152Chapter Reunion

152Chapter Reunion

Chu Tian and Balu beast excitedly busy up and down, after a short time, the charred tree of the zombie remains took all down, this a tree hanging a total of six remains, but also a total harvest of six crystal cores.

After Tian gave the crystal nucleus to Liu Mengga De, Coconut Dream Plus De did not say anything, directly absorbed all, after a faint fluorescence, Coconut Dream Plus De’s sky skills are also evolved a lot of levels, said, she has eaten more than ten sky crystal nucleus, this skill should also evolve to a powerful degree.

You know, she ate all the third-order crystal cores!

However, Chu Tian also began to sigh at the strength of the Kidola, in the air, but also to protect the situation of Su Mei, but was able to do a dozen third-order zombies burned degree, this strength is really enough to make people “zero two hundred and twenty” marvel.

“Looks like we’re almost there.” Chu Tian looked at the wreckage on the ground, also said with a smile, after so long, they are finally almost to the destination.

“Well, it should be, Sister Kotora really did a great job.” Liu Menggaade nodded, said, the time of Kidola’s morphing earlier than her, so she has also been Kidola as a sister, and before is also Kidola led her to fight zombies, absorbing zombies, more deep Kidola in the heart of No Menggaade position.

So Coconut Mongaard is a great admirer of Kidola, for Kidola can burn all the fire and steel-like body, she also aspires to, but her evolutionary direction and Kidola has a big difference.

The discovery of this charred old tree, more boosted the confidence of several people, they believe that the target is in sight, Chu Tian do not know why, but some nervous, because he does not know what is waiting for him in the end the result.

Several people so with both anticipation and nervousness continue to embark on the next journey, and after half a day’s march, they stopped to rest, because the Ai sisters’ physical strength has been unable to support, they are not Chu Tian and Coconut Mongaard like a monster, they after this morning’s toss, and fast running and frightened, physical exhaustion is also a matter of course.

Ai Xin and Ai Yan sat on the roadside, ate a bread, drank some water, quietly rested for a while, they are now panting, sweating, I believe that if they do not rest, they can not walk.

Chu Tian this time can not help, although he is very anxious, but also know that rest is good, so also greeted the coconut Mengade and Balu beast rest.

About an hour’s rest, a group of people again, along the road, because the last zombies appeared in the remains of the trees, so they do not know after the direction of the Kidola forward, only to continue to follow the original direction.

Soon, they seemed to be entering another city, with tall buildings rising up next to them again. Chu Tian reminded everyone to be vigilant, because in the city, a steel forest, the terrain is complex, it is likely to jump out from the upper floors of the zombie, which will catch them off guard, but the good thing is that they have a human “radar” like Coconut Mongaard, so it does not matter.

Several people walking through the city, soon found another burnt zombie, and here there are discarded food bags, looks like a new one.

“Watch out!” Liumengarde suddenly spoke up and warned the crowd.


At this time, a familiar scream rang out next to them, it was the scream of a zombie, followed by the sound of breaking glass, and a dozen zombies jumped down from the building above their heads.

“Get out of the way! “Chu Tian immediately warned, and pulled the two Ai sisters out of the way of the zombies, Liu Mengjia reaction than Chu Tian is a little faster, she stretched out her hands, airflow immediately appeared in the air, the screaming zombies held steady. The zombies roared, but could not fall, as if there was an invisible film in the air.

Then the coconut Mongaard towards the air gently exhaled, green gas immediately came to the top of the air film, originally alive and jumping zombies are also immediately lost the ability to act, and finally turned into green liquid.

At this time, the coconut Mongaard just put away their arms, the wind in the air also immediately disappeared.

Ai family two sisters and Chu Tian is also relieved, did not expect there would be so many zombies from the head suddenly all jumped down.

“Master, come this way.” Liumengarde took Chu Tian’s hand and walked towards the center of the city, which was also very quiet, almost dead, and there were probably no survivors left…..

“Do you know the direction of Kidola and the others? ” Chu Tian asked, coconut Mengga De usually follow him, rarely lead them, so Coconut Mengga De must have heard something, to pull Chu Tian walk.

“Roughly heard, everyone should still be careful, there are many zombies in this city.” Liu Mengjia has to remind again, everyone nodded, continue to go.

Along the way met a lot of zombies, fortunately are not a very high level of zombies, so the crowd is also very easy to solve them, as the crowd deep, the number of zombies met more and more, many times they do not choose to fight, but by avoiding and zombie conflict, because the number is too much, each time to solve is very laborious.

Soon, Liu Mengjia had to stop in front of a building, which is one of the buildings of a community, looks very good, before the end of the world should also be a pleasant place to live.

“Is this the right place? ” Chu Tian pointed upstairs.

“That’s right.” Liu Mengjia nodded with a smile, then came to the front again to lead the way.

The crowd followed the coconut dream of Gad to quickly walk upstairs, about ten floors, finally, coconut dream of Gad in front of a house door to stop.

*1.9 This is it.” She moved aside and let Chu Tian come over, knowing that Chu Tian should be the one to meet first.

Chu Tian knocked gently on the door, but there was no response from the room, only the sound of small footsteps, and after a while, the door opened. Chu Tian was greeted by an aromatic hug, which was also a familiar smell to Chu Tian.

Honey”, you are finally here!” The familiar voice sounded in his ears, making Chu Tian even feel that he was in a dream.

But the dream will not have such a familiar temperature and touch, he also tightly hugged the person in front of him, and inhaled her breath a few times.

It took a long time for the two to separate, and the other beauty behind them came over and gave Chu Tian a hug, her longing for him not diminishing in the slightest.

“Master, Lara misses you so much!”

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