136Chapter Hatching! Balu Beast!

136Chapter Hatching! Balu Beast!

“Then how about being my right hand man?” God Eagle smiled, this is also his sudden decision thing, few people can say under his pressure to refute his words, so the Chu Tian in front of him makes him feel interesting.

And Chu Tian was able to kill Huang Wei, enough to prove his strength, according to the divine eagle know, the strength of the Huang Wei is also very strong, enough to serve as his right hand, the two people downstairs, although also broke the fourth genetic lock of the experts, but the strength and Huang Wei is still some gap.

Such a condition, can make the base city many people have no way to refuse, the right hand of the divine eagle, in this base city can be considered to have a very high status, even the big families, also have to let him three points.

The god eagle looked at Chu Tian proudly, such a condition, he did not believe Chu Tian would refuse. He knew that the other party had participated in the Su family’s match, and most of the people who participated in that match wanted to hug the Su family’s leg and gain a foothold in the base city. And if you want to gain a foothold in the base city, the conditions given by the divine Eagle can never be refused.

“Allow me to decline, Senior Divine Eagle. “To God Eagle’s surprise, Chu Tian only thought for a moment, and then gave a fist to God Eagle and refused his invitation. Since the other party was kind enough to invite him, he also had to maintain respect for others, this is Chu Tian’s principle of dealing with things.

And he felt from just the breath of the divine eagle, the other party’s strength is definitely not lower than his, and possibly even, is to break the sixth genetic lock of experts! The sixth genetic lock, although the release of the coconut dream to add is still able to deal with, but one more friend more a way!

“Why? You don’t want to be the head of security, and you refuse to be my right-hand man? This is a good job that many people in the base city are eager to take!” God Eagle looks a little angry, he did not expect such a condition this kid will also refuse.

“It’s not that I don’t want to be, it’s just that I have to leave the base city recently, I may not stay in the base city all the time in the future, and with my nature, it’s also hard to move around in the organization, so, I’m sorry, senior divine eagle. “This is Chu Tian’s reply, his reason is very justified, he really has a lot of things to do after, also can’t stay in the base city all the time.

But these are still Chu Tian’s excuses, in fact, he just does not want to do it.

“Then since this is the case, I can not help it, to be honest, I still appreciate you kid, in the future, if you need help, I hope you do not refuse. “God Eagle showed regret expression, then said, it seems that he is also a friend of the principle of more a road.

“Since it is senior’s request, then junior will definitely not resist.” Chu Tian continued to clasp his fist, “However, I also hope that senior can take care of the Su family more after.” Chu Tian naturally will not suffer, God Eagle in the base city is very powerful, let him take care of the Su family Chu Tian also feel at ease.

“Okay, let’s take care of each other from now on! “Divine Eagle tone softened a lot, the eyes are not as sharp as at first, he extended his hand, indicating Chu Tian Tian shake hands.

Chu Tian also simply extended his hand, and God Eagle’s handshake to together, although it is a handshake, but also has a mysterious, Chu Tian can feel a very strong force in the hands of God Eagle came, he knows, this is the other side in the test of his strength.

So Chu Tian is not willing to show weakness, but continue to force the transmission of the past, the two forces of the two so deadlocked, up and down, a single than the power, Chu Tian is certainly no way to compete with the possibility of breaking the six genetic locks of the divine eagle, so Chu Tian is still ready to fight a fight!

But the divine Eagle is hard to use the degree of four genetic locks on the release of the hand, and smiled and let Chu Tian go.

Chu Tian also did not say anything else, is also straight away. He pushed open the door and walked to the first floor.

“Well!” Su Yu saw Chu Tian walk over, immediately came over and asked.

“Nothing.” Chu Tian replied.

“Did God Eagle say he appreciates you?” Su Yu’s eyes shone brightly, like a little girl.

“Said, and asked me to be his right-hand man.” Chu Tian said indifferently.

“Wow! That’s a good thing!” Su Yu was so happy that she was almost jumping up and down!

“I refused. ” Chu Tian replied with a smile, not accepting the divine eagle’s invitation, but rather makes him relaxed now.

The smile on Su Yu’s face froze for a moment when she heard Chu Tian say this, but it did not dissipate and she continued to walk out the door with Chu Tian in a good manner.

“That’s pretty good, too.” Su Yu said.

At this time, the Divine Eagle office.

A man wearing a black cloak is standing behind the desk of the divine Eagle, while the divine Eagle is half kneeling in front of him, looking very respectful. Because the sunlight is very harsh, can not see the man’s face.

…… is asking for flowers…

“Well, that little doll.” The man opened his mouth and said, his voice was a little old, but very powerful.

“Is a good young man. “Divine Eagle smiled, raised his head and said.

Very good”, take care of the Su family more in the future.” The man smiled.

“Yes. “The divine Eagle bowed his head.

Su Yu and Chu Tian soon returned to the Su family, but Chu Tian did not tell Su Ren that he had refused to be the right-hand man of the divine Eagle, just the news that he would take care of the Su family, just this news made Su Ren overjoyed.


After all, the Su family for so long, has been in more and more decline, today can finally raise their eyebrows!

Chu Tian said more and went back to his room, that room is a small thing he has been concerned about it, although it is not yet time to hatch, but Chu Tian step do not want to leave the monster eggs around.

As soon as the room, he saw the monster eggs on the window, the lower incubator time shows the words “27:34:15”, so that means there is more than a day before hatching.

So Chu Tian decided to take a nap to pass the boring time.

Time passes quickly, gradually, the incubator on the time is less and less, finally to “00:00:00” time, this period Su family is very calm, nothing happened.

The shell of the monster egg slowly cracked like a spider web, and then from the cracked place, an object topped the crack of the egg, and the pieces of the egg fell to the side.

Then a small pink flower came out of the eggshell.

“This is …. Chu Tian opened his eyes wide and looked at the little guy that came out of the egg.

Immediately after, a small green thing crawled out, blinking her big flashing eyes, her hands and feet on all four limbs have four sharp nails. Her small mouth also revealed a few sharp teeth.

“Congratulations to the host, you have obtained the monster Balu Beast! “The system’s voice sounded in Chu Tian’s ears at the same time. He also recognized this monster, it was the Balu Beast from “Digital Baby”! The system’s voice sounded in Chu Tian’s ears at the same time,

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