107Chapter Dark Shadows in the Cave

“There’s a creature down… here that contains extremely high heat!”

Chu Tian’s thoughts just fell, and felt the whole ground began to shake wildly.

Originally, according to Chu Tian’s intention, this batch of flower cloud bee will all be disposed of, then leave here.

But right now, it seems like there is a discrepancy between yourself and the plan.

If you’re lucky, you may be able to hit the mature body with Coconut Mogadishu.

As he was thinking, the ground in front of Chu Tian cracked open.

Immediately after, a black shadow jumped out from the ground.

Almost in the blink of an eye, Chu Tian’s front, there are more than a hundred dark green monsters.

Chu Tian looked, but also stunned half a day, only to find, this is not the color of the zombie!

25,Green-haired walkers (mutation) were found.

“Green hair zombie, not to mention quite apt.”

After a sigh of relief, Chu Tian gave the order to attack to the Coconut Mangald at his side.

With a scream from the Coconut Dreamer, he fought with the green-haired zombies in front of Chu Tian.

The result was unexpected.

Chu Tian thought it would be a one-sided battle, but did not want to, Coconut Morgat was surrounded by dozens of green-haired zombies in the middle, allowing Coconut Morgat to burst left and right.

A time when the two sides even played back and forth.

“Coconut Mogadishu, use the skill!”

Hearing Tian’s voice, Coconut Mongaard’s movements immediately slowed down, and then raised his head fiercely, hissing towards the sky.

With the hissing sound, the group of difficult green hair zombie body immediately began to ulcerate, at a speed visible to the naked eye in the spread.

The first time I saw this, Tian was relieved to see that the green-haired zombie, which I thought I could capture, did not want to let the coconut dream to get into a bitter battle.

Good in their own timely change of strategy, which changed the situation.

The only pity is that the blow of Coconut Dream Gad is too fierce, killing all those green-haired zombies, not even leaving behind the slag, which causes Coconut Dream Gad to have nothing to devour at all.

“This is awkward!”

Slightly complained, Chu Tian then waved toward the not far away Coconut Dream Plus, he came out long enough, it is time to go back to Huang An to talk about it.

And just when Chu Tian just turned around, not far from him, suddenly sprang a black shadow.

The sudden appearance of the black shadow, just look at its shape, like the green hair zombie, and with those green hair zombie different is, this black shadow more strong.

When it first appeared, it rushed towards the place where Chu Tian was.

At the same time he was 973holding a machete that had been broken.

If the knife is still intact, less must have a meter or so.

The blade is extremely sharp, in the black shadow towards Chu Tian rushed, in the place he passed, the ground has cracked, as if it was cut with a sharp blade

This kind of zombie can be said to be the most powerful zombie Chu Tian has encountered so far, but that’s all, after all, as far as Chu Tian’s strength is concerned, these zombies have been unable to cause any harm to him.

PS: I’m back, I don’t know how many people are still watching, try to update it, not to be a pigeon king.

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