141Chapter Survivor

141Chapter Survivor

Because the room has not been greatly damaged by the zombies, the lock of the house is still good, so there is no worry that the zombies will come in the middle of the night.

Chu Tian three people still slept well at night, the bed in this room is very comfortable, the room is also very exquisite, a look at the owner of the house before is a person who knows how to live, but unfortunately, he probably will never be able to return to his house.

The thought of these people with half a lifetime of savings to buy a house, but the disaster came, all destroyed, it is inevitable that people feel saddened.

Last night the three were sleeping in a room, the room has a large double bed, enough for them to sleep, Baloo night also ate several before killing zombies to get the crystal nucleus, she is also happy to touch the small stomach asleep.

The first time I saw a zombie, I saw a zombie, I saw a zombie, I saw a zombie, I saw a zombie.

But it is also possible that the ordinary zombies were killed by Chu Tian outside the base city…

Chu Tian also ate some food prepared by Su’s family before leaving home and went to sleep.

The next day came quickly.

Chu Tian they quickly packed up, ready for the next day’s journey, another Chu Tian did not expect, although the electricity in this house is cut off, the tap water is still there, so they are also washed, in this city’s ruins, there is running water is also a happy thing.

Soon, they went out, leaving this room, Coconut Dream Plus still took a look at the house across the door closed, but just a glance, and left the place.

Yesterday, the coconut dream of the Gard and Chu Tian also said this thing, although she is a monster, but the heart is still quite kind, if not Chu Tian’s enemies, she generally will not kill. Here the whole building does not know how many zombies roaming around, ordinary people are afraid that it is difficult to hold on.

However, Chu Tian said that everyone has their own way of living, and people do not necessarily need their help, so there is no need to force it, all we can do is to lend a hand when others need help, and that’s all.

In the end times, each family clean up their own snow, right.

So Chu Tian and Coconut Mungad left the place, of course, Balu beast sitting on Coconut Mungad’s shoulder, although Liu Mungad’s shoulder is very thin and thin, but Balu beast can actually do very stable. From her hatching, she hasn’t walked much.


As they walked downstairs, they heard a girl screaming.

Chu Tian and Liu Mengjia had to immediately walk out of the door of the building, looking in the direction of the sound coming from, not far from the building, a girl was sitting on the ground, a black zombie was walking towards her, it opened its mouth wide and stretched its dark arms.

The girl seemed to have no strength to stand up, she kept going backwards on the ground, her eyes full of panic.

“I’ll deal with that thing, you save the people!” Chu Tian immediately said to Liu Mengga De, the two darted in the direction of the black zombie.

[Third-order steel walker]

A simple introduction about this zombie appeared in Chu Tian’s mind, finally met a third-order zombie again ah!

The steel zombie crouched down and looked like it was about to bite the girl, but it was greeted by a cold, incomparable sword.

It’s Chu Tian!

In the nick of time, he shoved the Glacier Rift Sword into the mouth of the zombie and saved the girl.

Coconut dream plus have to immediately take the girl away, Chu Tian a gentle force, the zombie immediately stood up straight, but still deadly bite the sword.

The glacier rift sword can not cut this zombie, which makes Chu Tian surprised, but in turn in the mouth of the zombie rubbed out a little spark point.

Chu Tian simply jumped up and fought in the sky, because the sword was in the mouth of the zombie, so the zombie’s center of gravity became unstable, and it fell to the ground.

This makes Chu Tian more surprised, have been so, this thing has not been cleaved, it is in the end how hard? But the cold of the glacier rift sword is the zombie can not defend, at this time the mouth of the zombie has been frozen, the ice on the mouth of the zombie spread to the ground, and the ground is frozen to together.

The zombie waved his arms haphazardly and tried to stand up, but because his head was frozen to the ground, he was unable to move.

Chu Tian drew his Glacier Rift Sword and took it to the neck of the zombie with a vicious slash.

Request flowers …………

The sword fell, the zombie’s head fell off, and he was completely motionless, losing his ability to move.

“Damn, this thing is really hard! ” Chu Tian put away his Glacier Rift Sword and complained, this zombie was indeed too hard than the previous zombie.

He swung his sword again, this time toward the zombie’s abdomen, and he stabbed it hard into the zombie’s abdomen.

“Sure enough, there’s something there! ” Chu Tian smiled, he cut open the black zombie’s abdomen, a black crystal core was removed.

“Third Order Steel Crystal Core”

The system’s voice came at the right time, this is the second third-order crystal nucleus after coming out, and is very suitable for the attributes of Kidola steel crystal nucleus.


After solving the zombies, Chu Tian put away the Glacier Rift Sword and the crystal nucleus, and walked towards the side of the Coconut Dreamer, the girl is now buried in the red skirt of the Coconut Dreamer, seems to have just been frightened.

She heard Tian Tian walked over, which revealed his face, no powdered face is very beautiful, this girl’s features are not as good as Liu Mengga, but with a sense of natural beauty.

And the girl’s age does not look very big, it is estimated that the 17.8age, her pants broke a hole, it seems to have just escaped the zombies when had broken.

Thank you, “you guys.” The girl held her tears and sobbed, still seemingly in shock.

“Are you a survivor? ” Chu Tian asked, and Liu Mengjia had to take the girl in his arms, stroking her head and calming her down.

“Hmm.” The girl replied in a small voice.

“Is there someone else with you? Why are you alone in the street? ” Chu Tian then asked, not in a hurry, his tone was very soft.

“Sister…, she is sick, so I came out to find medicine. “The girl said, her voice was small, her face was pale, and she looked like she must have been hungry for a few days.

Chu Tian noticed the medicine in the little girl’s pocket at this time, and it looked like what the little girl said was true.

“Take us to where you live first, and here is something to eat.” Chu Tian took out the bread that the house servant brought him, it was a whole wheat bread, although it was not good, but it was enough to fill his stomach. The bread was not good, but it would fill his stomach,

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