149Chapter Winged zombie

149Chapter Winged zombie

After leaving the entrance of the villa, there are many zombies on the way from the front towards the villa area, they all heard the gunshots, so they are heading towards the villa.

Chu Tian solved a lot of zombies, but also taught the two Ai sisters to solve the zombie method, the main is to hit the head, as long as the head is pierced, the zombie can not move.

Tian Tian did not let Ai Xin and Ai Yan use the gun, that would only attract more zombies. He gave them two knives and told them to use them to deal with the zombies. Ai Yan quickly mastered the skills, but it was still hard for Ai Xin to be brave enough to fight the zombies, she would just come to the zombies, and then her legs would get weak and the knife would fall to the ground.

Chu Tian is not forced, after all, not everyone has their kind of power, so we still have to take our time, Ai Yan’s performance has been very surprising Chu Tian, he considered returning to the base city, should help them both break a few genetic locks, so there is the ability to protect themselves, in the base city will not be bullied.

Gradually, the road is also less zombies, they finally avoided the zombie group attracted by the sound of gunfire before. Several people sat down to drink water, rest for a while, after all, today has not had a good rest.

And, more to the point, their food may not be enough, originally if they received Su Mei directly, their food is enough for them to adhere to the base to the city, but today they did not receive Su Mei and they have to continue to move forward, tracking their trail, so do not know how many days will be delayed, so their food is likely to be insufficient.

“It seems that we can only find a supermarket to get some food.” Chu Tian whispered, in the last days, can be preserved for a long time only in the supermarket put the preservative food, fresh eggs and milk meat ah what, now estimated that must have rotted, and they do not have the time and technology to process those foods.

Fortunately, people will always produce a lot of food that can be preserved for a long time, and thanks to those supermarkets that will be more goods, they have given the people of the post-apocalyptic world the means to survive.

We “probably have to do a long time in the outside of the plan…” Chu Tian said to everyone, the flight speed of the Kidola he knows very well, so many days, the Kidola do not know how far out to go, they are walking, it is estimated that it will take a long time to find Su Juan and the girls.

Chu Tian behind a few people are also nodding, did not see the moment Su Mei, we have been prepared, if not find the base city, they are also to be outside for a long time, so it is almost the same.

Rest for a while, several people stood up, continue to go forward, even if there is no end, Chu Tian must also find Su Mei and Kidola.

He also confirmed with the system before, Kidola is not in danger, everything is normal, which also let Chu Tian greatly put down his heart.

“Master, look at that what you are?” After walking for a while, Coconut Mongaard suddenly said so, and pointed to their front.

“What? ” Chu Tian also kept looking ahead, but saw nothing.

“It’s just ahead, let’s go!” Liumengarde said, and quickened his pace.

Chu Tian and other people saw this, although very strange, but also followed Liu Mengga De forward.

After about fifteen minutes of walking, they also saw what Liu Mengjia had to see, that a dark figure, lying in the middle of the road ahead, like the charred remains of the zombie lying in the villa by the Kidola.

Chu Tian saw this, is also excited to go forward, this is the first time after coming out of the villa to see something about Su Mei them.

They soon came to the front of the thing, but what was in front of them made everyone freeze.

“This is… Chu Tian could not help but say, aside of Aixin and Aiyen also surprised to hold their mouths, even the unperturbed coconut Mongaard is also widened his eyes.

That is a charred remains of a zombie, there is nothing strange, its body parts and ordinary zombies are not different, the most strange place is that it has a pair of protruding things on its back, like …huge wings!

Although the wings were also burned, but can still be seen in the shape of, and the wings of birds in the air is no different.

Everyone looked at the zombie after a while, all subconsciously look to the sky, today’s sky clouds are a bit more, but still be able to see the blue sky from the gap in the clouds.

But at this time there is nothing but clouds in the sky.

“System, what the hell is this? ” Chu Tian asked, the system usually does not say anything about the remains of the zombies, so this time Chu Tian can only take the initiative to ask questions.

“This is [the remains of a winged mourner, specifically it should be [a third-order winged mourner.” The system’s voice came, and it gave the specific name of this wreckage.

|Winged zombie? ” Chu Tian couldn’t help but repeat the name of the zombie, “What other information about this kind of zombie?” Chu Tian continued to ask.

Sorry, “host, not yet.” The system replied, it seems that the system does not have that much information at the moment.

“This is really” Chu Tian looked at the wreckage, there was a constant chill behind, did the zombies have evolved with the winged species!

The ground is not enough, now even the sky will be occupied by the zombies?

Chu Tian can’t help but think of the base city helicopter, that helicopter if attacked by such zombies, basically will not have any fight back.

“It seems that it is these zombies that make Kidola have to fly in this direction.” Chu Tian thought, Kidola in the case of protecting Su Juan, fighting ability will also have some damage, the flight speed of these zombies does not seem to be slow ah!

And it seems that there must be a lot of them if they can make Kidola escape.

(of up) “Master, there is food here.” Balu beast waved a small hand, pointing to the remains of the zombie gently said.

Chu Tian then reacted, if it was a third-order zombie, there should definitely be a crystal nucleus, so he gently plucked the remains of the zombie, the wreckage soon revealed a small crystal nucleus, it was a gray crystal nucleus, with a faint fluorescence.

“[Third-order sky crystal core]” the system’s voice came again, for the name of this crystal core system or know.

“Sky crystal core? ” Chu Tian exclaimed, this is the first time to see this kind of crystal core, “I wonder what effect it will have. ” Chu Tian think should find someone to try the effect of this crystal nucleus, but Balu beast seems to have no interest in this crystal nucleus, then there is no way to give her, she is not interested in things she never eat.

“Then only …Chu Tian looked to his side at the Coconut Mungad. Force,

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