122Chapter force to save the day!

122Chapter force to save the day!

“I’ll go down with him!” On top of the wall, Su Yu glared at Huang Ping, she couldn’t stand this kind of villain, he couldn’t tolerate others in his eyes, and his ability was not as good as others. So she said such words on impulse, she may regret it afterwards, but she also wants to be with Chu Tian.

After so many days together, she still wants to be with Chu Tian, she thinks Chu Tian is better than all other men. She also planned to marry Chu Tian even if he wanted to marry their young lady, then she would marry Chu Tian even if she was the second wife.

In this post-apocalyptic world, strength is paramount, Chu Tian has such strength, but also knows the low profile, modest, so Chu Tian is the best candidate, and the post-apocalyptic world is naturally no rules and legal restrictions, as long as there is strength, as many as you want.

Of course, married so many, naturally also have to keep those women.

“Hahahaha! Yes! You stinking woman! Then you will go down together!” Huang Ping said, this woman, even now want to die with that kid! What makes this kid so good with women! Why is he still so strong!

Huang Ping jealousy, this woman he has pursued many times before, but it has only been warm taste, usually looks and people are very close, but not once he has had his way!

But that Chu Tian came to be able to let such a woman and he close, and even have men said they saw them together into the hotel. This slut, but why does everything have to be cheap to that kid, why not yourself!

“Since you’re going down with him! Then go down now!” Huang Ping looked at Su Yu in front of him, the more he thought, the more angry, finally, he did not control himself, came over and pushed Su Yu on the wall down.

Although Su Yu wanted to resist, but even if Huang Ping was seriously injured, the strength is still greater than Su Yu, Su Yu completely unable to resist.

Su Yu fell directly under the high city wall.

“You shameless thing! I’ll get you when I get back!” Chu Tian saw Huang Ping to Su Yu, he was really angry, he would like to take Huang Ping down with him, but now to save people, if Huang Ping resist him for a second, Su Yu will become the food of the zombies below!

Chu Tian now there is no time to hesitate, he jumped directly, and in the air with stomping air, so that they accelerate, so as to catch Su Yu faster.

“System, can she and I survive in this corpse?” While falling, Chu Tian asked silently in his heart.

“The host 100% can survive, the woman’s survival chances are very low! “The system answered truthfully, Su Yu a genetic lock also did not break. Just an ordinary woman, even due to years of work in the office, the body is much weaker than ordinary women.

“Call out Yemengad!”

Chu Tian gave the order, a small snake from his body, jumping, and now and then spit a snake letter. It looked very excited.

“I’ll let you have your fill later! Little one!” Chu Tian said, he has now come to Su Yu’s side, he picked up Su Yu, hugged in his arms, the woman can be scared, tears are flowing out.

Yemengad listened to Chu Tian’s words, more excited, she gently towards the ground with force, faster towards the ground to fly away.

Chu Chu “days!” Su Yu clinging to Chu Tian’s neck, crying loudly, the ground is full of zombies, she can be terrified, she has not seen many zombies before.

Don’t worry! It will be fine!”

“Ice River Rift Valley Sword!” Chu Tian one hand holding Su Yu, the other hand ice blue light flashed, ice blue ice river rift sword appeared right in the hand.

Chu Tian threw his sword towards the ground, and the Ice River Rift Sword passed through the body of a zombie and plunged fiercely into the ground. When the sword hit the ground, the ground immediately produced a ripple of energy centered on the sword, shaking the surrounding zombies away and freezing them into ice sculptures.

In an instant, an empty space appeared on the ground, and Chu Tian and Su Yu landed, landing steadily in this empty space.

“You’re standing right here!” Chu Tian yelled at Su Yu, then instantly pulled out the Glacier Rift Sword on the ground, surrounding Su Yu’s side, cutting down every zombie.

“The people on this… wall looked at the performance of Chu Tian on the ground, all widened their eyes and grew their mouths, and they could protect people in this corpse swarm while killing zombies. This is something they can’t imagine.

“This guy is too strong too!

“Yes, it seems that his victory in the match is true, such a strong person, what a pity!”

The people on the walls now have some regrets, Chu Tian so strong people, certainly can better protect the safety of the base city.

“This brat, Huang Ping gritted his teeth and looked at the stage Chu Tian, did not expect this kid in so many zombies under the siege can still be alive and well to kill zombies.

“It’s okay, brother, there are so many zombies, even if he is strong, he will not last long.” Huang An went to Huang Ping’s side and said with a lewd face.

“Yes, the safety of the base city is indeed temporarily protected.” After Chu Tian landed, all the zombies did come to Chu Tian and Su Yu’s side, they surrounded Chu Tian and Su Yu, the gate of the base city is also temporarily no danger.

Under the wall, Chu Tian carried the glacier rift sword, and Yemengarde were on the left and right to protect Su Yu, Su Yu is holding her head sitting on the ground, she can not stand now, her legs are too weak to move.

The side of the Yemengad can be completely different from her, the little guy east to kill a, west poisoned one, excited, he absorbed a large number of zombie corpses three.

But seeing more and more zombies, Chu Tian they want to protect Su Yu look like it will be too late (the good.

At this time, Chu Tian thrust his sword into the ground, and a tiny blue crystal appeared above his head, the blue crystal emitted a crystal light, instantly, a monstrous cold spread out, the air almost froze, all the zombies around Chu Tian and them were frozen into ice sculptures.

After that, Chu Tian again raised the sword, towards the surrounding circle gently waved, then all the surrounding zombie ice sculptures have appeared dense cracks, and finally the cracks spread out, the ice sculptures instantly broken, into a ground of ice crystals.

In an instant, dozens of zombies died, and the open space around Chu Tian and Su Yu became even bigger.

The audience on the wall saw this scene, the crow flies, this guy actually killed zombies at the same time, but also to expand their safety circle!

“This is too strong! It’s simply too strong to be true!”

“Yeah, yeah, suddenly he feels like he’s going to come back alive…

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