117Chapter advance to the final

117Chapter advance to the final

Two people after a night of warmth, the next day Chu Tian get up, found around Su Yu has disappeared, this mature woman, and Su Mei and Xiao La compared, is indeed a novel feeling.

Chu Tian washed his face, ate a meal, came to the venue of the match, today is the second day of the match.

Yesterday, the audience of that game only sat two-thirds of the audience, but today the audience was filled, did not expect to see such a scene after the end of the world.

Chu Tian just arrived at the venue and was surrounded by people. He defeated Fang Qing yesterday and his performance was still fresh in the minds of the audience, so now everyone wants to come and see this strong man’s appearance. If it weren’t for the fact that there are no such things as reporters in the last days, Chu Tian would have been surrounded by reporters.

” Brother Chu Tian. Come over here! ” Su Yu went into the crowd, “rescued” Chu Tian from the crowd, and brought him backstage.

Backstage, there are already three people in the preparation, including the day I met Huang Ping, this guy or a device Zhang’s expression, looks very unbeatable.

“I wish I could meet this guy on stage afterwards.” Chu Tian thought to himself, “I wish I had a chance to teach this25 guy a lesson.

And standing next to Chu Tian Liu Mu and Lu Rui is not so arrogant, but very friendly, but Chu Tian in that Lu Rui body felt a lot of slaughter, that is not the normal strong body can bring, but like the breath of the zombie body.

As for that Liu Mu, he is nothing special, feeling is the kind of put in the usual will not have any presence of that type, but Chu Tian will not be careless, Liu Jia always give him a dangerous atmosphere.

“All right, get ready to go on!” At this time Su Yu came over again, and let Chu Tian they went on after her introduction.

“Here begins the second game of our match, yesterday’s advancement is Chu Tian and Liu Mu, they two after a fierce battle, successfully guard the plug, but today we have two more seeds, is the base city famous Huang Ping and Lu Rui. Here we invite the four of them to the stage!”

Su Yu’s voice echoed in the venue, and there were many people in the audience who came to see her.

These days Su Yu’s name is also big in the base city, everyone knows that the Su family has a beautiful secretary.

The stage was immediately applauded, in the end most people still come to see the match.

These four contestants have already gained a lot of popularity, so each of them has a supportive audience on stage.

After the lottery, Chu Tian and Liu Mu faced off, and Lu Rui and Huang Ping faced off.

The first is Chu Tian and Liu Mu’s duel, so all the other people off the stage, only the two of them stay on the stage.

“Liu Mu.” Liu Mu, who was standing across from Tian, slightly clasped his fist and looked very polite.

“Chu Tian.” Chu Tian naturally returned the salute, he was always a person whose attitude would be better if others had a good attitude.

Chu Tian’s words just fell, the battle began, Liu Mu rushed forward, a punch will hit Chu Tian’s face, but Chu Tian also did not dodge, just raised his hand to a light sweep, blocked Liu Mu’s punch.

Liu Mu is not willing to show weakness, again swinging fist, directly into a very fast punching chain, Chu Tian naturally will not be afraid, he is even dodged the bullet. So he also accelerated his speed to keep up with Liu Mu’s punching speed. Liu Mu every punch will be Chu Tian blocked, but Liu Mu also do not stop, just continue to speed up.

The speed of the two is getting faster and faster, almost can no longer see their hands, look at the audience is dazzled, do not dare to blink, afraid to miss every detail.

This boxing speed duel ended with Liu Mu jumped away and ended, he jumped away, breathing heavily, and there was a lot of sweat on his face. He gently waved his arm, then again rushed to Liu Mu, this time not a punch, but a kick, the goal of this kick, also Liu Mu’s face.

Chu Tian did not want to catch his feet with his hands, so he jumped backwards to avoid Liu Mu’s foot, but the next moment, he appeared next to Liu Mu, his fist towards Liu Mu’s abdomen.

Liu Mu also reacted quickly, immediately he spread his legs, turned to block the punch. But the power of this punch is really not small, even if he blocked, but still took a few steps back. After being knocked back, Liu Mu smoothly jumped away, standing at a distance to observe Chu Tian.

Chu Tian also did not move, giving Liu Mu a little break.

This Liu Mu than the last round of Fang Qing is too much stronger, speed and reaction speed are fast, and the power is not small.

Liu Mu looked at Chu Tian, eyes wide open, he had never seen an opponent who could win in speed, and the other party’s strength was greater than his, just blocked Chu Tian’s palm of that punch is still vaguely painful.

“Try him again!

Liu Mu gritted his teeth and stomped his feet, and once again rushed up, this time he used his fists and feet, which also carries a little taste of military boxing, it seems that this Liu Mu before the end of the world is a soldier.

Chu Tian did not come hard with Liu Mu, but only gently dissolved each of Liu Mu’s moves, so he looked soft and slow, but Liu Mu could not cause him any harm.

Liu Mu more and more angry, more and more annoyed, Chu Tian is like a piece of cotton, Liu Mu’s every punch on the top, after a while it regained its shape, every punch has no effect.

He played with gritted 003teeth, but the Chu Tian in front of him is still so expressionless defense.

“Shit! How does this play!”

Liu Mu jumped away, cursed an expletive, then raised his hand, signaling the referee next to his own surrender.

After surrendering Liu Mu hugged Chu Tian behind him and walked off the stage. Chu Tian stood on the stage, and did not return the salute, because he is now a little confused, this guy surrendered also too crisp a little!

The audience on stage naturally could not see the troubles of Liu Mu in the duel between the two, they even felt that Liu Mu was in the upper hand, was suppressing Chu Tian, for this result, the audience was also confused, they even forgot to give applause to the winning Chu Tian.

“Then let’s congratulate Chu Tian for winning this showdown and advancing to the final!” It was not until Su Yu’s voice rang out that there was a scattered applause from the stage, obviously the audience was dissatisfied with the result.

“Guy that bought off the opponent!”

“This is playing a fake game, right!”

The audience gradually began to make such a sound, a moment of emotion, Chu Tian naturally ignored such doubts, he knew he was winning by strength.

But after this matchup, Chu Tian left a bad impression on the audience.

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