127Chapter Su Mei’s whereabouts

127Chapter Su Mei’s whereabouts

” Chu Tian meet Master Su!” After Su Yu introduced Chu Tian, Chu Tian also nodded, salute, after all, is the future father-in-law, can respect or to respect a little, but there is no need to be too humble, after all, the Su family still need his strength.

“Are you the young man who killed all the zombies outside the city walls? “Master Su began to ask, his face covered around, hair is the color of white, although it still looks benevolent, but at all is not his age should have the appearance of people, the normal fifty years old is still considered in the tail end of middle age. How to say it is not so old.

But think about the Su Ren should understand, in this short period of time, the loss of two sons, daughters unaccounted for, most of the loss of property, only left alone, how can people not accelerate the old?

“Yes, it’s me. ” Chu Tian thought of the reason for Su Ren’s old age, and admired the old man even more. His experience is really a bit sympathetic, but he actually managed to maintain the Su family, this is already a very admirable ability.

Very good”, congratulations, from today you are the son-in-law of my Su family, I will raise you like a son. “Master Su said with a smile, he still looks very kind when he smiles.

But his smile only existed for a moment, and then Su Ren changed back to his usual look, even, more serious and gloomy, “only, there is a very sorry news, you may not be able to marry our Meier. “Su Ren this time not as just like looking straight into the eyes, but slightly raised his head, the look of sadness.

“Late?” Chu Tian already knew the news, so he was not surprised, just followed the old man’s words down the road.

“Because Meier, when the disaster occurred is not in the city, we do not know whether Meier is alive or dead, so…. the old man said here, his voice has been a bit choked up, this daughter has been his heart knot, outside so many zombies, everyone knows the possibility of survival is very low, but his heart still has a trace of hope, believe that his daughter is still alive.

“Master,” Su Yu saw Su Ren’s demeanor, the tears that had just been retracted for a short time appeared in the eyes again.

“Actually…, you don’t have to worry so much.” Chu Tian’s words pulled the two back from their sad state of mind, his voice strong and powerful.

“I saved Su Mei outside before, before I came here, we have been together, so I can guarantee that she is still alive and safe! ” Chu Tian said, such words undoubtedly to Su Ren and Su Yu hit a strong needle, both of them opened their eyes wide, pupils contracted.

Su Ren just stared blankly at Chu Tian, after a long time, he let out a voice, “Are you telling the truth? My Mei’er is really still alive?” His voice was extremely trembling, even this old man who has been in the market for many years could not keep calm at this moment.

It should be the most joyful thing in this world to have your loved ones back.

“Yes, and one of my friends is protecting her, so she is safe now!” Chu Tian nodded, then smiled and said, this should be the best gift for the future father-in-law! Goodwill will be brushed to full in a flash!

“And where is she now?” Su Ren immediately asked, he looked anxious, and he was no longer suppressing his emotions as usual.

“She is in the villa area outside the city just like that, Chu Tian told the story of his previous encounter with Su Mei, but the little love affair that happened with Su Juan was partially omitted by him.

“It is so ah Su …Ren heard, leaned back on the backrest of the boss chair behind him, finally relaxed, since the disaster came, he has not been so relaxed as today. He really, too happy ah!

Gradually, tears slipped out of Su Ren’s eyes, and he kept wiping the tears from his face with his hands, but the tears did not stop.

“This is the tears of joy… ” Chu Tian looked at the old man who was crying uncontrollably, and sighed in a low voice, it seems that Su Ren and Su Mei’s feelings are very deep ah.

“Chu Tian, you are really.” Su Yu also became a tearful person at this time, she came over and hugged Chu Tian tightly, “the great benefactor of the Su family ah!”

Chu Tian felt the softness coming from his body, which is also a different kind of enjoyment!

“Yu’er, immediately send someone to bring Mei’er back!” After wiping his tears, Master Su immediately said to Su Yu, who was holding Chu Tian, this is the big thing for the Su family right now, it is the most urgent.

Hearing Master Su’s voice, Su Yu realized she was a little out of shape, she immediately let go of Chu Tian, tidied up her clothes hair and force.

“”But master, just a few days ago there was a wave of corpses passed, this time send people out I’m afraid it’s too dangerous.”” Although Su Yu is happy, but also quite calm, this time around the base city will certainly still have a lot of zombies around, only last night Chu Tian killed too many zombies, covering the smell of the base city, diverting the attention of the zombies.

This time to send ordinary people to the villa area to rescue people, even if there is a helicopter, but also a very dangerous thing.

“Don’t worry about this matter.” Chu Tian this time lightly coughed two, attracted the attention of Su Yu and Su Ren, “I am planning to leave the base city in a few days, to pick up Su Mei over it. “Although the villa area is very good, but after all, there are zombies around, or not easy to stay long, so Chu Tian is planning to pick up Su Mei back.

After all, the strength of the Su family here is very strong, or to be able to protect Su Mei very well, so Chu Tian can also rest assured.

“Yes.) Well…” Su Ren stroked his white beard, thinking, then he laughed, “Since this is the case, I am relieved, then Mei’er will be handed over to you, there is such a good son-in-law, my old man will not have to worry about hahaha. “Su Ren stroked his beard and laughed, looking very happy.

“Yes.” Chu Tian answered, in fact, it does not matter whether it is handed over to him, he has always done so before, in his heart, Su Mei is his first wife, no matter what time, it is impossible to abandon her.

“Yu’er, today is a double happiness, order the chef, make something good tonight, and then bring out the wine from before, we celebrate well.” Su Ren is ecstatic, from the wrinkles at the corners of his eyes can see his joy.

“Good lord.” Su Yu smiled and responded, she was also very happy today and did not mind accompanying the two of them for a couple of drinks. ,

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