144Chapter stand out!

144Chapter stand out!

“What can I do?” Aiyen heard the words of Liu Menggaade, and went to the door to look through the cat’s eye, and suddenly her eyes were red, she sat down on the sofa, and looked like she was about to cry. She now some blame, if not yesterday she was sick, they could have left here yesterday, then they would not have been in such a dangerous situation.

Ai Xin also stood on the side, hanging his head, but also very sad, if they can leave a day earlier, this will not happen.

Unfortunately, there is no if, this incident just happened to them, to say the least, it is really coincidental, just at this time they are going to leave, such a thing happened.

“It could be a wave of corpses. ” Chu Tian said, he thought about it, but this is only a few days, there have been two waves of corpses, too strange, and combined with these days to observe the performance of the zombies outside, Chu Tian think the world may be undergoing some changes. These zombies seem to be slowly evolving, slowly becoming organized.

We “rush out?” Liu Menggaade arms clutching chest, leaning in the doorway stood, she is not afraid of these zombies outside, do not look at her tender skin, to these zombies whistle they may not be able to bite off the flesh of the coconut Menggaade!

“No, to protect the two of them, here is too far from the outside distance, it is difficult to achieve. ” Chu Tian stood in the house shook his head, he took a look at Ai Xin Ai Yan two sisters, they two starved a few days, now estimated that the physical strength has not recovered, it is difficult to rush out with them.

Or else”, you leave us alone! You can go, go, if we do not meet you, is also dead here.” Ai Yan hesitated for a moment, then stood up and said, can see that she made a very difficult decision to give up the hope of life just obtained.

“Well, my sister and I will be fine here, and when the tide of corpses passes, we will go out on it! “Ai Xin is also hands clasped together, smiled, but anyone can see that she is forcing a smile.

Chu Tian couldn’t help but have a sour nose, these two girls are so kind, and what reason can they give them to leave here!

His mind raced, and a final plan took shape in his head.

Don’t worry”! I won’t leave you guys behind!” Chu Tian smiled and said to the two women on the side of the sofa, “Since I promised you, I won’t let you stay here anymore.”

The two sisters had no one to turn to for too long, and after their father’s death, it was the first time someone had been so kind to them! Aiyen only feel Chu Tian’s image became incomparably taller.

Next, “I will talk about the plan later. ” Chu Tian cleared his throat and spoke to the three women and one beast in the room about his plan.

The specific plan is, let the coconut Mengade and Balu beast in the front, Ai two sisters in the middle, Chu Tian in the back, and that day to protect Su Yu almost, Balu beast is responsible for controlling zombies, Chu Tian and Liu Mengade is responsible for killing zombies. They rushed out of the building to go to the parking lot of the community, which is parked with luxury cars left by the residents of the community.

Tian Tian observed those luxury cars that day, one of the keys are still on the top, and not how to be destroyed, as long as they can get into that car, there is a high probability of being able to rush out!

This is the whole plan, then the first thing to solve, is the zombies outside this door.

“Little Dream, release the poison.” Chu Tian barked an order to the coconut Mongaard by his side.

“Yes!” Liumengarde immediately spit out a breath towards the door, this breath is not the ordinary exhaled breath, but the poisonous gas with the poison of the coconut Mengarde.

Soon, the poison gas of the coconut dream of Gard spread throughout the corridor outside the door, contact with the poison gas to the zombies have fallen, turned into a green liquid, which there are several pieces of crystal cores in the inside.

“Take back the poison gas! ” Chu Tian saw that the zombies outside the door had almost fallen, and made the next instruction.

At this time, the coconut dream to gently open the door, the air outside the door again inhaled, the poisonous gas was soon absorbed by her clean, the corridor outside the door zombies have all died.

This time, Tian opened the door, several people immediately in accordance with the previous formation to rush forward, the stairs is a very difficult level, because not surprisingly, the stairs will be filled with zombies up and down.

A few people quickly walked to the stairway, Coconut Dreamcast kicked away a zombie in front of him, this zombie and the other zombies on this staircase flew out together. They quickly ran to the staircase, the coconut Menggaade with Balu beast in front, a slap down a zombie.

Chu Tian is holding a glacial rift sword behind the temple, he raised the sword, freezing the first row of zombies down the back, after all the zombies can not pass.

Coconut Dream Plus has to deal with the zombie speed is very fast, but she will still be appropriate to slow down their own speed, because to take care of the two sisters behind the Ai family, the two sisters stand in the middle of the two, safe, and even the zombie straight are not too see.

Soon, several people rushed to just outside the door, Chu Tian immediately closed the building’s security door, so as to ensure that after the zombie door will not come out.

Once the stairs were passed, they were greeted with an even greater challenge.

At this point in the community, has been covered with a variety of zombies, they are different colors, only one common feature, that is disgusting!

If there is a dense phobia here, I’m afraid will be nauseated directly fainted.

Baloo! ” Chu Tian shouted from the back of the room.

“Balu Balu Balu Beast’s response also came through, she stretched out her hand, the vine branches immediately stretched out, stretched out also began to fork, the branches more and more, gradually wrapped around the many zombies in front of them.

At this time (of the), the coconut dream of Gad jumped into the air, she hung in the air, hair hanging, eyes also flashed green, the mouth of the two tiger teeth also became very long.

She gave a gentle push to the front and was able to see the green energy coming out of her body.

Instantly, the zombies in front of them all fell, and the vines on them withered and gradually turned into liquid on the ground, and for a while the ground was covered with crystal cores. The scene is extremely spectacular.

Chu Tian’s mind moved, the crystal cores on the ground were received in the system’s inner space, this time but earned a lot of money!

But soon there are zombies gathered again, the number of zombies is too much, there is no way to clean up all of them.

A few people continue to set out, finally came to the community in front of the parking place, that he saw before the Ferrari is close at hand! If you clear the zombies in front of you, you will be able to escape from the sky! force,

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