155Chapter to meet the zombies!

155Chapter to meet the zombies!

“Holy shit, it’s like a hundred birds making a pilgrimage!” Chu Tian saw this scene in the air and could not help but exclaim, the zombies in the air were hovering, surrounding the middlemost one zombie, it really looked like a pilgrimage.

In the middle of the vortex formed by the winged zombies, there is a huge zombie, it is different from other zombies, it is not only big, its back wings are also much bigger than others, and there is a strange pattern on it, and also comes with a faint blue fluorescence, all these make people feel his difference.

The zombie in the center of the storm also has a different place from other zombies, and that is its tightly closed eyes, never seen a closed-eyed zombie, even blind zombies are greatly open their eyes, looks very bluff. But this zombie is like thinking about something, has been closed their eyes.

In the nearest circle from the center of the storm, there are four zombies that are different from other zombies, their wings are also larger than ordinary zombies, but there is no strange pattern on the wings, the movement of these four zombies is also very different from other zombies, other zombies are flying next to the teeth and claws, but these four zombies are holding their arms in the air hovering, their eyes are not closed ,020But they are staring closely at the center of the zombie.

“These things Chu Tian muttered in a small voice, “really strange ah ..seems to have a certain degree of thought ah! ” Chu Tian said, the third-order zombie already has some thoughts, but looking at this zombie, let Chu Tian’s thoughts more and more even.

Dead silence, this time the whole house is a dead silence, everyone did not make a sound, just quietly looking at the air that horrific picture.

Master”, I’m going to take out this group of guys! “Kidola said, to become the original form to deal with the air zombies.

“Do not rush, look again.” Chu Tian reached out and stopped Kidola, he wanted to see what else the zombies in the center would do, he could feel that the zombies in the middle, very unusual.

This group of zombies just hovered in the air, and seemed to have no purpose, just hovering in the air in a circle.

It didn’t take long for the group of zombies to slowly fly away from the sky, and the sky regained the quietness it had at the beginning.

“Phew.” Su Mei breathed a sigh of relief, the expression on her face also relaxed under (cfbj) to, she wiped the sweat on her hands, these things are finally gone, they just fly in the air, I do not know how depressing it is for people to see.

This group of “guys is doing ah?” Liu Mengga asked, just now she also has been watching the zombies in the air, but she can not see the logic of the movement of these zombies.

“I don’t know. ” Chu Tian replied, he could not get a clue now, everything is still just a guess, the specific have to see the performance of the zombies after.

In short, after the strange performance of the zombies in the morning, the mood of the crowd is not very calm, we have nothing to say, the two sisters of the Ai family sitting there only drinking water, they have experienced too many things these days, the ability to accept such strange things should have been very strong, but the picture this morning still makes them very uncomfortable in their hearts.

Although Chu Tian felt strange, but there is nothing to do, or more observation to find this group of zombies action pattern.

Time soon came to the afternoon, this morning everyone is very silent, the morning’s events are indeed a little silent.

The sun is very bright at noon, the house shines warm, we also have a trace of tiredness, Ai two sisters went to sleep in the room, they are difficult to the morning was very shocked, but the recovery ability has also been significantly improved, they quickly accepted the morning happened.

Chu Tian was laughing and joking in the living room with Su Mei and the girls, looking at the smiling faces of the little ones, Chu Tian was also very happy.

“Everyone dodge!” Liu Menggaade’s chirping came at this time, her reaction was quick, immediately pulled away Su Mei and Balu beast.

Chu Tian and Kidola are also completely trusting of Coconut Mongaard, so they too jumped away immediately and hid in the corner of the room.


At this time, a huge wave of air came, and all the large mirrors in the room shattered and flew into the room.

Liu Menggaade is also immediately stretched out his hands, in front of his own convergence of a stream of air, to block the flying broken glass, but also to protect the Balu beast and Su Mei behind.

The huge airflow that blew in soon ended, and Tian stood up and looked out the window, where a zombie was standing with a hideous expression, feeling like it was about to rush straight into the house and eat several people inside.

Chu Tian immediately recognized the zombie, it was one of the four zombies in the recent circle around the center zombie, it seems to have a strong attack ability.

“[Fourth-order winged zombie]” the system’s voice came, stating the level and type of this zombie, it seems that Tian Tian expected, that the center of the zombie is definitely a fifth-order zombie or more!

“Kidola! Go! Shoot a crystal core and show it to me! ” Chu Tian shouted, pointing at the zombie outside the window, he looked not only surprised, but also very excited.

“Yes! “Kidola immediately replied, then ran towards the window and jumped out, and instantly, a huge three-headed monster appeared in the air, quickly flying towards the zombies in the air.

Kidola hissed at the zombie, three heads together spewing out fireballs, respectively, three fireballs, together towards the zombie smashed.

The zombie also shouted loudly, shaking hands raised, in front of a huge tornado of air immediately generated, the fireball fell into the tornado of air, immediately stirred together, instantly extinguished.

“This thing can actually defend against the skills of Kidora!” Chu Tian was a little surprised, all the way, he had not seen a zombie that could use skills, and this zombie’s skills were very similar to the new airflow skills mastered by Liu Mengga De.

Kidola showed an unhappy expression, three heads raised, hissed at the sky, then again in front of the mouth of the air temperature immediately rose, gradually converged three fireballs, looking and just like the move.

After the three fireballs came together to form a huge fireball, the fireball like the sun, burning in the air, and then Kidola flicked his head, the fireball smashed towards the zombie in front of him, the zombie still wanted to use the previous skills again to defend against the big fireball.

The air cyclone formed again from the air and rolled towards the big fireball!

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