monsters different way of growth related to the Kidola and Liu Mengjia are relying on eating and absorbing zombies to get growth, while the Balu beast is directly eat crystal cores, this brutal way of energy injection estimated skills on the evolution of very good.

Baru beast’s big realization spent a very good control effect, this time it was the turn of Kidola and Coconut Mongaard’s performance.

The Kedora has long since condensed a huge fireball in the air, and the poisonous gas of Liu Mengade has long since spread to the group of zombies in front of them, and constantly the third-order winged zombies began to rot and fall, but the fall can only fall into the big flower below.

The three heads of Kidola gently move, a huge fireball towards the zombie group, the fireball met the gas, instantly mixed together, resulting in an explosion, the explosion generated by the fire wave let the gas spread faster.

The wave of fire with poison and flame swept through the entire zombie horde, with zombies constantly falling from the air, like dead flies falling into the big flowers below.

For a while, the visual effect of the air is very shocking, like watching a science fiction blockbuster, full of blazing, but also because of this, Chu Tian did not have a way to see the zombie group in the center of several major zombies.

But at this time, the zombie group suddenly also threw out a small fireball, fireball that is very small, if you do not look closely even difficult to see, but still can not escape the attention of Chu Tian.

The small fireball fell directly to the big flower below, a moment of calm in the air for a moment, like the calm1.9 before the storm.

Chu Tian stared deathly at the fireball that fell into the flower, the fireball made him feel very uneasy, as if something would change.

Sure enough, it didn’t take long for an explosion to occur in the flower, and the flower was covered in flames, and the blazing fire burned on the flower, and soon, the flower began to fall down and finally crashed to the ground, and the vines that were wrapped around the walkers fell off.

Without the control of the flower, the zombie group quickly broke through the fire and poison trap, although there are still a lot of zombies were scorched and fell to the ground, but the rear of the zombie was able to successfully break through.

“The zombies can actually use fire? ” Chu Tian exclaimed, looking at the flowers covered with flames in front of him, his pupils tightened, this is what he could hardly anticipate, the other side actually you can use a flame attack.

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