126Chapter Su family!

126Chapter Su family!

“Evolution is coming soon, right?” Chu Tian then stared at Yemengad in front of him with his hands, looking like a pervert waiting for a girl to get naked.

Yemengarde was also on Chu Tian’s lap, blinking her big eyes at Chu Tian.

Soon, a morning has passed, the two so wide-eyed look at the morning, Yemengad but still no change. Of course she is now more than before, the body has some dark green pattern. It looks more aura.

“Uh, this is not the same as said ah! ” Chu Tian so very confused, why the transformation has not yet come.

“System, why hasn’t Yemengarde started to transform yet?” Chu Tian immediately asked the system, he had been looking forward to it for a long time, the appearance of Yemengarde after it had transformed.

“Ding! Please be patient host, this may take some time! “The system’s voice came, this is a person’s official answer, just like when the internet is down, the telecom company people ask you to be patient.

“Okay. I guess we’ll just have to wait.” Chu Tian’s hand hung over his head and stroked Yemengad’s little snake head, and Yemengad stepped on his fingers, looking like he was enjoying the touch.


At this time, there was a knock on the door.

Chu Tian immediately jumped out of bed and opened the door.

The familiar face of Su Yu, I do not know why, today she looks more beautiful, a faint blush on the face, but also afraid to look directly into the eyes of Chu Tian.

“Sister Su Yu ah, what happened? “I did not expect to see a night, Su Yu has some changes, she is wearing a red dress today, loose shawl hair, mouth also painted with bright red lipstick. It looks very mature.

“Ah, Chu Tian, our old man, your father-in-law afterwards, wants to meet you, so do you have time today?” Su Yu said, there are red stars rising on the face, she does not know why she saw Chu Tian will blush, probably because of the words of confession yesterday!

“It’s so embarrassing . Su Yu still blushes when she thinks about it now.

“Okay, okay, then I’ll pack up and go over. ” Chu Tian answered, see their father-in-law is a big deal, after all, he early outside the Su Mei into his people.

“Sister Su Yu do you want to come in and sit down?” Chu Tian said in passing, it’s not like he hasn’t come in before anyway.

“No, no, I’ll just wait outside.”

With a bang, Su Yu closed the door.

“What’s going on?” Chu Tian was confused, I thought it was just a small change, but I didn’t expect such a big change.

But Su Yu also did not expect, into the state of love she will be so shy, to know that she was previously for the Su family master and a variety of business and political bigwigs to deal with! But never had this state.

Soon, Chu Tian packed up, in fact, there is nothing to pack up, is to take the Yemengarde in their side on the line.

Then Su Yu took Chu Tian in the direction of Su’s house.

After the end of the world, the car is a rare resource, generally people go out to explore with, so the base city will generally save oil, almost no one will be able to take the car in the base city action.

Along the way, Su Yu is also to Chu Tian introduced a lot of Chu family situation.

The old man of the Su family is called Su Ren, the Chu family has always been a large family in the base city, after the arrival of the end of the world retreated within the city walls, to keep the family in the city walls a little industry.

Because after the end of the world, money is no longer useful, so the Su family is also in decline, but fortunately the Su family used to have part of the arms business, so almost 80% of the arms in the city walls is provided by the Su family, the Su family’s warehouse now has a large number of arms.

Su Ren originally had two sons, but after the arrival of the end of the world were all killed by zombies, so now there is only a daughter Su Mei, the whereabouts of unknown, Su Ren also do not know the life and death of Su Mei, so this time just find a strong man, to allow him to try to take responsibility for the Su family, after all, Su Ren is also approaching the age of retirement.

“I do not know how Mei’er is now, this outside so terrible. “Su Mei said raised his head, looking at the sky, eyes also have tears in the turn, she and Su Mei’s relationship is still very good, and she began to do Su Ren’s secretary very early, so also very pity the situation of the old man.

And after yesterday’s battle with Chu Tian outside, she feels more and more that the zombies are very scary and dangerous outside, and at night when she thinks of that crazy thing with a big mouth, she can’t stop having nightmares. She also wakes up at night from her dreams!

“So, your Su family also does not know whether Su Mei is still alive or not?” Chu Tian listened to Su Yu said here, also probably understand the current situation of the Su family, but they are also powerful enough, daughter is alive or dead do not know, dare to give their daughters to compete for marriage, fortunately recruited Chu Tian, recruited to others may also let the Su family returned it!

“Yes,” Su Yu lowered her head, this is indeed a deceptive match.

“Then your Su family is really good at playing, fortunately it was me who recruited.” Chu Tian was about to say something about him and Su Mei.

“Ah! Here it is! ” Su Yu’s voice interrupted him, in front of them was a large villa, there is exactly the building Su Ren used for vacation, now is the stronghold of the Su family.

Su Yu “Miss! “The two guards at the door have nodded after seeing003 Su Yu, Su family inside a large amount of food and arms, naturally need people to guard the time, the base city although it seems prosperous, but not everyone can eat, after the arrival of the end of the world, all the food sources have been broken.

Su Yu pulled Chu Tian came to the second floor of the villa, where is a huge office, from the double doors of the office can see the size of this office.

Su Yu knocked gently on the door, “Master, I have brought him here.

“Come in. A low, old man’s voice came through the door, sounding serious.

Su Yu pulled open the door, with Chu Tian walked in, the office is very luxurious, clearly a post-apocalyptic model, the old man placed in front of a large desk, his back against a boss leather chair, chair up as if the whole person can be trapped in the same, a look at the cost is not expensive.

There are many furnishings on top of the desk, ivory wigwams, jade Buddha statues, all look very valuable. But in the middle of these furnishings, or a picture frame, because it is on the opposite side, Chu Tian can not see what the picture in the frame is.

“Master, this is the winner of this competition, Chu Tian, who also killed the zombies outside the city yesterday!” Su Yu immediately introduced Chu Tian’s identity.

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