150Chapter will fly Yanomengad!

The first 150chapter can fly coconut Mongaard!

Chu Tian smilingly looked at the coconut dream in front of him, only to let the coconut dream to feel a cold behind, look at the master of this look, must have some bad ideas!

“You, what do you want to do, master?” Liu Mengjia had to hold his own, took a step backwards, expression some playful panic.

“Nothing, just want you to try this crystal nucleus, hey hey hey.” Chu Tian then handed the crystal nucleus to Liu Mengjia, looking like a perverted man who wants to plot against a girl.

“…. Okay master, I’ll try.” Liu Menggaade always will not violate Chu Tian’s orders, she will openly accept everything Chu Tian asked, so she is also willing to try, after all, this is only a crystal core, she has eaten so much, and she knows that eating can not kill!

The idea is to take the crystal nucleus, put it in front of the mouth and absorb it, her body also temporarily emitted a faint gray-white fluorescence, the fluorescence of the coconut dream of Gad to reflect more holy, her fire red dress also looks more red.

The fluorescence soon disappeared, and Coconut Mongaard looked at Chu Tian with a smile, which she seemed to find very good.

“Well?” Chu Tian asked concerned, he suddenly020 felt that this sky crystal nucleus to Kidola will not be better, after all, she can fly, but so try it may have unexpected effects.

“Congratulations to the host, Coconut Dream Gad to obtain skills (airflow control),” “sky wings. “Before you can answer, the system’s voice came over, it will be timely to remind Chu Tian, the new skills acquired by the monsters, except, of course, the Balu beast, that little guy seems to jump out of the three worlds from birth, not in the five elements”, until now Chu Tian also does not know all the abilities of the Balu beast.

“It feels good.” Liu Mengga De looked at Chu Tian, nodded, and she suddenly felt like she had something more.

“I seem to coconut …dream plus got up, closed his eyes, quietly urged his body in the energy, soon, a pair of wings from her back was born, also with a faint gray fluorescent.

Then the wings flapped gently, generating a violent airflow, and then, Liu Menggaard actually flew, she first gently floated above the ground, and then flew higher and higher, and finally rose to the same height as the tree.

Can fly”!” At this time, the next words of Yumogatari came through the air. With a big smile on his face, he shouted loudly in the air.

“Wow ah – Dream sister is great! “Balu beast this time standing on Chu Tian’s shoulders, not and Liu Mengga to fly to the sky, can see that she is very some regret, but still very happy.

Ai family two sisters at this time are looking dumbfounded, even if their ability to accept strong, accept this live a person flying to the sky is also a little time.

Chu Tian also opened his eyes wide, looking up at the sky, did not expect this sky crystal nucleus can let people master the ability to fly, this time really earn a lot, originally can not fly the coconut Mengjia also mastered the ability to fly.

But soon, the coconut Mongaard fell to the ground, and the wings behind her with a light back into the body.

“What’s wrong?” Chu Tian asked suspiciously, obviously just a little while in the air, certainly not enough to fly it.

“Time’s up.” Liumengarde said with a depressed face, “This wing has a time limit, I can only use it for a 30second a day now.” She also looks like she’s not done yet.

“30 seconds…” Chu Tian whispered, this is too little! It is estimated that just take off to the ground, in the battle is estimated to be somewhat useful, but certainly not for a long time flight.

“No way …coconut Mengade said she was also helpless, this time is so short, “if some more of this crystal nucleus, may be able to last longer.” Liumengarde said, she reckoned she had gotten the hang of the flying ability.

(cfbj) “You try to control the air.” Chu Tian said,Coconut Dream Plus has a skill that has not been tried.

“Okay.” Liu Mengjia said with a smile, she stood up again, stretched out her hands, and again used the energy in her body, and suddenly the air in front of her began to flow, just like the airflow generated by the flap of wings.

But this time the airflow is more than just a large, huge wind formed in front of the crowd, and finally more and more violent, even formed a small tornado, the remains of the ground zombies were blown by the wind, was swept into the air.

Soon, the wind stopped, and the remains of the zombies in the sky fell to the ground.

“It seems that the ability to control airflow is not particularly strong ah…” Chu Tian looked at the wreckage that fell to the ground, the wreckage was scorched by the Kidola, basically a dry corpse, light and floating, it was easy to get up.

It is true that a sky crystal core is limited for the enhancement of the ability, especially for the monsters that have chosen the path of development of the wood system.

“It looks like we need to find more sky crystal cores afterwards.” Chu Tian said. Chu Tian said, if the coconut dream of the Gad can also fly a long distance, then for Chu Tian’s side of the combat power will certainly strengthen a lot.

Let’s “move on!” Chu Tian stood up, it was time to move on, and Coconut Mangald’s ability had been tried.

So a few people continued to move forward, the discovery of this winged zombie Chu Tian is also very surprised, which is also a great benefit to the ability of the coconut Mengade, but also Chu Tian a lot of confidence, he believes that as long as you continue to walk, that will certainly be able to find the news of the Kidola women again.

According to the direction of the winged zombie, several people continued to travel in the original direction.

Soon, everyone found on the second next type of zombie, the burnt with wings zombie, is now Chu Tian most want to see things.

Winged walkers in the quickly took out another sky crystal core, Chu Tian continued to hand over to Liu Mengga De, coconut Mengga De’s ability to strengthen to two minutes, the efficiency of this one crystal core is still very strong ah!

The crowd rested for a while and then continued on, and soon encountered the third next type of zombie of the day, Chu Tian was still very surprised as it was.

Soon it was dark, Chu Tian they also decided to rest here, although they are not tired, but after all, there are two ordinary people behind it, Ai family two sisters but have walked very tired.

The fact that they encountered three winged zombies today means that Chu Tian’s initial guess was correct, and there were indeed many winged zombies chasing after them.

Today or Chu Tian night watch, although the two Ai sisters also want to watch the night, but Chu Tian refused to let them rest well, tomorrow can quickly catch up with the road.

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