108Chapter Queen Bee Honey

“Well, black-haired zombies were found (reinforced)

“Is green hair next to black hair?”

The black figure slashed at Chu Tian’s body, instantly the whole ground shook a bit, appearing at the feet of two deep holes, his feet are trapped in the holes.

In the middle of the two, the black zombie’s machete cut on Chu Tian’s arm, the original Chu Tian raised his hand to block the knife, the black machete looks very sharp, but can not cause any damage to Chu Tian, he blocked the knife, not only no marks on the arm, the machete instead appeared an arm-thick hole.

It was Chu Tian’s arm, instead, that caused the machete damage.

“There is still a little bit of pain ah!” Chu Tian shouted, is he raised his fist, gathered a little power. Then a fist swung out, hitting the black zombie’s abdomen.

The black zombie paused slightly, and a moment of silence arose between the two, after which the black zombie flew out a long way. In the process of flying, the black-haired zombie turned into two halves, and then the limbs fell off completely.

“Yemengarde, go!” Chu Tian immediately pointed to the place where the black-haired zombie had fallen.

The black-haired zombie was the best prey he had devoured today.

He spat out his snake’s letter towards Tian, and looked a little playful.

“Well, now it’s time to go back. “Yesterday turned his head to take Yemengad out of here.


Suddenly, there was a loud noise behind Chu Tian, like the sound of breaking rocks.

After that, a boulder rolled down in the direction of Chu Tian and Yemengarde, and Yemengarde immediately blocked in front of Chu Tian and gently waved the snake’s tail.

The snake tail collided with the boulder, making a loud sound, and then the boulder split instantly, turning into a sky full of debris. The rubble fell all over the ground, as if a rain of stones.

After the boulder disappeared in front of his eyes, the stone wall in front of him revealed a small hole, it looks like the debris fell down from there. And the small hole is the emergence of a bee’s head, this head and the previous flower cloud peak exactly the same, but compared to the previous flower cloud bee is not know how many times larger.

“Yemengarde, be careful,”! “Chu Tian warned Yemengarde, who was standing in front of him, that he wanted to absorb the big guy in there, but his intuition told Chu Tian that there was something big there.

When it comes to bees, he naturally thinks of Queen ..Esther, the big guy who lives in the bee hive!

Just as Chu Tian thought of this, all the rocks on the stone wall rolled down, and instantly, many rocks rolled in the direction of Chu Tian and Yemengarde.

Ghidorah”!” Chu Tian made an instant decision and summoned Ghidorah. The three-headed Ghidorah immediately appeared in front of Chu Tian.


The three mouths of Kidola spit out the flame, the flame accurately hit three boulders, the boulders instantly broke, at the same time, a side of Yemengad also tail sweep, breaking a few boulders.

In this way, the boulder crisis in front of Tian Tian has been completely solved, and the big guy in front of him has been completely revealed, it is a huge honey front, its shape and pattern are the same as the flower cloud bee, the difference is its huge belly, or huge tail.

Chu Tian knew that the queen bee was generally unable to act, so he did not order Kidola and Yemengarde to approach in the first place.

So the next moment, countless flower cloud front from the back of the queen bee flew out, they are even more than just the number of flower cloud peak, instantly you can only see a cloud of black shadow that covers the sky, towards Chu Tian side over.

“Kidola! Fire-breathing!

Kidola received Chu Tian’s order, three heads at the same time to the swarm spit out the flame, the swarm of flowers and cloud fronts continue to fall down with black smoke.

But there will still be a breakthrough of the flames of the flower cloud Feng Feng, but those, will be in the Kirola behind the Yemengarde solution.

Soon, the swarm was completely solved.

At that moment, the queen bee’s stomach moved. Many white eggs came out of her belly and fell to the ground. The eggs immediately turned into many flower cloud bees.

“Kidola! Forward!” Chu Tian commanded, and they began to gradually move closer to the back of the front. Under their feet fell the corpses of many flower cloud bees, which would be slowly absorbed by Yemengarde.

Not long, they came to the front of the queen bee, the closer they are to the queen bee, the more frantic those flowers cloud fronts, they recklessly Chu Tian’s direction to rush over, trying to hinder Chu Tian’s steps.

When Feng Hou saw Chu Tian and his pet approaching, his expression also became eager, and he flapped his huge wings and tried to fly out of the cave to resist Chu Tian.

But his body is too big, two wings really can not provide enough power to let it fly out, every time he flaps his wings, will form a huge wind. And its own body was dragged on the ground, slowly moving forward a little, but that forward speed is too slow, until Chu Tian came to the hole, he was not able to fly out of the hole.

Finally, the three heads of Kidola spat out three small fireballs, which fused together to form a huge fireball. The huge fireball rushed into the hole where the queen bee was lying.

A heat wave returned from the cave, the queen bee in the cave also immediately turned into a charred corpse, it is surrounded by many of the corpses of Hua Yunfeng.

After the heat wave dissipated, Chu Tian walked into the cave and smelled a sweet aroma.

He walked towards the direction where the smell came from and found a bright golden light, following the direction of the light, it was actually a yellow cave. He walked into the cave, and the sweet smell was getting stronger.

“So this is what the bees are desperately guarding.” Chu Tian exclaimed, that thing is like honey, sweet and sticky, and filled the whole cave.

“System, detect what this thing is bloated?”

“Ding, Roger, testing in progress…

“Ding! Test completed! This is the secret treasure of Flower Cloud Bee Cave, “Queen Bee Honey, which can greatly increase the speed of life recovery! “The system’s voice came quickly, bringing Chu Tian excellent news.

Wow la”, increase the speed of life recovery. This is something that can’t be found!” He immediately prepared to absorb it, this is the best treasure today.

It was a scream from outside the cave, and Chu Tian looked out.

“Ming, we found something good!” A familiar voice came, and a man slowly walked into the cave where Chu Tian was. He stood at the entrance of the cave with a greedy smile.

That man Chu Tian also knows, it is Huang An!

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