116Chapter Su Yu

116Chapter Su Yu

After knowing the time of the second round tomorrow, Chu Tian went back to the place where he had found a good place to sleep. Today than he imagined to save a lot of trouble, this match on the ring, than he imagined a lot of weak people, I thought it would be a good fight a few games, but not a best effort.

The first game of Fang Qing, easily solved off, the second and third game is even a punch to solve things, so completely unable to raise energy ah!

He returned to the hotel, tonight to sleep alone. Yesterday he was still worried about Su Mei’s safety, so he let Kidola go back to the villa area, Kidola’s strength is now stronger than Chu Tian, protecting Su Mei or no problem.

Only zero zero “three” over Chu Tian tonight will have to stay alone!

However, fortunately, there is an invitation from Su Yu today!

Chu Tian first took a bath happily, then had a lunch, and then studied and absorbed the crystal nuclei obtained from the previous elimination of Hua Yunfeng. These crystal nuclei have improved his strength, and he can clearly feel that he is only a small distance away from breaking through the fifth genetic lock.

As long as you can break through the fifth genetic lock, you can go farther around, then, their pets will also improve more quickly! This will be able to have more small pull like pets!

Chu Tian is excited just thinking about it!

But the most important thing at the moment or to win the match, he can be rightfully married to Su Mei, and then Su Mei over, that is not beautiful!

And Yemengad recently absorbed so many flowers and clouds peak, should also be close to the maturity stage, to the maturity stage can be transformed into human form, I wonder what Yemengad can be transformed into!

Thinking, Chu Tian went to dreamland, in the dream world restored the appearance before the end of the world, he was able to return to the previous life, but surrounded by the Kidola, Yemengad and Sujuan, in that dream world, he felt very happy.

Gradually, the sky became dark, and Chu Tian woke up.

It was finally time to go to the bar with Su Yu as scheduled.

Chu Tian washed his face, cleaned himself up, and stepped out of the room.

I came to the address of the bar that Su Yu gave him, which is indeed a very luxurious bar, can see such a luxurious bar after the end of the world is still very rare.

This “Sir, we need a reservation to enter the bar.” A security-like man in a suit stopped Chu Tian.

“Ah, someone invited me, she probably made a reservation.” Chu Tian looked into the bar to see if he could see Su Yu’s figure.

“Do you mean Miss Su Yu of the Su family? ” the security guard confirmed again.

“Yes.” Chu Tian nodded, indeed, the bar is not anyone can enter, after all, now humans may no longer have the technology to make wine, and even food is not enough, but what to make wine, so the more you drink less and less.

“Please come in, sir. “The security guard immediately stood at attention and said seriously.

Chu Tian walked in, this bar is really not very ordinary, the strength of this security has been stronger than many people who participated in the match today.

” Chu Tian brother, you’re here! “As soon as I entered the door, Su Yu’s voice came over.

Chu Tian looked towards the place where the sound came from, Su Yu is sitting there with her legs crossed, she is now dressed more cool than this morning’s game, immediately there is a mature woman’s charm, in the dim light of the bar, more charming.

“Sister Su Yu, how many people have been promoted today?” Chu Tian asked such a question as soon as he saw Su Yu.

“It seems to be four, two of them are directly promoted, that is to say, in addition to you, there is only one person who has succeeded in guarding the ring. “Su Yu held his chin and thought about it, by the way to Chu Tian ordered a glass of wine.

“Then the rate of advancement is really low… Chu Tian knew that not too many people would advance, but I didn’t expect that only one person other than him would advance through the guard broadcast, “Wait, what is direct advancement?”

“is our base city is famous for the two strength of the experts, security chief Huang Ping and zombie killer Lu Rui, their two strength is recognized in our base city, so naturally let them advance directly to the level. Don’t think too much about it brother. “Su Yu smiled, explained a little, this matter is not her decision, he can only accept.

“So, but it’s okay, I’m sure I can win them.” Chu Tian listened and did not care too much, after today’s competition, his confidence has increased a lot, any opponent he is not afraid.

“Haha, brother is really confident ah! But confident is a good thing, tomorrow or be a little more careful. Lu Rui and Huang Ping is not today that Fang Qing can compare.” Su Yu smiled, this with a slightly drunken smile is also very intoxicating, but she still reminded Chu Tian, after two days together, she found Chu Tian and her quite right way.

“Haha, don’t worry!” Chu Tian drank the wine Su Yu ordered for him and said with a smile.

“Can I ask you a question?” Su Yu’s expression suddenly became serious, just the smile on his face also converged.

Chu Tian nodded, and drank -1.9 mouthful of wine, indicating that Su Yu can feel free to ask.

“Why do you want to marry the Su family’s daughter so much? “Su Yu raised her eyebrows gently at Chu Tian and gave Chu Tian a charming look, she was curious because she was from the Su family and naturally knew that Su Mei had left the base city for some time, Chu Tian should not have seen her. Why do you want to marry Su Mei so much? It seems Chu Tian is not a power-hungry person.

“Just want to marry it, it is said that the daughter of the Su family is particularly beautiful.” Chu Tian laughed and said, his expression is also very immodest, he does not want to reveal his true purpose now.

The two of them had a very good night, Su Yu’s skills are much better than Su Mei and Xiao La.

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