139Chapter Departure! Villa Area!

139Chapter Departure! Villa Area!

Soon came the next day, Chu Tian carrying a backpack full of guns prepared by the old king began his journey, under the watchful eyes of Su Ren and Su Yu left the Su family, finally able to set off, he also did not see Su Mei a few days, so it is also very miss her it.

Su Yu also sent Chu Tian to the gate of the base city, if not see a few new zombies outside the gate of the base city, Su Yu really want to go out with Chu Tian, she does not know what the outside world has become, but as long as Chu Tian is there, she will be very relieved.

Su Yu also still can’t let go of Balu beast, before leaving and Balu beast for a cordial goodbye.

So Chu Tian and Balu beast together wandered up the road back to the villa area, for Chu Tian, there is his home after the end of the world, so he still likes that place, he remembered Su Mei and Kidola, indeed a few days have not seen, these days also happened a lot of things.

But it was a wise decision to let Kidola go back early to give Su Juan their news, otherwise Su Mei should have been waiting for the anxious death, this time almost a week had passed since they last left from the villa house. This week can be too long, the things that happened Chu Tian can tell the two for a long time.

Chu Tian also decided to tell the two of them all that had happened in the past few days as soon as he returned to the villa.

“Yemengad!” Chu Tian’s heart lightly recited a sentence, wearing a red dress Yemengade appeared at his side, today’s skirt is a little longer than the previous one, looks very formal, there is a feeling of a party princess. She also stepped on a pair of black high-heeled shoes, in this kind of place to wear high-heeled shoes can be considered a challenge.

Speaking of which, I haven’t introduced Baloo to Yemengarde yet.

Seeing the strange look that Yemengarde gave to the Balu beast after she came out, Chu Tian remembered this matter.

“Little dream, this is Balu beast Balu. ” Chu Tian pointed to the Balu beast on the shoulder, this little guy is really dynamic, East Gengeng West look, but also always like to ask Chu Tian questions. Chu Tian is also simply to Balu beast named “Balu”, because she always Balu Balu called.

“This is Little Dream sister.” Chu Tian also said to the Balu beast, this little one seems to have no concept of “brother and sister”, but she was hatched to call the master.

“Hello Baru~” Yemengarde waved her hand and said hello to the little guy on Tian’s shoulder, she also seemed to like this little guy.

“Little dream sister roar!” Balu beast waved his hand, grinning a big smile, her voice is not very clear, the “good” said “roar”.

“This is the master’s monster, so cute ah ~” Yemengarde a hand to hold the Balu beast over, in the face gift, girls seem to like this doll like a small thing ah!

“That’s right, Chu Tian looked at the demented girl like Balu beast of Yemengade, also want to laugh, this and Su Yu a reaction ah.

“In the future, my sister will take you to play! I’ll take care of you!” Yemengarde looked at the beast in his arms, smiling and said, now she is a different style, there is a maternal aura, feel very tempting.

Chu Tian looked at the two happy people, also very happy, they two good relationship is really the best thing.

At this time, the grass next to a sudden small sound, the sound is small, but can not escape the ears of Yemengarde and Chu Tian.

The two of them vigilantly look towards that grass, now has a distance from the base city, so is a small forest before, the forest is very good sunshine, the smell of the leaves make people feel very relaxed, but here is hidden a lot of danger.

Suddenly, a green zombie jumped out of the woods, he jumped directly in front of Yemengarde, and opened his mouth at Yemengarde to bite her.

“Little Dream be careful!” Chu Tian immediately pulled Yemengarde and tried to back up.

Who knows that Yemengad but not back, but lifted a foot, the zombie in front of a kick back to the grass, although Chu Tian know, but see that slender white Zhe legs a kick away from the green monsters, or will have a strong visual impact.

Chu Tian looked shocked at Yemengarde with his legs up, this girl, too tough. ….

Yemengarde stroked Balu’s head, smiled gently and calmed her down, she now completely treats Balu as a little sister.

The Balu beast is jumping up and down with joy, looking like it is cheering for the kick from Yemengad.

Is the master “all right?” Yemengarde asked.

“Nothing” Chu Tian replied to Yemengard with a black line on his face, due to the reason that he just backed up, he is now located in the back of Yemengard, coupled with Yemengard’s question, for some reason, Chu Tian always have a feeling of the boss leading the little brother.

The corpse in front of them was hit by a kick from Yemengad, but it was not missing an arm or a leg, and even stood up, which seems to be a good strength of the corpse.

Chu Tian looked at the zombie, and the zombie’s information was immediately written in front of Chu Tian’s eyes.

This zombie is different from the ordinary green hair zombie, looks a little darker, very much like the color of the surrounding environment.

[Tier 3 wood walker]”

This time the system’s voice came, this is the wood zombie, this kind of zombie is not seen, it seems to be with the end of time the longer the zombie will evolve more branches.

The zombie slowly got up and continued to open its mouth in front of Yemengard and Chu Tian, showing a fierce expression and rushing towards Chu Tian and Yemengard.

Chu Tian (of the up) spread his hands, since there is Yemengarde in, it seems that he does not have much opportunity to fight.

But to his surprise, the first to strike is not Yemengard, but the Balu beast on Yemengard’s shoulders, she “Balu Balu” screamed, then hands out, her hands nails elongated a lot, and slowly turned into a tough vine like things.

The vines wrapped tightly around the zombie, the zombie with a big mouth wanted to break free from the vines, but never did, it has been unable to move, and finally fell to the ground.

Yemengarde made a move at this time, she leapt gently to the wood zombie, a palm on the vine. Then she jumped back to Chu Tian’s side.

It didn’t take long for the vines on the wooden corpse to slowly wither, and its screams were getting smaller and smaller, after which the corpse began to slowly decay, dissolve, and then turn into a puddle of green liquid on the ground.

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