109Chapter Hanging

“Ming, found a good thing ah.” Huang An walked into the cave, smiling greedily, looking at the queen bee honey at Chu Tian’s feet.

Found “what also has nothing to do with you!” Chu Tian looked at Huang An and did not hide the hostility in his eyes. This guy has always been against him, not a good thing.

” Chu Tian I tell you, this queen bee honey in your hands and in my hands the effect can be completely different. I can make the most of it, so you should give him to me. “Huang An said with his hands on his chest, a smug face, he is used to domineering, do not care who is who!

“Just because you can make the most of it, I have to give it to you?” Chu Tian laughed, he has long wanted to teach this arrogant guy a lesson.

“I advise you to give it to me quickly. You know who my brother is not? “Huang An gave a thumbs up and looked like he was about to start acting like a pussy.

“I don’t know…” Chu Tian got something today, is also in a good mood, so also came to patience, he stood still and quietly watched Huang An perform.

“My brother is an important person in the base city, protecting the security of the base city! Also obtained the “God Eagle” approval! If you mess with Laozi today, I guarantee that you will not be able to escape! “973 Huang An face smug, he also waved the gun in his hand, want to scare the Chu Tian in front of him.

“Late.” Chu Tian yawned and replied softly.

“Oh? You still do not quickly give something to grandpa me!” Huang An has some fury, his face grimace up, look to be angry look.

“What is your brother’s character, what does it have to do with me, why should I give you something?” Chu Tian then said, he also some impatient, this guy has not known what to say, delaying him to absorb the queen bee honey.

“Not for me? Then you can die! “Huang An raised the gun in his hand, directly towards Chu Tian fired a few shots, he was killing people without blinking an eye.

Immediately, several loud gunshots rang out in the cave.

But after the gunshot, Chu Tian came to the side of the location just now, the hole in the stone wall appeared three or four small gun holes.

“This guy still has two tricks!” Huang An secretly thought in his heart, then he took an arrow step, shot towards Chu Tian, and in the process fired several shots at Chu Tian.

He soon arrived at the location where Chu Tian was standing, but found that Chu Tian was no longer here, (cfbi) and several gun holes appeared in the surrounding stone walls. Immediately he looked around, but found no sign of Chu Tian.

“Where is it?” Huang An was a little flustered, he quickly looked left and right.

“Don’t look for it, it’s here. ” Chu Tian’s voice came from behind Huang An, who was standing where Huang An had just stood. It means that the two just instantly changed positions. Chu Tian took out his ears and blew on the little finger that took out his ears.

“You… Huang An immediately turned his head and saw Chu Tian standing behind him, and he was furious. He raised his gun and shot again.

The stones on the stone wall of the cave have fallen, forming a fierce dust in the cave, Huang An could not see clearly what was in front of him, but he felt that there was something in the dust, that guy must not be dead, so he stared closely at the dust.

Slowly, the dust soon dispersed.

Huang An stared dead in front of him, but found no trace of a person in the dust.

He felt confused, and cold sweat fell from his forehead, and he found himself increasingly confused by Chu Tian’s movements.

At this time, someone tapped Huang An’s shoulder.

Huang An immediately turned his head and found Chu Tian standing beside him, Chu Tian’s face appeared in his eyes again.

Huang An was about to do it again.

“Do you want me to help you with him?” A charming voice came over, the two looked towards the cave, turned into a human form of Kidola is now leaning on the wall of the cave, hands clasped chest, lazily said.

Huang An naturally has not seen this level of beauty, whether it is the body, appearance or voice, even that body temperament, are much better than Liu Xinyue.

Huang An stared at Kidola, his eyes were straight, his mouth seemed to be drooling out of his mouth.

“This is too beautiful Huang An whispered, but he quickly recovered, how he said is also an important person in the base city, can not be disgraced here.

“Ah, no, I can take care of him myself. “Before Chu Tian answered, Huang An answered first.

“Hey, I didn’t ask you.” The answer to this question is that the person who is the owner of the company is the one who is the owner of the company.

Huang An just confused, why will jump out such a beautiful woman to help themselves to solve this kid, did not expect to be Chu Tian’s accomplice, so ah! But why does this kid have such a beautiful companion!

When Huang An thought of this, he was furious! Jealousy occupied his brain, before for Chu Tian’s vigilance at this time are dissipated.

“You just watch me finish this kid! “Huang An thought to let Kidola see his valiant stance, so that maybe the other party will be willing to join him.

Thinking of this, Huang An hit Chu Tian’s body with the body of the gun in his hand, but it was blocked by Chu Tian’s palm, and his gun was knocked down to the ground.

He looked at the gun on the ground, raised his fist, a punch towards Chu Tian’s head, this punch is used to the fullest.

Chu Tian but not dodge not dodge, but before the arrival of the fist caught that Huang An’s fist, he held tightly to Huang An’s fist, so that Huang An can not break free.

“You let go of me! “Huang An felt the tremendous pressure coming from his fist, and immediately yelled.

Chu Tian, however, ignored it and slowly twisted Huang An’s fist to the side.

As Huang An’s wrists were twisted more and more crooked, he screamed in pain, that scream is not to mention how miserable, echoed throughout the cave.

Chu Tian looked at Huang An’s wretched appearance, gently thrown to the front, threw Huang An on the ground.

“Throw him out, Kee. ” Chu Tian said to Kidola, who had had enough fun and should be finished.

So Kidola nodded, bent down and held Huang An’s collar, then carried Huang An’s collar slowly out of the cave, throwing him out.

After Kidola carried Huang An away, Chu Tian began to absorb the nectar on the ground after the front.

“Ding! Successful absorption!”

With the system’s voice coming, the absorption of Queen Feng’s honey was completed, and Chu Tian received an increase in life recovery speed.

After that, Chu Tian put away the Coconut Mungad and Kidola and slowly walked out of the cave.

He looked at the map he got before, and really should go to the base city. There are a lot of human beings gathered there, it is still worth going.

So he marched in the direction of the base city, and the next stop was the base city!

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