124Chapter zombies all destroyed!

124Chapter zombies all destroyed!

“This little snake is too powerful!” The spectators on the city wall couldn’t help but praise Yemengard.

“is very powerful, but Chu Tian is also very strong ah, the two of them after so long, flabbergasted did not let the zombies near Su Yu, which is completely with a burden in the fight ah!”

“Yes, and they also did not use guns, that little snake not to mention, Chu Tian but the whole time using the sword ah, this is too strong it!”

The spectators on the walls are still talking, the more they talk about Chu Tian’s bravery, so the more jealous the two Huang brothers on the walls, they can’t wait to be thrown under the walls to show their prowess!

But even if they are thrown to the city, there is no ability to kill zombies in the city, if they are thrown to the zombie group, they are afraid that a second to lie down, simply can not last long.

This “brat! How can so fierce! “Huang Ping pounded his chest, he really did not expect, this does not kill the kid, he was really angry!

“Yes brother! This kid definitely can’t stay! We must finish him!” Huang Ping stood by Chu Tian’s side, also gritted his teeth and said, he was also very angry, the other party can have such strength, really jealous.

And just about everyone saw Huang Ping pushed Su Yu down, if Su Yu died today, okay, if Su Yu did not die, back and Su family, then he Huang Ping can not get rid of the death of Su’s son-in-law and secretary of the crime.

I’m afraid there will be retaliation from the Su family afterwards!

Thinking about it, Huang Ping is more irritable, he suddenly felt some tight chest, after covering his chest, a mouthful of old blood spurted out. Blood again stained his clothes, he instantly felt a little dizzy.

“Brother! What happened to you?” If not for Huang An holding Huang Ping next to him, Huang Ping might have fallen straight down and fallen under the city wall to feed the zombies.

“It’s okay, help me down, I’m going to see a doctor.” Huang Ping said weakly to Huang An, he had just been Chu Tian beaten half to death, and now was angry, he really can not hold on.

Huang An and Huang Ping left the city walls, to find the doctors in the base city.

They certainly don’t want to look at this Chu Tian’s heroic figure anymore.

At this time, under the city wall, after Chu Tian and Yemengarde’s half-day effort, the number of zombies surrounding the city wall has been reduced by half, the people on the city also feel strange, this Chu Tian fell into the zombie group, but still not kill a way out, but just surrounded there to kill zombies everywhere, it is like..

To kill the zombies as soon as possible!

“Sister Su Yu, hold on, the zombies are already much less, we are almost winning!” Chu Tian smiled and said to Su Yu, as the number of zombies decreased, Chu Tian’s pressure also reduced a lot, and can already joke with Su Yu.

“Okay, …you guys go…” Su Yu stood in the center of the circle formed by Yemengarde and Chu Tian, she was a bit depressed, the promised parting of life and death! She originally wanted to die with Chu Tian, but did not expect this guy is so fierce, but to kill all the zombies!

This makes Su Yu very embarrassed ah…

The promised romantic love of life and death together!

The beautiful promise of never living alone!

Just like this, Chu Tian cut away one by one!

But Su Yu now also sad not up, after all, if you can survive, is certainly the best!

Now Chu Tian and Yemengarde is also more and more kill the battle, they began to get excited, kill the zombies faster and faster, the vicious zombies are now like a group of ants, by Chu Tian arbitrarily kill, not the slightest resistance.

The same is true for Yemengad, although she only remains in the state of a small snake, but the zombies still can not help her, even close to her can not do, any zombie close to her will become a puddle of thick water on the ground.

After turning into thick water, it will be absorbed by Yemengad, and after absorbing the thick water turned by the zombies, Yemengad will show a satisfied expression, looking excited.

This person and a snake, under the city walls from the afternoon to kill the dusk, until the sun sets, the sunset gradually appeared, the number of zombies has only one tenth of the remaining.

The spectators on the wall were tired of watching, and gradually they all dispersed, leaving only a few curious people who wanted to see if Tian Tian could finally kill all the zombies.

“But, he should be tired too!” The people on the wall whispered that they were tired of standing here for so long, but Chu Tian was down there killing zombies!

…… request flowers ………

“Yes, it’s been so long, it’s been three or four hours of killing, and he’s still not tired. “People talk about, people have marveled at Chu Tian’s strong physical strength.

Soon, the night came, the base city lit up the stars, the stars also up in the sky, no light under the walls is a dark, can not see Chu Tian and Su Yu below the walls, the end of the world of darkness is the most terrible, can not see the situation, Chu Tian is also very difficult to protect Su Yu’s safety.

With the arrival of night, the base city residents who have eaten came to all the city walls here, everyone by the sound to determine the situation of the underground battle. But gradually, the sound under the walls of the city is getting smaller and smaller, until, completely no sound!


But fortunately, there is a huge electric light on top of the city wall of the base city, that is before in order to let tourists see the full view of the ancient city wall at night and set up, there were five electric lights, and finally because of various reasons damaged, only down a cover.

This remaining electric light gradually forgotten, if not today everyone is anxious to see the situation under the walls, no one can remember the cover of the broken electric light.

Although there is only one cover left, but this one is enough to illuminate the Chu Tian their, the guards immediately went to the control room under the walls, want to open that electric light.

It didn’t take long for the guards to turn on the electric lights.

As the electric lights were lit, the intense light shone under the walls and everyone saw the amazing side!

“The last one!” Under the wall, Chu Tian shouted, while a sword split the zombie in front of him into two, his body was full of blood erupting from the zombie body, looked a little wretched.

But none of the people on the walls would think he was in a bad way, because he was surrounded by the remains of zombies! Under the support of Su Yu’s replacement, Chu Tian slowly walked towards the city gate, after an afternoon of killing, he was exhausted.

“Go down and help!” The people on the city wall saw such Chu Tian, but also greeted people down to help, this is the hero who saved the base city today!

Today, the city will always remember the man named Chu Tian! Today,

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