120Chapter Body Wave

120Chapter Body Wave

“Now do you still think I’m relying on luck?” Chu Tian came in front of Huang Ping and looked down at him on the ground.

Huang gritted his teeth and looked at Chu Tian, he was very reluctant, but the pain in his abdomen made him temporarily unable to stand up, he desperately wanted to stand up, almost to break his teeth, but still unable to do anything.

“You brat, Huang Ping gripped his baton, a flip on the ground, forcefully threw the baton to Chu Tian, this move is very sinister, because just his baton was hidden in his arms, everyone did not see where the baton.

So Huang Ping’s move is tantamount to a sneak attack, the audience was amazed at the moment they saw the baton.

The baton landed on the ground next to Chu Tian, and the sound of it landing was very loud in the silent room.

After Chu Tian pushed away the baton, Huang Ping was already on his feet, and the pain in his abdomen was now a little less. He stood in front of Chu Tian’s body, at this point he had little ability to continue fighting, but he continued to brace himself to stand.

He continued to swing a punch towards Chu Tian here, although the power of this punch is still there, but the speed has been reduced a lot, Chu Tian will be able to dodge this punch without much effort.

After dodging this punch, Chu Tian ran to the left again and gave Huang Ping a punch, knocking him back a few steps, Huang Ping did not fall down this time, but ran with a few steps and then barely stood still.

Although he didn’t suffer much from the card, he could feel his ribs were broken and his body was in pain. However, he continued to persevere, he lost to who can not lose to Chu Tian!

“Why are you so insistent? ” Chu Tian asked, even if he won the match, Su Mei will not go with him. Su Mei is already Chu Tian’s person.

“Cut the crap!” Huang Ping spat out a mouthful of spit, which carried some blood on it.

Then Huang Ping continued to rush over, he had already disregarded everything, what Miss Su, what Su son-in-law, he did not care, he now just want to win Chu Tian!

He rushed to Chu Tian’s front, recklessly swinging his fist, he also ignored the pain in his abdomen and chest, each punch used all the strength of his body.

Chu Tian is also happy to continue to educate education Huang Ping, he smiled and one-handed defense of Huang Ping’s continuous fist, defending the defense also yawned, looks completely stress-free look.

The more Huang Ping boxing, the more embarrassed he felt, he was very angry, the other party actually began to play to him!

“This brat! “Huang Ping is getting angry, then he suddenly jumped backwards, hanging on to his chest, and opened his eyes wide.

Then he spurted out a mouthful of blood, blood sprayed towards Chu Tian, Chu Tian gently jumped back, dodging the blood spurted out by Huang Ping, so as not to stain his clothes.

After spraying blood, Huang Ping immediately fell to the ground, unable to move.

By now, the victory of this duel is obvious.

Su Yu was about to go on stage to announce the winner of the match, but a man grabbed her microphone and ran on stage.

“The wave of corpses is coming! A large group of zombies surrounded the base city, the city gates are about to break! “The man said loudly, it is that day in the city walls watching Chu Tian’s base city guards. Today it was his turn to guard the city gates again.

“What? The tide of corpses? ” the audience heard this, immediately panicked.

“Aren’t you.. the one who killed the zombies outside the city walls that day?” The guard saw Chu Tian, also surprised, did not expect him to come to the venue of the match just after entering the base city.

Originally heard in the past few days than the martial arts had recruited things, but did not expect the scene so big, so when the corpse came to the tide, people are letting him come here directly to report the news.

“What did you say? “Huang Ping had not lost consciousness yet, he asked the guard to repeat his previous words.

“I said the tide of corpses came, has surrounded the city walls. Guards” repeated the previous words, he looked panicked, never seen so many zombies, it is estimated that there are tens of thousands of zombies, they have been surrounded by the city walls of the base, like the walls to bulldoze the same.

“I’m not talking about this sentence, is the next sentence:” Huang Ping this time to the spirit, he fell sharply straight to the ground.

“Evening, I said this guy is the one who killed the zombies outside the city walls a few days ago.” Although the guard was curious why Huang Ping asked this, but he still answered Huang Ping.

“After this guy there are people into the base city? “Huang Ping continued to ask, we do not know exactly what he is going to do, and now there is no time to listen to these questions, the zombies have surrounded the city ah!

There should be “no more, after entering the fact that there are Huang An and other people, but they are all back in the base city by helicopter, the guards will not know this, and Huang An is a familiar face in the base city, Chu Tian is a stranger.

“It’s really you kid!” Huang Ping stood up, wiped the blood from his face, he jumped up and took the microphone from the guard’s hand.

“Guys! This is the last person to enter the base city in the past few days!” Huang Ping shouted loudly, he smiled smugly, finally he caught the handle of Chu Tian.

“Huh? So that’s it?”

“I told you this kid was not easy!”

“This guy just doesn’t look like a good guy!”

The audience immediately shouted, led by the very Huang An, these two brothers’ reaction can really not slow ah, but so quickly to weave such rumors, Chu Tian is also convinced.

“Alright! Now let’s just go to the city walls and take a look! Now still do not know what the situation is! “Su Yu at this time grabbed the microphone, said to the audience, this group of viewers are too good to be incited!

All the audience agreed at this time, so everyone immediately moved to leave the venue and went to the city walls of the base city.


But not everyone came here, most of the people who are afraid of zombies returned to their homes, they have hardly seen the zombies, because from the beginning of the disaster, they have been hiding here. They have never gone out, and do not dare to go out, they have seen the zombies that came to the city, leaving them a deep shadow.

Chu Tian, of course, also came to the city wall with Su Yu and them, looking down, it was a hellish sight, countless zombies piled up, tearing madly at the gate of the base city, looking eager to come in and overthrow the gate.


Huang An fired a shot at the wall, a zombie immediately fell to the ground, but soon there were more zombies came up to take the place of the zombie that was knocked out.

“What is this going to be like!”

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