151Chapter Old Black Tree

151Chapter Old Black Tree

Nothing happened during the night, only a few attacks by zombies, which were easily defeated by Chu Tian.

The sun soon rose and the next day arrived.

The four women betting lazy waist out of the tent, sleepy-eyed look, but also looks very comfortable sleep, although they are used to sleeping in a soft bed, but this tent laid a lot of Chu Tian with the mat and quilt, so sleep is not bad, and the night in the wilderness is quiet, so also very good to enjoy sleep.

“Master, I’ll take Baloo to the front to observe!” Liu Menggaade just got up, took Balu beast with a face of excitement to Chu Tian said, her shoulder Balu beast is also a face of excitement – excitement.

Chu Tian saw the two little ones excited look, also understood their two mean, helplessly waved his hand, agreed to their request, after all, the coconut Menggaade also just recently transformed, although it looks very mature, like a big woman, but the psychology is still like a little girl.

Just have the ability to fly into the sky, the two girls excited to go to the sky to play a little, is also very normal thing, yesterday after absorbing the third sky crystal nucleus, coconut dream plus the flight time has come to 10minutes, it seems that the more the crystal nucleus absorbed, the more time gain will be longer.

And just have the ability to fly, but also to have a good connection is right!

Liu Menggad stood still, hands clasped chest, behind the flash of a fluorescent light, wings from behind the birth, the wings also with fluorescent light, there is a sense of holy beauty, Liu Menggad flapped their wings, the ground produced a huge cyclone, raising dust.

So, the angelic coconut Mongaard with a small green Balu beast rose into the sky, as if a large flower grew on the shoulders, with the flower of the angel, looks even more beautiful.

“Oh ho~” Liu Mengade and Balu beast shouted while laughing and flew up into the air, they rose and fell in the air, rapidly forward and rapidly down, which is much more exciting than the rides in the park.

But such a game only lasted three minutes, Coconut Mongaard suddenly stopped in the air, looking into the distance, and then they flew straight ahead, as if they had seen something extraordinary.

“What are you two doing?” Chu Tian shouted towards the sky, but the two girls did not seem to hear, and just flew forward. Not even looking back, as if there was some target ahead.

Chu Tian knew that there must be some reason for this. So he looked at the sky and ran forward with the two Ai sisters, following the direction where Liumengarde had flown.

Chu Tian’s speed is definitely not as fast as Coconut Mogadishu’s flying speed, so Chu Tian is a bit behind Coconut Mogadishu, but he is still running at full speed.

Not long after, the sky of the coconut dream added as if uncontrolled, the body slowly unstable, after her wings suddenly disappeared, the sky of the two girls suddenly fell from the air.

“Ah ah -” Liu Mengade and Balu beast shouted, although falling into the sky will not cause any harm to Liu Mengade, but still look very thrilling.

At this time, Chu Tian is running forward at full speed, after stretching out his hands, jumping forward.

The coconut dream of the Gadget fell, landing firmly on Chu Tian’s arm, Chu Tian stepped hard on the ground to stabilize himself.

Master”!” Liu Mengjia has to teary-eyed cling to Chu Tian, she can how to go to the sky before, but also do not have too much experience in high altitude flight, which suddenly fell from the air, although know that there will be no harm, but still too much excitement.

She hugged Chu Tian quietly, her tears almost falling out, she buried her head deep in Chu Tian’s chest, Chu Tian touched her hair to calm her down.

Coconut dream plus frightened into such, her shoulder Balu beast but still a face of excitement, but also “Balu Balu” waving hands, looks like a face still not finished.

“It’s okay it’s okay. ” Chu Tian said quietly.

The two Ai girls in the back, who were panting at this time, were envious when they saw Chu Tian and Yumengga’s affection for each other.

Although the coconut dream of the Gard was a little frightened, but she recovered quickly, she quickly returned to her previous appearance, but there are some red stars on the face, like a shy little girl.

Request flowers ……

“What exactly did you just see?” Chu Tian asked, just now the two of them still behaved too strange.

“We saw a burnt one, probably made by sister Kidola. There seems to be something hanging on the tree, but I can’t see it clearly.” Yanomengat said, looking seriously into the eyes of Tian Chu.

Chu Tian heard this is also a pupil shrink, finally found a clue again.

“Where is the tree? ” Chu Tian immediately asked, finally found a clue other than the remains of the zombie.

“Just ahead, but I guess we have to walk for about half a day.” Liu Mengjia said, just flew so long, there is still a long distance, with walking than flying much slower, slowly walking words will certainly take a long time.


“It’s okay, let’s walk slowly.” Chu Tian calmed down his emotions, smiled and said.

Then the group continued to walk ahead, and soon they saw the charred remains of another winged corpse. Chu Tian立刻收起了晶核,给椰梦加得吸收了,椰梦加得的飞行时间又得以延长,这次直接延长到了二十分钟。

The crowd walked forward with speed, so to speak, at full speed, Ai Xin and Ai Yan two sisters although it is difficult to keep up, but still gritted his teeth and walked forward.

After about two hours or so, the crowd finally came to the tree seen near the coconut dream of Gad, that tree with black smoke, has been burned only under the black pressure of the tree right and trunk.

But the tree still smelled of something horrible, because the tree was hung with the charred black remains of black, winged walkers.

“This is …all the people saw this scene stunned, wide-eyed, this is simply a mass grave of the zombies, even if the trees are all like monsters like the remains, but this scene is still too shocking.

“It’s all sky crystal cores!” Chu Tian laughed and shouted, then picked up the Balu beast on Liu Mengade and ran wildly towards the trees.

“Little guy, do it! ” Chu Tian shouted, the vines of Balu beast fingers immediately extended, dragging down all the zombies in the trees.

The two people watching the side of the black line, these two guys are too heartless it! The,

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