123Chapter Yemengarde is on fire!

123Chapter Yemengarde is on fire!

“It feels like he can really come back alive.” The people on the wall said in surprise, they really are the first time to see such a sight, in the black mass of zombies, a man carrying a long ice-blue sword, each sword, there are dozens of zombies fell, the beautiful woman under her protection, never suffered a trace of injury.

This is simply the god of war!

People could not believe that the man standing under the wall, just now, was standing with him.

“That’s him! It was him that day! Killed all the zombies outside the city walls! One man rushed to the city! “The sight reminded him of Chu Tian that day, so he recognized him at first sight!

“What do you say?” Everyone has come to the front of the guard, if not today saw the scene below the walls, they would never believe the words of the guard, today that war god-like figure, can be said to be a direct subversion of their world view.

” Chu Tian, run by yourself! Leave me alone!” Su Yu has stood up at this time, he saw standing beside the zombie killing Chu Tian, heart is very touched, with this man’s strength, if you want to leave, is sure to be able to leave, ,003but he is to protect himself and stay in the corpses.

Don’t worry, Sister Su Yu, I will not leave you behind! Chu Tian said, while handily splitting a zombie into two halves, the number of zombies is now really does not cause any pressure on him.

And the zombie group can attack only the innermost circle of zombies, the outside zombies just dry watching, so the zombie group’s attack power is not as great as imagined.

What’s more, Chu Tian’s side there is the help of Yemengad, today even if you let him go he will not go, this is all Yemengad’s feed ah!

The most important reason is that, on the walls, Su Yu would rather come down with himself to protect himself, how can he abandon her, Chu Tian although not considered a good man, but such things as love and righteousness he still appreciates.

“Chu Tian” Su Yu cried and whispered, Chu Tian’s behavior today and just that sentence can be considered completely moved her, she has now become a tearful person, she came to the Su family since childhood, no father and no mother, all the hardships have to bear themselves, although the life in the Su family is very good, but the encounter of white eyes and bitterness, and who can understand it?

So she grew up as if she was walking on ice, always cautious, not daring to ask for anything, and not daring to ask for anyone’s care and concern.

This is the first time someone is willing to risk their life to protect themselves, Su Yu only feel warm in the heart, that is no previous feeling, her heart has been cold for more than twenty years, now there is warmth again.

No matter what, in the future with the fixed Chu Tian! This is what Su Yu is thinking at this moment.

“Don’t cry, Sister Su Yu, as soon as you have a chance, I’ll send you in. ” Chu Tian’s voice interrupted Su Yu’s thoughts, he still felt that Su Yu should be sent into the city, this side is too dangerous, it is difficult for him to completely protect Su Yu’s safety.

“What about you? You do not go back?” Su Yu asked, if Tian can send her back to the city, then he himself can certainly go back, then why he did not go back!

“I have to deal with these zombies outside the city, ah, if they do not get rid of, we will be thrown down again up there.” Chu Tian said with a smile, this in the eyes of others to kill the work, in his eyes but nothing dangerous, as if it is a handy job.

“Are you going to stay here and kill walkers? Are you crazy?” Su Yu heard the words of Tian Chu, very incredible, she really can not imagine that the other party would let the opportunity to escape not go, stay here to deal with zombies!

“Don’t worry, I’ll be fine, the zombies here can’t hurt me!” Chu Tian said, Su Yu here for him is just a burden, to side (cfbj) to protect her change to deal with zombies or have some difficulty.

“No! Then I won’t go! If we want to die, we’ll die together, I want to stay with you!” Su Yu shouted, if possible, she even wanted to go over and hug Chu Tian’s arms, but she could not, now Chu Tian is fighting with zombies, she would do that to harm him.

“Eh” Chu Tian a little confused, when did it become this kind of life and death parting the bitter drama! He did not just think Su Yu trouble want to send her back!

“I don’t care! If you die, I will die with you!” Su Yu shouted, she is determined to be with Chu Tian today.

“Well, then, okay, then you wait until I finish killing these zombies, and then go up with me.” Chu Tian scratched his head, did not expect this sister so insistent, and how seems like they are dying here today!

Su Yu stay below, stay below, for Chu Tian there is no problem, is a bit of trouble, but also can be solved.

“Well. Su Yu stood in place, smiling, his face still a little red.

“Then there’s no need to be afraid! Spread your arms and legs to do a big job!” Since Su Yu is not willing to go, Chu Tian will not bother to open the way, he jumped up, a leap into the air, a knife, two knives.

Instantly dozens of splits, cold gas instantly spewed from the sword, fell in the zombie group, zombies immediately they were frozen, and then turned into pieces.

The body of the zombies in contact with the poison gas to, immediately began to rot, melting, and finally became a puddle of mud, green on the ground, looks very ominous.

“What is that?” The people on the walls saw the sudden outburst of poisonous gas under the walls, and were also spotting Yemengarde who was spitting out poisonous gas, they had never seen such a creature before!

“It seems to be a …snake!

“That’s right, that’s right, it’s a snake!”

People desperately looked at the ground, and finally saw the appearance of Yemengarde.

“What kind of weird snake is this! Is it Chu Tian’s thing?”

People are talking, they have never seen such strange things, but in this post-apocalyptic world, what creatures are not surprising, after all, this disgusting zombies are running all over the street, what monsters can appear is not worth being afraid of.

Only Huang An and Huang Ping two brothers behind the birth of a bad chill, if Tian Chu in and they both dueled when the use of this thing, then they are now and those zombies a end ah!

It’s scary to think about!

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