125Chapter Yemengarde evolution!

125Chapter Yemengarde evolution!

Chu Tian was welcomed into the city as a hero, he was not too proud, after all, in his opinion it is not a difficult task, just keep killing zombies, but it will indeed take a lot of physical strength is it.

This incident caused a lot of waves in the base city, the same night has spread throughout the base city, everyone knows that there is a man in the zombie siege, rushed to the city, killed all the zombies, rescued the base city.

When the managers of the clans heard the news, they all wanted to recruit Chu Tian into their families, but when they heard that Chu Tian had won the Su family’s match and was already the son-in-law of the Su family, they were so angry that they pounded the table.

The old man of the Su family, Su Mei’s father, heard the news and also wanted to summon Chu Tian and Su Yu at the first time, but “zero zero three” because today is already a bit late, and usually has been arranging various matters for him Su Yu is also not in, so the old man still chose to wait, after all, Chu Tian is already The son-in-law of the Su family.

Too anxious to meet, I’m afraid it will also lower their Su family’s value.

“Why don’t you stay with me at Su’s house today? “Su Yu was sent by Chu Tian to her place, that is, the Su family villa, which was bought by the old man of the Su family before the arrival of the end of the world for vacation, did not expect that now it has become their last shelter.

“I’m fine Sister Su Yu, it’s better to sleep comfortably in your own place, I’ll come back to visit tomorrow!” Chu Tian smiled and refused Su Yu’s request, in fact, if possible, he still wanted to spend another night with Su Yu.

But tonight it is not possible, he looked up at the numbers on the light screen in front of him, that is precisely the evolutionary time of Yemengard, yes, Yemengard devoured enough zombies today, at this time has entered the evolutionary stage, originally alive Yemengard is also shrunken into a ball, turned into a small egg.

This time and the last white chrysalis is not the same, but dark green covered with patterns, like an egg, the egg also carries a different temperature, and very small.

Luckily, Yemengard was in a smaller state when she entered the evolutionary stage, otherwise Chu Tian would have had to be there to guard her. The tiny Yemengarde egg was placed in Chu Tian’s pocket.

The number on the light screen in front of you, at this time, shows 09:12:13.

In other words, Yemengad will enter the maturity stage in nine hours, and according to the previous experience of Kidola, Yemengad will probably also transform into a human, and then Yemengad will be able to move better.

Chu Tian immediately ran back to his place, tomorrow morning will be able to see the mature stage of Yemengad, he is eager to see the changes after Yemengad.

After returning to the hotel, Chu Tian was also tired, so he quickly took a shower, and then went to sleep, even if his physical strength is strong, a day of zombies is also a considerable burden.

“I hope I’ll see you again in the morning.” Before going to bed, Chu Tian gave Yemengarde a small quilt, how to say, is a sense of ritual, right.

The night passed quickly and the next morning, Chu Tian was awakened by the early morning sunlight.

There is still an hour or so to go before Yemengarde’s evolution is complete.

Chu Tian also has no way to speed up the time of evolution, so he can only wait, this hour he ate breakfast, washed his face. He waited for the success of Yemengard with great concentration.






Chu Tian looked at the number counting down in front of him, and sure enough, after the number became0, cracks began to appear on the Yemengard egg, and soon, the cracks spread out more and more, covering the entire egg.

Finally, from the place where the crack began, broke open a small hole, the hole emitted a faint green fluorescence, let people look very soothing, this should be the evolutionary direction of Yemengarde caused by.

Not long, a small snake head from the hole, the little guy out looked around, then shrunk back, and then out again, as if playing some game.

Chu Tian has been smiling at Yemengarde, this time to have patience!

After a while, Yemengarde emerged from her egg and came to Chu Tian’s head, spitting out her snake’s sperm,

“Ding! Yemengard evolution is complete:has entered the maturity stage!”

“Ding! Congratulations to the host for the increase in 4-dimensional data! ”

“Ding! Congratulations to the host inherited the Yemengard gene, evaluation: S-class!”

“Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the ability “Toxin”, evaluation: S-rank, [Quick Reply, evaluation: A-rank [Snake Teeth], evaluation: A-rank (Poison Gas Control, evaluation: S-rank! “Invulnerable to all poisons], Rating: S-rank!”

“Yemengard’s next stage, full body!”

This is the second time that Chu Tian has gone through this evolution, Chu Tian is not too surprised, but looking at the crazy rise in the four-dimensional data, and the new abilities obtained, Chu Tian is very happy, this can visually see themselves stronger feeling, really also great.

In particular, he actually obtained the poison skills of Yemengad, a hundred poison in the fight against some zombies with toxins can be said to be a god skill, I believe there is no zombie poison will be stronger than Yemengad’s.

And to learn the poison skills of Yemengad, but also to make Tian lack of ranged attacks become stronger, so that even by more zombies surrounded, he is not afraid.

“I just don’t know what skill this [poison is. ” Chu Tian heart saw the skill of “poison teeth”, still don’t quite understand what it means.

“I can’t see why not try it!” So Chu Tian pushed 1.9his mind and wanted to use [poison teeth).

Instantly, the two tiger teeth in his mouth grew a lot, and became longer and longer, and finally grew Chu Tian can only barely close his mouth, and the teeth can also release venom, if not Chu Tian is now invulnerable to poison, I’m afraid the venom can be poisoned Chu Tian at this time.

This is the strongest venom of Yemengad, a little bit can be a cow poisoned into blood, but this skill for their own fight zombies but not much help, Chu Tian will not bite them in the zombie body.

This skill is not much use, but it is better than no good, after all, more skills are not pressure on the body.

Next, Tian Tian looked seriously at Yemengad in front of him, he stared at the little guy, because he knew that another evolution, soon to come!

Exactly what will evolve into!

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