115Chapter 2 second round!

115Chapter 2 second round!

Fang Qing’s hammer shattered into many pieces, have fallen in the ring, Fang Qing stood frozen in place, looking at Chu Tian’s hand ice blue longsword, that hammer with him for several years, many people have become the souls of the dead under the meteor hammer, but has never met, can make this hammer suffer a little damage to the weapon.

But shocked to shock, Fang Qing but not a trace of fear look, eyes full of fervor.

Finally! Finally, we can meet such an opponent!


He recklessly rushed towards Chu Tian in front of him, and then clenched his hands into a fist and held it with all his strength towards Chu Tian. When Chu Tian saw that Fang Qing’s weapon was destroyed, he also put away his Glacier Rift Sword.

He raised his right hand and gently slapped away Fang Qing’s fist that was cupped to him.

At this time, Chu Tian once again instantly came in front of Fang Qing, a punch in Fang Qing’s abdomen.

Fang Qing saw Chu Tian’s fist, immediately caused the waist, trying to dodge the punch. But he could not do so, his abdomen was still hit by the last bit of force of the punch, he was knocked back a few steps, looking to fall to the ground.

But he still forced himself to stop, the ground was trampled out of two footprints, he also barely stopped his body.

Fang Qing’s combat experience is very good, he will not let himself be so passive, so he immediately took a step forward, a double-armed one up and one down to hit forward, this move is also very ruthless, straight towards Chu Tian’s face to hit.

However, Chu Tian also ignored Fang Qing, he dodged directly to the right, another punch on Fang Qing’s shoulder, Fang Qing also ran a few steps to the left, but this time he did not stabilize his body, looking to fall to the ground.

But Chu Tian did not give him a chance to fall, before he touched the ground, Chu Tian came to his left again, a punch to Fang Qing’s left abdomen, Fang Qing immediately fell to the right again, looking like he was about to fall to the ground.

But this time Chu Tian reappeared on his right side.

This cycle, Fang Qing was beaten for a few minutes, which fell heavily to the ground, the body is also covered with bruises, looks very badly beaten.

But just like that, lying on the ground, Fang Qing still shouted, swinging his fist towards the top. Although at this moment he has no more strength to swing, the power of the fist is almost gone, but he still swung his fist.

“What a crazy guy.”

Chu Tian looked at Fang Qing on the ground and sighed.

This guy is just a bit obsessive, Chu Tian but does not hate such guys, so he will not be driven to extinction.

“The winner is Chu Tian!”

With a winks from Su Yu and a curtain call, Chu Tian won this one, and Fang Qing was quickly slapped down.

Next up, it’s time for Chu Tian’s broadcast vigil.

The audience on the stage began to discuss, Chu Tian today is undoubtedly the dark horse they expected, did not expect to appear so soon, the game has only played three games only. It was only three games into the tournament, and the player who was defeated was the seeded player in people’s minds, so everyone was naturally very surprised.

And the battle just now is clearly not a class!

All the viewers could see that Fang Qing had nothing to compare with Chu Tian except his frenzied aura, and he didn’t even touch Chu Tian’s clothes.

“Where did this guy come from to beat up Fang Qing like this?”

“I think it’s Chu Tian! It looks like it wasn’t from the base city before!”

“Is it an outside survivor?”

“That’s quite a ruthless man!”

Everyone is immediately very interested in Chu Tian, the guy who suddenly emerged is likely to be the first place after, and also a big dark horse, then we naturally have to pay close attention!

“Brother, it’s this kid! Not only did he tease me a few days ago, he also beat me up!” On the stage, Huang An was standing beside Huang Ping, pointing at Chu Tian on the stage, his arm was wrapped in bandages, which was exactly what Chu Tian had left for him a few days ago. He also had gauze on his face and bandages all over his body, which were left behind when he was thrown out by Kidola.

“This kid you can’t beat is normal, even Fang Qing is not his opponent. “Huang Ping stood beside Huang An, clutching his chest, staring fiercely at the stage Chu Tian, this guy also seems to be a difficult opponent.

Their Huang family is on the rise at this time, if they can get the support of the Su family, they will definitely be able to soar.

“And this kid is obviously followed by a very beautiful beauty, but also to the match! Really greedy!” Huang An saw the stage Tian Chu can recall the day of the Kidola, even if the other side threw him out, he is not the slightest complaint, just want to see that beauty again.

……… for flowers,

“Yeah? A beautiful woman? How beautiful?” Once you hear the word beautiful, Huang Ping also came to the spirit.

“Than the stage that Su Yu can look much better, I think the Su family that Miss 80% is not half as good-looking as that beauty!” Huang An thought of Kidola, it seems to have lost its soul.

“That will be a good meeting this kid!” Huang Ping heard Huang An say so, also got up, his brother’s vision is not high, but also not low, even Huang An has so commented, he also want to see the beauty of the model!


In the last days, strength is the most important.

As long as they have the strength, no matter what kind of beauty will willingly follow their own!

Huang Ping is also very confident in his own strength, Fang Qing also challenged him before, but he ignored it, he simply did not put Fang Qing in his eyes.

Killing more than 30 zombies is not a difficult task for him!

As the two of them were talking, Tian had already defeated the next two and became the first person to defend the ring today.

Su Yu “sister, can I go back now?”

Backstage, Chu Tian asked to Su Yu, he did not want to watch the other players here, in his view these people are very general strength, might as well go back to sleep well.

“Yes, I wonder if my brother is free tonight?

Su Yu’s soft voice came again, she went to Chu Tian’s front, gently pressed on his ear, whispered, that speaks out of the breath makes Chu Tian’s body all out of goose bumps.

“Uh, ahem, there..

Chu Tian immediately replied.

“Then sister Jue a face, this venue next to a very good bar, we go together for a drink?” Su Yu’s charming voice came again.

“Erm.. that’s respectful! Tomorrow is the second round of the competition, right?” Chu Tian should be down, it seems that this woman is not very calm ah!

“That’s right, the same time tomorrow morning, tomorrow is the time to decide the winner, then drink your brother’s celebratory wine!” I’m sorry,

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