140Chapter Temporary accommodation

140Chapter Temporary accommodation

“That’s great, little Baloo!” After finishing the zombie, Yemengarde clapped her hands and exclaimed, like a mother praising her child.

“Balu Balu! “Balu beast is also very excited, she raised her small chest, as if she had achieved great success.

Chu Tian looked at the big one and a small two in front of him, together with simply do not need their own hands, they two can be said to be very strong. This way the zombies almost no way to approach the three of them.

Chu Tian didn’t expect the little Balu beast to have such a strong control ability even though it doesn’t look like it has much fighting ability, so she will be able to cooperate well with Chu Tian and Yemengarde’s battle.

Baru’s control ability, Yemengarde’s poison gas and Kidola’s dominant attack ability, think of this match is good ah!

Chu Tian suddenly felt that it was feasible, and then it was time to let them deepen their cooperation.

Thinking of this, Chu Tian said to the Yemengad beside him: “Little dream, from now on all the zombies encountered by you and this little guy to solve! You guys should work together more often, and hone your ability to work together.”

“Yes, Master! “Yemengarde and Balu beast answered at the same time, for Chu Tian’s request they will certainly do their best to 020complete. And the two just seemed to have established a friendship between women, oh no, between female monsters! Balu beast now seems to be closer to Yemengarde than Chu Tian.

At this time, the green liquid on the ground has been completely dissipated, this is exactly where the strength of the poison of Yemengard, as long as the hit, is the bones of the corpse.

Only, after the green liquid disappeared, the ground did not become completely clean, but also left a small crystal nucleus, the crystal nucleus and the ordinary crystal nucleus is different, it is although the outside is transparent, but the middle is completely green.

This crystal core is what Chu Tian has been able to guess a rough.

“Host, this is a third-order wood crystal core.

The system’s voice sounded in Chu Tian’s head.

Chu Tian was very happy, he didn’t expect that a random zombie jumped out from the roadside could produce such a level of crystal core, which really surprised Chu Tian.

But since this level of zombies can casually wander around here, does this mean that the overall ability of zombies has gone up a notch.

Such a bad guess in Chu Tian’s mind rose, if so, then the outside does not become more dangerous.

This is bad news for most humans, but for Chu Tian, it is good news, because then the output of high-grade crystal cores will become easier, so that the strengthening of monsters will become easier, and even Chu Tian’s own ability can be very strong to improve.

“Goo, this is for you little dream!” Chu Tian casually threw the green crystal nucleus in his hand to Yemengad, Yemengad originally ate the wood-based crystal nucleus, so let Yemengad absorb it even better!

“Sister Dream, yes! Baloo!” But when Yemengarde catch the crystal core, Balu beast is the eyes shining, and then said to Yemengarde, look at his appearance, drooling out.

Yemengarde see Balu beast this look, is also a direct smile, this little guy reached for something really cute look.

“All right, all right, then give you!” The Jemengard naturally is also very spoiled Balu beast, so think not to give the crystal core to Balu beast.

Balu beast get crystal core, like before, ate a big mouthful, but eat the body around the green light.

Chu Tian looked at such a change, is also suddenly understood, look at the shape of the Balu beast know, Balu beast should be pure wood attribute, in this way, the wood crystal core is also certainly the most suitable for Balu beast.

“This also needs a lot of wood crystal core ah!” Chu Tian touched his head and thought about it, I didn’t expect two monsters to be of the same genus (cfbj) nature, this is really interesting!

Soon, the Balu beast finished eating the wood crystal nucleus, and touched his little stomach lying in the arms of Yemengarde asleep, with a smile, it seems that the little guy just use their own ability or consumption ah.

After the road did not jump out what powerful zombies, so they easily solved, gradually, the sky darkened, Balu beast also woke up, it seems that they can only stay here today, here or in the original city of the base city, the base city was originally a not small city, now the old walls of the base city is just part of the original city.

So there are still a lot of buildings here, as long as you solve the zombies in the building, and then close the door properly, you can still get a good night’s sleep, which is exactly what Chu Tian and other people are thinking at this time.

So they are looking for a suitable room, there is still enough time today, so it would be great if they could find a comfortable room to stay in.

So Chu Tian and Yemengarde came to a high-end neighborhood located here, although some dilapidated, but still able to see the luxury of the past, the neighborhood is still parked in a few luxury cars, of course, the people inside at this time is already or unknown, or began to decay.

After searching, they finally found a building where there are not many zombies, generally speaking, the higher up, the fewer zombies should be, so they went up as far as possible, because the power outage, the elevator has been abandoned.

Finally, a few people came to a room located10 in front of the floor, the door of this room is open, apparently the owner is in the zombie disaster before the arrival of the escape, so the interior of the room will not suffer too much damage, should still be suitable for living.

So Chu Tian and Yemengad walked into this room, only before entering, Yemengad was staring at the room opposite the room.

“What’s wrong, Dream?” Chu Tian asked, by the way, the original in the room towards them to kill the zombie punch, the remains of the zombie fell outside the door, so did not dirty the room, but Chu Tian’s gloves are dirty, lucky to have gloves ah!

“In the room of the place, there seems to be someone there! ” replied Yemengarde as she walked into the room with Chu Tian, who was surprised by her words.

“Are there actually people living in this place? This survivor has lasted quite a long time!” Chu Tian sighed, although unexpected, but survivors or something is still very common, so there is no need to be too surprised.

Chu Tian and Yemengarde entered the room, which was a very well-decorated house, and many traces of the previous owner’s life could be seen in the house.

“Looks like I’ll get a good night’s sleep today!”

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