134Chapter Divine Eagle!

134Chapter Divine Eagle!

The moment Chu Tian opened his eyes, Yemengarde directly felt a burst of energy from Chu Tian’s body, she took two steps back, slowly stood firm, and then walked forward.

“Master! You are awake! “Yemengarde was overjoyed, she had stayed here for the past ten hours, not leaving a single step, watching Chu Tian with two different and complicated feelings of anticipation and worry, and now she was finally relieved.

“Why did you come out of the little dream? ” Chu Tian saw Yemengarde, thought he was wrong, so he rubbed his eyes, and found that it was not his own illusion, the eyes red, like a small beautiful snake aggrieved, is now really standing in front of him, still wearing her red dress.

But Chu Tian did not wait for Dream’s answer, but for a “zero-20” hug, a big hug with a tantalizing aroma. Yemengarde didn’t mind Chu Tian’s sweaty clothes and hugged him tightly.

“Master never woke up, little dream, worried.” Yemengarde said with a sobbing voice, choking. Her white temporary skin was wet with Chu Tian’s sweat, like an apple with water as attractive.

Chu Tian heard the words of Yemengarde, a moment to understand, he looked out the window, this time the sky has been completely dark, he started the time is only noon, it is no wonder that the little dream will be worried.

“It’s okay, Dream, I’m okay.” Chu Tian stroked Yemengarde’s long black hair, and this little snake was most appreciated by such a gentle touch.

I’m glad you’re okay, master! “The tone of her voice was so soft that Chu Tian might not have been able to hear her if it wasn’t such a quiet night, but Chu Tian still felt a warmth flowing through his heart.

The two of them hugged each other quietly for a long time, and Yemengarde went back to the inner space of Tian’s body, where the monsters usually stay.

The first thing Chu Tian had to do was not to check his ability value, but to take a shower and change his clothes. The Su family had a lot of men’s clothes for Chu Tian, which were worn by the sons of the old man, and the maids quickly brought the previous clothes and took away Chu Tian’s clothes with a subtle look. The bed sheet.

Although Chu Tian wanted to explain to the maids that the sweat on the sheets was his, but that would be a kind of silver bullet, after some weighing, Chu Tian still did not explain.

After these things are resolved, it has almost come to the early morning, Chu Tian was finally able to lie in his bed again, he quickly opened his information panel, check his four-dimensional information.

He found that his current four-dimensional data is more than the gains brought to him after the evolution of Yemengard, which is the power to break the fifth genetic lock, and the power of the fourth genetic lock can hardly be compared to the same day.

Chu Tian now only feel the power from the depths of their own bodies continue to emerge, let him feel very comfortable, now he has a feeling of recovering from a serious illness, the whole body is very relaxed, let him feel very relaxed.

Soon, Chu Tian fell into a deep sleep, and tonight he slept very comfortably, his whole body felt great.

Knock Knock –

The next day, Chu Tian was awakened by a familiar knock on the door, he opened his eyes, rolled out of bed, went over and opened the door, and found that it was indeed the familiar Su Yu again.

“As soon as she opened the door, Su Yu’s face appeared right in front of Chu Tian’s. She greeted him with a smile and some strange eyes.

“Yes, I slept late yesterday. ” Chu Tian yawned, the corners of his mouth twitched, it seems that this woman also heard about last night’s Chu Tian bed sheet thing.

“Then hurry up and come out to eat, there is a big event to inform you.” Su Yu said with a smile on his face, it seems to be something good.

“Late, okay.” Chu Tian immediately went back to the house, brushed his teeth, washed his face, then came out, Su Yu was really still waiting for him outside the door, Chu Tian found Su Yu was very patient with him, “What did you just say ah Su Yu sister? He asked, he was still half awake when he said, did not pay attention, but after washing his face completely awake, so he symbolically asked about things.

“This ah, the master will personally talk to you later.” Su Yu said with a smile, and raised an eyebrow as she said it.

“Well… Chu Tian could only follow and came to Su’s restaurant

Su Ren is already sitting in his place, he saw Chu Tian is also smiling.

Chu Tian and Su Ren said hello, but Su Ren seems to have no intention to say something, so Chu Tian also had to eat with them, now the Su family can be on the table only the three of them, the Su family chef’s skills are also very good, the food is also very good, eat the Su family meal, Chu Tian seems to go back to the end of the world, this is a long time have not experienced the taste.

After eating, Chu Tian looked at Su Ren, and it looked like the old man was finally going to say the right thing.

” Chu Tian ah, you yesterday to solve the Huang Wei thing I also heard, do a good job, but in the future this kind of thing can try to solve in other places, in front of the Su family is obscure some.” Su Ren said slowly.

Chu Tian also nodded, yesterday he really did not want to clash with the Huang family in front of the Su family, but it was the Huang family’s people to pick a fight, so Chu Tian can not do anything.

“I will pay attention in the future.” Chu Tian replied, after all, is his own father-in-law, this degree of respect Chu Tian will still give, although the entire Su family is now almost all rely on him to shelter.

“There is one more thing, that is, the divine Eagle also heard about you yesterday, so he sent someone over today, let you go to meet him. “Su Ren said with a smile, although the relationship between the Huang family and the divine Eagle is not far, but also1.9 not so close, Huang Wei is not the experts under the divine Eagle, if today Su Ren can get the approval of the divine Eagle, then the status of the Su family will certainly be another step up.

Huang Wei is the guardian of this base city, so if Chu Tian can get his appreciation, then the Su family is both resources and experts, and naturally will not be afraid of other families.

“Divine Eagle? What is that?” Chu Tian scratched his head, it was the first time he had heard this name since he came to the base city.

“Eh.. Su Ren and Su Yu awkwardly laughed, did not expect this son-in-law actually do not even know the divine eagle.

“The divine Eagle is the chief commander of the entire defense force of the base city, the rules of the base city is also his responsibility to formulate, can be said to be the highest officer of the base city.” Su Yu quickly explained the divine Eagle.

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