118Chapter Lu Rui vs Huang Ping

118Chapter Lu Rui vs Huang Ping

“Next let’s have two players, Huang Ping and Lu Rui!”

Chu Tian walked off the stage, Su Yu’s voice came from the top, it was time for Huang Ping and Lu Rui to go on stage, the two of them walked on either side of Chu Tian, Huang Ping hit Chu Tian hard, but he didn’t look back, just kept walking forward.

Chu Tian laughed, this kind of children will use the provocation of the trick, he is not interested in returning back, if Huang Ping after the final, he can be there to beat him up.

He walked to the empty lounge and sat down, at this time there is no longer Liu Mu’s figure.

“This is an interesting guy. ” Chu Tian thought in his heart, just Liu Mu’s final surrender makes him still feel interesting, decisive and brave, this is exactly Chu Tian’s heart soldier should have the style.

But it is said that the army went to suppress the zombies, and then the whole army was wiped out, but this can be the survivors of the battlefield, Chu Tian very sigh, he did not know what kind of hell Liu Mu experienced.

This is also the reason for his body zombie breath, he may be crawling back from the zombie pile ah!

On the stage, Huang Ping and Lu 003Rui are already standing on the left and right side of Su Yu.

In fact, for the audience, it was a bit sad to see only these two in this showdown, because everyone felt that they both should be in the final. The other Liu Mu and Chu Tian just to make up the number.

The duel between the two of them began immediately.

At this time, Su Yu also came back to the stage and sat with Chu Tian. She smiled at Chu Tian and talked to him about the last match, she was very satisfied with Chu Tian’s performance.

The two men on the stage stood still, looking at each other, without much action.

They are holding their own weapons, Lu Rui’s is a machete, it is said that he used this machete to cut down hundreds of zombies, so the name of “zombie killer”.

And Huang Ping is holding a stick, looks like a baton, which is also very consistent with his identity as the head of security.

They have heard of each other’s reputation, but have not faced each other, so this battle is also a good opportunity to share a victory or defeat. In the minds of many spectators, even Lu Rui and Huang Ping, this is the final.

Huang Ping only want to quickly advance, so as to teach a lesson to that recently and Su (cfbj) Yu eyebrow to eyebrow Chu Tian, but also to his brother revenge. But it seems that recently did not see where Huang An said the beauty.

So Huang Ping took the lead, he took a step out, rushed out towards Lu Rui, and raised his baton in the process.

Lu Rui saw Huang Ping move, he also moved, towards Huang Ping rushed forward, the two instantly met.

Baton and machete against each other, it seems that the quality of Huang Ping’s baton is also very good, the machete can not even cause any damage to it, and even a trace did not leave.

Huang Ping pulled out the baton, towards Lu Rui’s head viciously smashed in the past, living like a hooligan beating, but because of his strength is very strong, this kind of bland moves can also play a great power.

Lu Rui did not dare and Huang Ping hard, after all, the power of the police baton at this time than the machete most. So he chose to retreat, he began to use his feet and knife, he first backed away, then a step to the side of Huang Ping, side of a knife, let a knife so that Huang Ping no way to dodge.

See this one is about to cut to Huang Ping’s waist, but was blocked by Huang Ping’s baton.

After blocking, Huang Ping homeopathic with a baton pushed machete, to the direction of Lu Rui hit, his strength than Lu Rui, so Lu Rui can only dodge, Lu Rui to withdraw the knife, Huang Ping’s baton swung directly to the sky.

Then Lu Rui again out of the knife, cut to Huang Ping.

But this time Huang Ping did not block Lu Rui’s knife, but with a baton to the head of Lu smashed!

“This guy is crazy,” Lu Rui thought, then immediately a roll, dodging Huang Ping’s stick. He jumped again to the distance, holding a knife in the distance vigilantly watching Huang Ping, Huang Ping just fought for his life moves let Lu Rui some fear, such an opponent is very difficult to deal with. And that kind of desperate fighting style, it is easy to gain the upper hand.

“Hey, hey, hey, why don’t you dare to come. “Huang Ping showed his trademark lewd smile, began to taunt Huang Ping, so far no one dared to fight him hard under this move, he may be hacked to death, but also to blow each other’s heads off!

Look at Lu Rui dare not come, Huang Ping again rushed forward, on Lu Rui is a swinging stick, and swinging the stick faster and faster, Lu Rui can only passively dodge, because he every time to attack can recall Huang Ping smashed down on his head that stick, his heart has produced a shadow.

“can only attack from behind combat experienced Lu Rui know from the front is no way to defeat Huang Ping, so can only attack from behind, his speed is slightly faster than Huang Ping, but this is enough for him to launch an attack.

He moved his feet, like ice skating, slipped behind Huang Ping, then the machete swung out, the target is Huang Ping’s back, this knife is estimated to be able to directly cut off Huang Ping.

Huang Ping has been aware of Lu Rui’s movements, but his speed is not so fast, it is too late to dodge.

He gritted his teeth, his heart, a fierce turn, the baton in his hand thrown out.

Just when Lu Rui’s knife was about to fall on Huang Ping, the baton flew out and hit Lu Rui in the face, Lu Rui was knocked out, and the knife did not hit Huang Ping.

Lu Rui lying on the ground, his face was full of blood, his nose was just distorted by a stick of Huang Ping, he used to the ground, slowly get up. Only feel a little black in front of his eyes.

But this time, Huang Ping has come to the front of Lu, picking up his baton.

He laughed, a stick towards the head of Lu Rui hit, Lu Rui was again knocked down, his movements but not stop, or continue to hit towards the head of Lu Rui.

Lu Rui was beaten and bloodied for a time, looking miserable, which could cause a serious concussion, unable to protect themselves in the post-apocalyptic world.

“Let you cut Laozi! Huang Ping shouted as he fought, his expression very struggling to heal.

At this time, the audience is silent, no one can think, Lu Rui was Huang Ping beaten into this way.

Until the judge came up to stop Huang Ping, Huang Ping stopped the baton in his hand, Lu Rui is now no longer human, only a little weak breathing, can not live are uncertain.

“Congratulations to Huang Ping for winning and advancing to the finals, which will be this afternoon. Thank you all! “Su Yu came up and announced Huang Ping’s victory, looked at the blood on Huang Ping’s baton, some leg weakness.

Huang Ping proudly walked off the stage, and also patted Su Yu’s butt!

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