121Chapter Attracting Walkers

121Chapter Attracting Walkers

“What is this going to be like!”

The people on top of the city walls have sighed, the base city or the first time to experience such a massive wave of corpses, and even many people in the base city have never seen a zombie, and now see the unavoidable panic.

“Why don’t we have the security team strafe the city walls and shoot all these zombies!”

One person suggested, look at the zombie just killed by Huang An a shot, everyone will feel that this is the best choice.

“Can not do, the security team does not have so many bullets, even if there is, so violent gunfire will only attract over more zombies, then more difficult to do.” Huang Ping held his chest and retorted, he is the most understanding of the current situation of the security team, in such a high place to deal with zombies, at least three or four bullets to deal with a, right now there are countless zombies on the walls, the bullets are certainly not enough to use.

At this time, the gate of the base city wall issued a “clattering” sound, that is the zombies pushed to the warning sound, this historic wooden gate can not withstand so many zombies together to push.

The zombies are desperately pushing the door, some zombies pushing the arm are broken, 25flowing disgusting blood.

“It seems that we can only sacrifice some people, let them go out in the helicopter, to lure these zombies away, so as to save the lives of most people.” A man on the wall proposed, in the end times, sacrificing a small number of people to save the majority of people is also necessary to do, that is better than dying together.

“Go ask God Eagle, what should we do! “Huang Ping ordered a person to go, “God Eagle” is responsible for the protection of the base city’s highest officer, can be said to be the base city’s commander-in-chief. The security mechanism of this base city is his hands to establish.

So as long as the base city problems, everyone will go to the divine Eagle, the divine Eagle’s combat power is also the strongest in the entire base city, no matter who have to submit. Even the big families are no exception, the big families will pay a certain commission, in exchange for the protection of the divine Eagle.

A security team immediately ran down the wall, went to the base city inside.

“I think ah, we should push this ominous man down, this zombie is he invited, push him down the zombies will not attack the base city!”

Huang Ping said, he now looks very miserable, his face is full of blood, but he can still be here to talk eloquently, it is not easy.

“Is it true?” A part of the people look to Chu Tian, in this time of fire, no matter what rumors, they will believe.

“How is it possible! Huang Ping you do not say nonsense:” Su Yu stood out, standing in front of Chu Tian, Huang Ping this kind of smooth talk out of falsehoods that there are still people believe.

Su Yu a little angry, from the appearance of the corpse tide, Huang Ping has been making Chu Tian’s remote, and are very low-level rumors, it is clear that he wants to frame Chu Tian, but such things are still believed.

“Ming, this is not your Chu family people, you began to protect so, great ah!” Huang Ping again began to Yin Yang, now everyone knows, he is not willing to lose the match, so deliberately made Chu Tian Yao, naturally no one pays attention to him, in addition to Huang An and the security team of a group of lapdogs.

“You. Su Yu was so angry that she could not speak, she opened her mouth, but only popped out a “you” word.

“Captain! Lord God Eagle said, put a few people behind the wall, to attract the zombies. The choice of people is up to you.” The security team member who went to report the news brought back this sentence.

“Good!” Huang Ping shouted and lifted his spirits.

“Everyone has heard, it is the order of Lord God Eagle, so I have to comply, as for who is chosen, even if he is unlucky!” Huang Ping said smugly, he likes this kind of life and death of others in their own hands!

He slowly looked at each and every person, gaze swept through the people have backed up, everyone does not want to be at this point Huang Ping stare, for them, was thrown below is equal to death.

Huang Ping’s gaze finally rested on Chu Tian’s body, who did not retreat or dodge, but simply met his gaze, as if he was not afraid at all.

Huang Ping saw this, the gas is not a place to come, this kid with what is still not afraid of himself!

“You! That’s you! Can’t you kill the zombies under the walls! Then you can go down and attract the zombies today!” Huang Ping pointed at Chu Tian and shouted loudly, the sound could be heard by the whole city wall.

But everyone is not worried about Chu Tian now, all the people are relieved, after all, not thrown down is their own, can escape a disaster, is also a happy thing, they are relieved, but also gloating look at Chu Tian.

This is the dark side of the human heart, Chu Tian just won the match, to marry the beautiful young lady of the Su family, and can also get involved with the Su family, naturally is about to embark on the top of life.

Everyone must be angry not to come ah, a survivor who just entered the base city, suddenly became the base city of the big family, so everyone still wants to see the joke of Tian Chu.

“Who cares! Chu Tian just won the match, he’s a member of our Su family! You can’t do this to him!” Su Yu stood out and said, she is more and more uncomfortable with Huang Ping, at this time actually want to frame Chu Tian, he is not afraid of the Su family’s revenge!

003 “Ah, joke! What is the Su family? Since you can’t let him go, then you go down together.” Then Huang Ping pointed to Su Yu, to put her down with him.

The Huang family and the Su family have to gain a foothold in the base city, which can be a strong alliance, but since the Su family wants to recruit Chu Tian, then the Huang family is naturally hostile to the Su family, so Huang Ping must get rid of Chu Tian at this time, after the elimination, the Huang family will have to compete again, then the champion, it will definitely be his!

“So bullying women is not good, right. ” Chu Tian spoke up at this time, originally to send him down he had nothing to say, so many zombies is unable to help him, and also let the Yemengad eat a full, absorbing this wave of zombies, Yemengad should also be able to evolve into a mature stage.

But Huang Ping even had to throw Su Yu down! Chu Tian is now quite moved, Su Yu so defended him.

“I’ll go down alone! Leave her up there! ” Chu Tian said lightly, and looked a little unafraid.

“Good! Then you will go down alone!” Huang Ping saw Chu Tian this look, more angry, he would like to see, this brat can still jump to what time!

“I’ll go down with you!” At this time Su Yu also some angry, she yelled out such a sentence to Huang Ping.

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