128Chapter Serpentine Beauty!

128Chapter Serpentine Beauty!

Soon, the Su family opened a banquet, although it is a banquet, only Su Yu, Chu Tian and Su Ren three people to participate, this is also in the Su family has not seen the grand banquet for a long time, regardless of whether you can eat late, the chef still made several dishes, which can be said to be Chu Tian in the end of the world after eating the best meal.

Since the end of the world, such things as restaurants have disappeared outside the base city, the few remaining in the base city are also used by the major families in exchange for supplies institutions, people go in to eat, is to use their hands in exchange for supplies, only with the restaurant feel enough to exchange supplies, to eat food.

Of course, the hotel is the same, there is no standard of hygiene, as long as you can fill your stomach, can have a place to sleep, that is enough, the base city there are many people sleeping on the street it.

They are not much ability of the old and sick, but at this time, no one went back to sympathize with them, everyone is only concerned about their own lives.

After dinner, Su Yu arranged a room for Chu Tian, it is the room next to hers, the intention of which Chu Tian is also very clear, this woman020, in the Su family actually still think about themselves.

But the guest is as the host, Chu Tian also lived next door to Su Yu, Su Ren lives on the third floor, they both live on the first floor, is also considered a mountain high emperor far away.

But Chu Tian can not think of so much now, because just back to the room, Yemengarde again turned into a dark green snake eggs, the light screen in front of the countdown to transformation, Chu Tian know, Yemengarde’s transformation, finally came!

This time the number on the light screen is not as little as the last time, it is 01:00:00, which means that the transformation of Yemengad takes an hour, which is much longer than that of Kidola, last time Kidola only took a minute.

Chu Tian just lying on the bed, quietly watching the snake eggs, although there has been little movement, but Chu Tian still look forward to!

Time passes, and soon, the number of the countdown to transformation came on the 0,green egg also appeared again cracks, but this time from the cracks but not the small snake out, but a living, naked little man, that just came out, only the same as the snake egg, Chu Tian’s a hand (cfbj) palm size.

Just such a small one, you can see her waves, the big blue eyes blinking, she looked at Chu Tian, a light jump, jumped out from the hole of the snake eggs, jumped to Chu Tian’s palm, little head ceng his thumb, but also a face to enjoy the expression.

Although only so little, but already can see how beautiful her delicate face is, and also has Su Mei and Kidola did not have a sense of mature beauty, that little face looks like an adult.

Although the eyes are very clear, but that little face but already has the taste of “bogeyman”, this may be the so-called “born girl bone” it.

And from the moment of jumping out of the egg, the air is filled with a strange smell, the smell of people can not stop, Chu Tian only feel now in the stomach on the birth of a xie fire, but see that squatting his fingertips of the little man, instantly calm down.

“How can you do it to such a small child! This is not a beast!” Chu Tian gave himself a slap, he felt that he had just thought too much!

“Master!” This time Yemengarde spoke, the voice that also very noon beautiful, with a sense of goods, let people listen to the crispy, numb, numb, Chu Tian good easy to extinguish the fire burned up again.

Sure enough, “It’s a snake spirit! This girl is also too exaggerated!” Chu Tian thought about it, but I didn’t think I would fall with just the sound and aroma.

“I want to do different things with the master!” The small voice came, Yemengad also slowly ceng Chu Tian’s fingers, suddenly, Yemengad’s body began to grow larger, and soon became ordinary people and the same size.

This becomes bigger, originally in the palm of Chu Tian’s hand, he is now in Chu Tian’s arms, and still naked!

In this way, Tian was able to take a closer look at the figure of Yemengarde, which is well-proportioned without a trace of Zanrou figure is simply the kind of figure that men love most.

And rare double arms and shoulders just right, but the two tuo is unusually large, which is not the general female can have the body ah, like Su Yu, has been very rare, double wind is very majestic, the arms are not considered very thick.

But even Su Yu’s arms and shoulders, and the Yemengad in front of you is a little thicker than. And Yemengad tui on the meat is also very fine ni, like jade, white and smooth, really a rare treasure!

Chu Tian just sniffed the smell of Yemengad, looking at Yemengad’s body, and could not help but stay, Kidola and her compared to the lack of ah, although the body is similar, but Kidola does not have this soul-stirring taste!

And then think of the poison of Yemengad, this is simply a beautiful snake that euthanizes people in the tender land of her arms! I never thought that the divine beast that devoured the universe of heaven and earth would turn out to be such a beauty.

“Master! What are you thinking about~ Yemengad exhaled gently towards Chu Tian’s face, then tied to his ears and made a nice sound.

This is the first time I’ve ever seen a woman with a penis. He could not help but think so, the belly xie fire has been burning.

Chu Tian can no longer control himself, how to say he is also a normal man, is certainly unable to resist the beauty of the snake so worried!

But just when he wanted to crush Yemengad underneath him, he found himself already crushed underneath, and he could feel the ruan on Yemengad’s body everywhere, as if he were a snake without bones.

“Master~ Let’s play the game you always do with your sisters.” The reason for this is that the light is not known, her pink face is also full of red run, just like the apple of worry.

Is this the fruit of sin in the Garden of Eden?..

Even if it is a heinous sin, Chu Tian must eat this apple today!

The two of them had a fun game afterwards!

Early the next morning, Chu Tian got up from the chuang, only to feel cold limbs, eyes also have two black circles, the back is also sweat.

This Yemengarde, seems to be more powerful than the Kidola ah!

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