138Chapter can not eat spicy balu beast!

138Chapter can not eat spicy balu beast!

“This little guy is really cute!” Su Yu face against the small face of Balu beast, a face of doting, Balu beast is indeed like a doll, and she also carries a plant fragrance, very fragrant, as if the breath in the green grass after the rain, as if people can forget the sorrow.

Chu Tian Tian looked at the performance of Su Yu now, he was not too surprised, the little girl well..

“Where is this monster from?” Master Su Ren was also very happy to see the Balu beast, after all, the Balu beast is like a small child, to his age, is also the most like children.

Tian Tian can’t say that the system gave it, so he said a random reason, picked up outside and so on, so as to avoid the old man’s suspicion. After all, in this post-apocalyptic world, it is not surprising what kind of things you can see.

After Chu Tian cheated the reason, we also began to eat in harmony, today’s dinner is still as simple as usual, although simple, but very tasty, this is the charm of home-cooked food! But this is also mainly the work of the Su family chef, this is the previous five-star hotel chef, is specially invited by Su Ren.

25The chef is naturally very happy to work in the Su family, where the treatment is very good, and not very tired every day. And more importantly, he actually because of the work in the Su family, accidentally escaped the disaster, his family all died because of this disaster, so he also stayed in the Su family, here or peace and quiet, considered a paradise.

After the disaster, the Su family also changed the luxury of the past, are simple meals, after all, the disaster as long as there is a mouthful of things to eat is already a very good thing, now the Su family eat things, are left over from the past, thanks to the Su family has a huge granary, can put a lot of food.

There are almost enough food reserves to eat the Su family a few years, and the preservation of food is not a problem, the Su family’s oil reserves are still enough, so the generator can continue to run, but this is still to save, after all, no one knows how long the disaster will last.

Balu beast is sitting on Chu Tian’s shoulder, looking at the red and green meals on the table, eyes full of curiosity.

Master”, I want that! “Balu beast pointed to the dining table chili, but it was the red color that attracted her attention.

Chu Tian smiled and handed a piece to her, not expecting this little thing still want to eat human food.

Baru beast took the pepper, first put it in front of the eyes to observe, but also smelled the taste, and finally put it in the mouth, chewed gently, saw her first closed her eyes please, like eating the crystal core of the same expression of enjoyment, after the expression visible to the naked eye became painful, the top of the head also seems to be the same as the steam to emerge.

“The beast stuck out her little red tongue and sweat came out of her face as she jumped on top of the table and ran around the table, looking painful.

“Hahahaha, give her water! Seeing the comical appearance of the little Balu beast, the people here laughed out, this little guy is really cute.

The servants immediately took out water and handed it to the little Balu beast, who took the glass of water handed to him and drank it all, finally exhaling a mouthful of hot air towards the sky, and his expression became more relaxed, looking much better.

This behavior made everyone laugh again, and the house servants standing on the side also laughed out loud.

After that, Chu Tian brought various things for the Balu beast to eat, but without exception, all the things were spit out by the Balu beast after a few sprays, Chu Tian regrettably sighed, it seems that this little guy really can not accept human food ah, so fill him with a lot of trouble it.

“Su Lao, I’ve decided to leave tomorrow to pick up Su Mei. When everyone had eaten, Chu Tian said his decision.

Hey Hey”, this is the best!” Su Ren is also smiling and stroking his beard, he has not seen his daughter’s for a long time, so very excited, at this time is also very much looking forward to see his daughter again.

Su Yu is also very happy to see Su Mei again, she is also very happy, she and Su Mei love like a sister, but also very worried about her safety now.

“What kind of help do you need? I should be able to go and divine Eagle to apply for the mobilization of helicopters to go with you.” Su Ren is also very worried about this matter, his Su family’s identity as the head of the family, or can and divine Eagle to apply for the mobilization of helicopters.

Nothing “need, there are still a lot of zombies around there, the helicopter may attract more trouble, so I’ll just walk over.” Chu Tian said, this is also his initial idea.

“Good, then tomorrow I will ask my servants to prepare some weapons earlier, and I will send some security guards to accompany you.” Su Ren said, the danger along the way he is aware of, so send people to help Chu Tian is also the biggest help he can provide at present.

“These are not necessary, Su Lao, I come and go alone, it is convenient, and these zombies are not my opponent.” Chu Tian sipped his tea, smiled and waved his hand, these things are not necessary for him.

Weapons “or take it, safety is the first, everything must be careful! “Su Ren said with concern, the daughter did not return, a good son-in-law also lost.

“Then, good, then thank you Su Lao.” Chu Tian clasped his fist and said with a smile, this level of 020conditions he still has to accept, give Su Lao a face.

“Okay, what you need, today and the old king to go to the warehouse to see, more guns. “Su Ren a smile, now in his eyes, this young man is great, is the backbone of the Su family.

“Understood.” Chu Tian once again clasped his fist and smiled gently.

“When you and Meier come back this time, you will be married. “Su Ren laughed, in this post-apocalyptic world, naturally, there is no need for any marriage certificate, the two people a little celebration, is also considered married.

Chu Tian accompanied by a smile, he has long been married to Su Juan, now able to get her father’s consent, is also considered a success.

After dinner, Chu Tian went to the weapons store with the Su family’s weapons manager, Old Wang, and picked a few rifles and pistols, in Chu Tian’s eyes, these things are of little use, far less powerful than the Yemengard and Baloo beasts.

Soon, it was already dark, Chu Tian went to bed early today, Balu beast lying beside him, found he Balu beast this little guy and the first two monsters are very different, in addition to just hatched can talk, she also seems to dislike being put away, Chu Tian just want to send her back to the system space, she is a reluctant face.

In the end, Chu Tian had no choice but to leave her with him, and the little one fell asleep with Chu Tian’s arm around her.

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