156Chapter 4 Sky Crystal Cores!

156Chapter 4 Sky Crystal Cores!

The huge cyclone rolled towards the big fireball spat out by Kidola, the fireball’s surface rippled, but it did not dissipate, only the speed was affected a little, or straight towards the zombie body.

The zombie does not seem to be so high intellectual ability, it actually in the cyclone disappeared, towards the Kidola rushed over, but this will be straight to meet the fireball, so, the fireball well directly on the body of the zombie, the sky immediately appeared a huge wave of air, the air wave also carries a very high temperature, almost able to put the nearby people burned.

The hot wave of air also swept towards the house, like boiling water vapor.

“Little Dream! ” Chu Tian shouted, and then took out his own glacier rift sword and stuck it in the ground, with a flash of ice blue crystal above his head, the ground immediately generated a crystal ice wall, to protect Su Mei and the girls behind him.

“Got it!” Liu Mengade had already appeared in front of the hole in the wall, raising her hands to the incoming heat wave, her eyes were no longer the usual black, but green, that’s exactly what she looked like when she unleashed her power, then a huge cyclone also appeared in front of her, after absorbing so many sky crystal cores, her mastery of air currents had also become very strong.

The huge cyclone and the heat wave collided together, instantly fused into a vortex of air, Noomengarde hands down, the vortex immediately rolled towards the bottom, and finally burst in the air on the next floor where Chu Tian and they were located, the explosion generated a wave of air will be completely blown to that floor of glass, the severity is only more than Chu Tian this floor.

“This girl is angry ah… after the gas wave subsided, Chu Tian out of the ice wall, Kidola’s emotions are simple, launched such a powerful attack, it must be angry ah. It seems that her first three fireballs were blocked by the zombie to make her feel very upset.

This may be the sense of honor of the king of the sky, the attack spat out from her mouth was actually blocked by such a wisp ant-like ugly monster, making her feel insulted.

“What’s going on here?” The two Ai sisters rubbed their eyes and came out of the house, looking still not awake, but the scene in the hall in front of them made them instantly awake, looking at the huge ice wall in the living room and the broken glass all over the floor, they even felt like it was a dream.

“Go back!” Chu Tian yelled at them, his expression was very stern, this is the first time Chu Tian showed such a serious expression, “close the door and hide in the house, do not open the door without calling you!”

“Ah… heard the shout of Chu Tian, Ai family two sisters immediately ran back, and tightly closed the door. In their room also has a window, can see the situation outside the air, they took a look at the air, really feel the head a star, a huge monster is hanging in the air, opposite her is a thick smoke.

Soon, the smoke in the air slowly disappeared, the effect of that huge fireball attack by Kidola also revealed a trace of the end, the zombie head of hair completely burnt, even the skin on the head can not be saved, revealing a horrible skull, its face skin is almost melted, the whole face is left only bones, if not the presence of the eyeballs and lips, the zombie’s head is almost a skeleton. If not for the presence of the eyes and lips, the head of this zombie is almost a skeleton.

This zombie’s already tattered clothes were also burned by the previous heat wave, the skin on the body also turned a charred black color, its wings were also damaged, but also barely able to maintain, huge wings flapping in the sky, although it looks a little forced, but to maintain the stability of the zombie in the air.

“This thing is not dead? ” Chu Tian sighed, did not expect that the fourth-order zombie would have this kind of strength, and was able to take the big fireball of Kidola hard.

But the speed of the air zombie seems to be greatly affected, it rushed out of the air the only remaining smoke, again towards the Kidola rushed over, this process also carries a huge wind wave, the wind wave formed a wind gun, towards the Kidola shot over.

Once again, flames erupted from Kidola’s head, and the three flames converged into an even larger stream of fire, enveloping all the sky in front of Kidola.

Wind gun into the flame, immediately no sound, into a wisp of smoke directly dissipated in the flame.

The zombie also did not hide, directly towards the Kidola rushed over, but soon, it was drowned by the flames, in the fierce flames soon became a scorched corpse, and finally it air from the flames fell out, heavy black smoke emanated from its body, turned into a black path in the air.

…… is asking for flowers…

“Little Ra! Get the crystal core!” Chu Tian shouted to the outside, these zombies are nothing, the crystal core is the most important.

The Kedorah immediately understood, flying to the wreckage of the zombie rushed over, head bite the wreckage, picking him up.

Tian Tian took out the crystal nucleus from the chest of the zombie, and the crystal nucleus produced by the third-order zombie is not very different, except that its fluorescence is much brighter than the third-order crystal nucleus.

“[Fourth-order Sky Crystal Core

While taking out the crystal core, the system’s voice also sounded in Chu Tian’s mind.

“Sure enough, it’s a fourth-order crystal core. ” Chu Tian said with a smile, this is still the first fourth-order crystal core these days.


“Here you go.” He threw the crystal nucleus to the coconut Menggaade, Coconut Menggaade also smiled and took it, and then absorbed the fourth-order crystal nucleus, when absorbed, she emitted the gray fluorescent liquid more bright, visible to the naked eye, the ability to enhance a lot.

“This fourth-order crystal nucleus is really much better than the third-order crystal nucleus.” Liu Mengjia said with a smile, the enhancement brought by this one crystal core alone has already surpassed all the third-order crystal cores these days.

“We can’t be careless yet. ” came the voice of Kidola from outside, who was now in her monster form again.

“Hmm. Can feel a lot of things are flying over.” Liumengarde nodded and said with nervous eyes.

Soon there was a “rumbling” sound in the sky, and a dark cloud was flying ahead, and if one had the vision of Kidola, one would know that it was not a dark cloud, but a dense mass of zombies, the same zombies that were there this morning, all flying towards Chu Tian with their teeth and claws, and among them, The huge zombie was in the center.

“Is it finally time for the whole army to go out …. Chu Tian said in a low voice.

The man and the beast stood in the air, facing a thousand of zombies. Behind them, is a crumbling building, the building stood in a few small human.

This is the picture here now. Up ,

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