135Chapter security chief? I don’t think so!

135Chapter security chief? I don’t think so!

“La.” Su Yu finished explaining the meaning of the divine eagle, Chu Tian nodded, so this divine eagle is still a big shot!

“Then what does he want me to do? ” Chu Tian then asked, since the other party is such an important person, then he looked for what to do? The first thing you need to do is to get your own hands on it. But look at Master Su’s expression is not quite like ah!

“Huang Wei has not been doing too well at the divine eagle, so before the divine eagle also only approved the strength of Huang Ping, this time if the divine eagle looking for you to go, it means that he may be very optimistic about your strength, if you can get his approval, then for the development of our Su family is also very good.” Su Ren took a sip of the servant handed up the tea, said patiently.

“Then okay, then I will go to see it. ” Chu Tian also took a sip of tea, nodded, he did not care too much about this divine eagle, except that the father-in-law’s request, he said what must also give Su Lao this face!

“Then let Su Yu go with you this afternoon.” Su Ren quietly looked at Chu Tian and Su Yu, he is not a stupid person, these days naturally also saw Su Yu to Chu Tian’s meaning, originally thought to find a good home for Su Yu early, but this girl has always wanted to accompany him, which is delayed until now, the old man also has no way.

The world020 is full of zombies, the world is getting less and less people, good men are more difficult to find, so if Su Yu also looked at Chu Tian, the old man is not unacceptable, since it is such a strong man, but also in the wilderness to save his daughter, that Chu Tian’s character in the old man this looks also considered very good.

And these days Chu Tian’s performance also let Su Ren very satisfied, eradicated most of the Huang family’s forces, but also lifted the crisis of the base city, which are the recent base city of big things.

Soon, the Su family lunch is over, Su Yu to Chu Tian changed a formal clothes, see the divine Eagle is a solemn thing, naturally, to wear a good bit.

So, Chu Tian was well dressed by Su Yu, Su family clothes are very good things, this is before the disaster he did not wear, so this time he is also a good look at himself in the mirror.

In the afternoon, the two men set out, the divine Eagle’s residence in the Su family is not too far away, in the same villa area, so the two men quickly came to the divine Eagle’s residence, but there is the largest and most luxurious villa around.

“Who are you people?” A come (cfbj) to the front of the villa gate, two wearing black suits with sunglasses tall strong men are standing at the door, they both hold two rifles, waist pistol, looks very well equipped.

“Please inform Lord Divine Eagle, this is the Chu Tian of the Su family he wants to see,” Su Yu smiled and introduced the origin of the two men, and outsiders to communicate with this aspect, is the thing she is best at.

After hearing Su Yu’s words, a man in black walked into the villa.

Soon, he came back with the gun, he was still as expressionless as just now.

“Lord God Eagle let him in alone, Miss Su Yu can wait in the hall.” The man in black coldly threw down a sentence and opened the door with a welcoming gesture.

Chu Tian looked at the two security guards, secretly thinking that the divine Eagle is really not ordinary, just the two door guards are already experts who have broken the fourth genetic lock, feeling that their strength should not be inferior to Huang Wei.

This makes Chu Tian even stranger, how such a person would recognize Huang Ping’s strength.

Su Yu and Chu Tian immediately walked in, that the hall is a little dark, because the surrounding plants blocked, the villa area around the previous residents will be among the plants, after the onset of the disaster, these plants have no one to take care of, the natural rampant growth, and now has blocked most of the light of the first floor windows.

This is different from the Su family, as the Su family’s house servants have been taking care of the courtyard and villa, which is why the Su family’s living environment is so good.

Due to the very dark, the first floor of the hall in a circle put on a lot of candles, although to provide lighting, but there will still be some dark, and let people feel some creepy.

There are many chairs in the hall for people to sit.

“Then Sister Su Yu, you rest here for a while, I will come down to you later.” Chu Tian said, and went to the second floor, the stairs are some old wooden stairs, step on it will make a creaking sound.

Su Yu nodded, and found a chair to sit up.

Walking to the second floor, there is a closed door, Chu Tian knew, there should be the so-called God Eagle’s office. He yawned and pushed the door open.

Just walked in the door, God Eagle has been sitting behind the desk, his desk and Su Ren’s about the same size, but his desk and the wall are full of weapons, there are many guns in the corner of the room.

God Eagle face with a mask, only half of his face exposed outside, his hair is dark and rich, he opened his eyes, Chu Tian only felt a burst of murderous aura came over, that is a real slaughter of the breath.

“You are the Chu Tian who killed Huang Wei of the Huang family yesterday?” said the divine Eagle coldly, because of the mask, Chu Tian could not see the change in his emotions.

“Yes.” Chu Tian nodded, can also be the same aura, this kind of time he will not show weakness.

“I heard that you were the one who lifted the crisis in the base city a few days ago?” God Eagle asked again, although the voice is not loud, but with a very strong aura, which is really able to lead people to have the aura.

“That’s right.” Chu Tian nodded again, walked to the chair in front of the table of the divine Eagle, and sat down gently.

“Well done. “The divine Eagle did not comment on Huang Wei’s matter, but only on Chu Tian’s killing of zombies outside the city.

“You crippled Huang Ping, and their family was destroyed by you, so I have an empty position here as head of security, you come to me?” Divine Eagle issued an invitation, accompanied by a description of Huang An’s situation.

“Head of security? I do not do! ” Chu Tian heard the words of the divine eagle, but is laughing, this guy to send out the rice! This kind of position want him to come!

“Why?” God Eagle asked, he did not express surprise at Chu Tian’s answer, but only asked the reason in passing.

“Huang Ping that rookie, his former position for me to sit? It’s too much to look down on people, right brother! ” Chu Tian stood up and walked to the desk of the divine Eagle.

“Hahahaha! That’s an interesting kid.” I did not expect the divine eagle to hear Chu Tian’s words did not get angry, but laughed, but instantly his eyes returned to the previous icy cold.

“So you’re coming to me as my right-hand man?”

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