142Chapter Sisters!

142Chapter Sisters!

The girl saw the bread, the eyes are bright, also unconsciously gulped, and Balu beast see wood crystal cores, but Balu beast is not interested in steel crystal cores.

The girl immediately took the bread handed to her by Chu Tian and gobbled it up, her mouth was already filled with bread but she continued to feed it into her mouth.

Chu Tian and Coconut Mongaard glanced at each other, two people smiled and looked at the girl who was swallowing, she was very sore, two legs like two sesame rods, and there was not much meat on the body at all. It is estimated that since the arrival of the disaster has not eaten a lot of food.

Chu Tian immediately took out a bottle of water and handed it to the girl so that she wouldn’t choke.

The girl took the water, took a big sip, and sent all the contents of her mouth into her stomach. But after that she stopped, she looked at the bread in the hands of “Zero20” and finally put it away, looking like she had made a difficult decision.

“Why don’t you eat it?” Liu Mengjia asked with a smile, the girl was still holding a large part of the bread left.

“I’m full, take the rest back to my sister.” The girl smiled.

This smile makes Chu Tian and Coconut Dream Plus are stunned, from just the girl’s expression, she must not have eaten enough, she is also very reluctant to this bread, right?

“It’s okay, I still have some here, go ahead and eat.” Chu Tian said, taking out another loaf of bread. Chu Tian said, took out another bread, the house servant really take care of Chu Tian, perhaps because of Su Ren’s orders, he brought Chu Tian a big bag of bread and compressed cookies, estimated enough for Chu Tian to eat a ten days and a half months.

If not for the inner space of Chu Tian’s system, it would have been quite troublesome to carry this big bag of food and a big bag of guns.

“Thank you, thank you!” The girl saw the bread Chu Tian took out, and was not polite, took the bread in Chu Tian’s hand, and took out the one she had left, and continued to eat it, with a happy smile.

As we speak, a few people have walked to the building that they just came out of in Chu Tian, and indeed the people living across the street are the girl and her sister.

“What’s your name? Halfway to “Chu Tian”, he suddenly remembered that he didn’t know the girl’s name.

“My name is Ai Xin, my sister’s name is Ai Yan. “Ai Xin said, the mouth of the bread has not completely swallowed, mouth bulging up looks really cute.

“Usually it’s my sister who comes out to get something to eat from the supermarket next door, but these days she’s sick, so I just ran out.” Aixin continued, explaining the reason she came out. But she has been looking at the coconut Mongaard shoulder Balu beast, did not expect to this time, Balu beast can still attract girls.

Soon a few people came to the door of the two sisters of Ai Ai had research, they guessed right, this is where they lived last night. The stairs of this building are almost devoid of zombies, which is why the girl was able to walk outside by herself.

The girl took out the key, opened the door, a fragrance instantly came over, is the kind of aroma of the girl’s room, did not expect that after so long, the two girls still have the aroma in the room.

“Sister, I’m back, bring you medicine back!” Ai Xin picked up the cup of water on the coffee table, received a glass of water, and took it to the sofa.

At this time there is a woman lying on the sofa, does not look big, estimated at the age of twenty-three or four years old, she put a folded white towel on her head, the expression of some pain.

“Sister take the medicine.” The girl handed the medicine to Ai Yan’s mouth, trying to feed Ai Yan to eat.

Ai Yan opened his eyes with difficulty, coughed violently a few times, very weak.

“You’re back Xin’er.” Ai Yan said, her voice was very weak, she took the glass of water in Ai Xin’s hand, but her hand kept shaking.


The glass of water fell to the ground and broke into pieces.

“I’ll take a look. ” Chu Tian came over and said, although he also has little experience in handling patients, but that is much better than this little girl.

“You are?” Ai saw research Tian Tian them, eyes widened a few points, alertly asked.

“Sister, just thanks to them, or I would have been bitten by those things. “Ai Xin hurriedly explained.

“So that’s how it is cough …cough ….then thank you.” Ai Yan heard Ai Xin’s words, the face also eased some, want to sit up and thank Chu Tian.

“You quickly lie down, I will help you look. ” Chu Tian did not let Ai Yan get up, help her lie down.

He touched Ai Yan’s head, like a boiling stove, especially hot, and he looked at the medicine Ai Xin brought back, only the general cold medicine, and no fever-reducing drugs,

“These drugs are not expected to work.” Chu Tian put down the medicine box said, this is also a normal thing, a little girl, in the case of scared and afraid, is very easy to make this mistake.

“Huh? What should we do then. Ai Xin listened to Chu Tian’s words, showing a disappointed expression, the voice again small, and eyes red.

This can be a little difficult to do, but Chu Tian is not a dead man, it seems that they can only go to the pharmacy to take a trip to their strength to get the medicine back or very easy.

When Chu Tian was about to ask for the location of the pharmacy, Balu jumped directly onto Chu Tian’s shoulder.

Master”! Let me see! “Balu beast said and jumped onto the sofa and stood beside Aiyan, her nails elongated and became the same as the vine that day. The nails were stuck on top of various parts of Aiyan’s body.

Balu beast closed his eyes, as if in a careful feeling of Aiyan’s condition.

Finally she opened her eyes, revealing a smile, and then a force, the vine into the inside of Aiyan’s body, directly through the skin, the surrounding people see this image are very shocked.

The vine through the skin, Ai Yan did not show any painful expression, and there is no blood flowing out, but before the tormented expression has improved some, soothing up.

The Baru beast’s body emits 1.9a faint green fluorescence, and her expression is very focused, which is not seen on the face of the previous Baru beast.

Gradually, Aiyan’s body began to appear sweat, a and Balu beast’s face also appeared a lot of sweat, her body fluorescence is also getting brighter and brighter, the head of the flower also seems to have pink pollen flew out, flew to Aiyan’s nose.

Soon, Balu beast put away his hands, the vine returned to her hands, Ai Yan was vine through the skin also did not leave any wounds, intact as before. The beast jumped again to Chu Tian’s body, looking a little tired.

“Master, want to eat!” Balu beast touched Chu Tian’s face and smiled.


Chu Tian took out two crystal nuclei handed to Balu, Balu happily ate up, this time Ai is a violent cough up, and finally opened his eyes.

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