143Chapter corpse tide attack again!

143Chapter corpse tide attack again!

Aiyen opened her eyes, coughed violently a few times, then was able to slowly sit up, can see that she just burned some red face is now also recovered.

Chu Tian looked at the Balu beast eating the crystal nucleus on his shoulder, did not expect this little thing can not only assist in battle, but also healing! This is the best assistance ah!

And Chu Tian is also seen digital baby, digital baby in the Baru beast is also later flower fairy beast seems to have little ability to assist, only a few moves to attack the ability.

If it can heal, then the Balu beast’s ability to assist will undoubtedly go up a level, I did not expect this little thing will be so much! Chu Tian can’t wait to see the flower fairy beast that evolves into maturity, but the evolution of the Balu beast seems to be due to her own feeding.

So you can not eat a bite into a fat ah! Evolution into a flower fairy beast day is still early ah.

At this time, Ai25 Yan coughed again a few times, pulling Chu Tian’s thoughts back to reality.

“Sister, how are you?” Ai Xin ran to Ai Yan’s side and patted Ai Yan’s back.

“Much better. “Ai Yan said, her voice is still a little weak, but it does sound better than just now. She cautiously turned the glass of water in Ai Xin’s hand again and took a sip.

“Thank you, without you today, I’m afraid we two sisters would have died here.” Ai Yan reluctantly smiled and expressed her gratitude to Chu Tian.

“Have you been here all this time? ” Chu Tian asked, it was hard to imagine that these two girls could last so long in the post-apocalyptic world.

“Well.” Ai Yan nodded gently, and then gave Chu Tian their experience of the two sisters.

It turns out that here originally lived a family, two sisters are the two daughters of the family, after the disaster, their family has been hiding in the house, until the food ran out, they were hungry for two days, their parents went out together to find food, but did not return.

Until the third day, the sister went out to find food, found outside their parents turned into zombies, Ai Yan went to sneak around the supermarket to get a lot of food, they lasted another week.

After that Ai Yan are once a week to get food, until she was sick, Ai Xin went out to look for food and medicine, met Chu Tian and his party, which was saved.

Ai Yan said it has been in tears, Ai Xin on the side also silently tears, it seems that the two girls experience is indeed very terrible, they two even cry, are afraid to make a little sound.

After listening to Aiyen’s narrative, everyone was silent, only the sound of Balu beast eating, suddenly, Chu Tian said this sentence.

“Since that’s the case, why don’t you come back with me?” He really can’t watch these two girls stay here all the time, the base city is not too safe, but it’s better than here, and may be able to convince Elder Su, the two girls stay in the Su family, so their safety is also considered to have a guarantee.

Where to go”? “Ai Yan asked, her eyes instantly lit up, she now still trust Chu Tian these people, aside of Ai Xin’s eyes also lit up, can see that they are eager to go with Chu Tian, after all, has been staying here is not a long-term plan, can only be said to linger on.

Chu Tian told them about the base city, listening to the two girls are very happy, showing a smile.

“Good! Then we’ll go with you.” Ai said, listening to Chu Tian’s narrative, suddenly she felt that this man is very reliable, and handsome, tall, but it is a pity that around him stood a stunning beauty….

Indeed, compared to the coconut dream, Aiyen’s appearance instantly lost its color.

“In that case, Chu Tian looked at Ai Yan’s current state, “You eat something first, recover, and we’ll leave tomorrow.” Said Chu Tian gave Ai Xin a wink.

When Ai Xin saw Chu Tian’s eyes, she remembered the bread Chu Tian gave her earlier.

Although she would like to be polite with Chu Tian, but she really can’t help it, she has not eaten anything in the past few days.

Chu Tian and Coconut Mongaard looked at the spirit of eating bread Aiyen, also smiled, and then found a place to sit down, it seems that tonight will be here again all night.

At night, Chu Tian stood on the balcony and looked out the window, although it was dark below, but also by the sound of the zombies below are screaming with their mouths open.

The red dress on her body was not a bit polluted after two days of travel. The dim light from the candles in the house made her even more beautiful.

“Hey, didn’t the master say something about “sweeping the snow in front of your own house”?” Liu Mengga De showed a sly smile and asked Chu Tian mischievously.

“…No way, there is really no way to let these two girls just stay here.” Chu Tian scratched his head awkwardly and said with a snort, last night when he lived across the street he said he didn’t care about this side, but he didn’t expect to hit his face today.

“Hahahaha, I knew it, I like such a good master the most!” She jumped over and grabbed Chu Tian’s arm, looking out the window with him.

The night always passes quickly, and as the 020sun rises, the sun shines in.

Ai Xin and Ai Yan’s home is originally four people living together, so naturally there is also Tian their sleeping place, their home bed is also good, is worse than the Su family and across the street.

Chu Tian let the two women pack up a little something, in fact, they do not have anything, so the two of them on the back of a small bag ready to go out.

“And so on.

Chu Tian was about to open the door when he was stopped by Coconut Mongaard.

“What’s wrong, Dream?” Chu Tian turned around and asked, “Did you leave something behind?

“There’s a lot of that stuff out there.” Liumengarde said, “At least the whole corridor.”

Chu Tian’s face tensed up when he heard Liu Mengade’s words, and he lowered his head and looked through the cat’s eye at the door.

As expected, the door is now full of zombies, and seems to have been attracted by the sound of the house, there are a few zombies at the door. Chu Tian just look at the door, and a zombie and look together, the cloudy green eyes straight to make Chu Tian sick.

Chu Tian again ran to the window, looking downstairs, downstairs has been covered with zombies, the number of zombies, compared to the last siege of the base city zombies have never been worse.

The group of zombies walking around with their teeth and claws, densely clustered together.

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