104Chapter:The Insects! (3/5 for self-booking!)

At once, he looked at Chu Tian’s elder brother with excitement: “, are you telling the truth?”

How strong his own boss, yellow service is aware of.

Even those outside the powerful, can easily tear the human body of the zombie, but also by the boss a knife to death,

Now, the man in front of him, said there is a way to make himself as strong as the boss, how can he not be excited.

In the post-apocalyptic, have the strength, as if the post-apocalyptic – before the money.

Women, power, you can have it all!

Just, this person, can really let yourself have that kind of strength?

But, there is no need for the other side to lie to themselves!

Chu Tian nodded slightly.

“Okay brother, I’m here to guard, no one can get in!”

Forced to suppress the excitement in his heart, yellow service pick up the steel knife on the ground, face fierce towards the outside.

Chu Tian then put his attention to the small mound of dirt.

A heartbeat, from the backpack bar took out the Glacier Rift Sword, held in his hand,

Aimed at the small mound of earth, a sword slashed through!


The glacier rift sword cut heavily on the small mound of earth, cold ice and soil splashed.

However, the Glacier Rift Sword, which is capable of severely damaging the city’s city-level beast, did not completely cut this small mound of earth, but stuck in the center.

Chu Tian’s other hand was also on it, and he paddled through it with all his strength.


From the mound of earth, there was a humming sound coming out.

Immediately after, a white light, released from the mound of earth.

The space around a certain range, instantly twisted up, as if forming an invisible portal.

“Is this the so-called entrance to the relic?”

Looking at this distorted space, Chu Tian’s heart was slightly moved.

After a moment’s hesitation, he touched the earrings hanging from his earlobes: “Coconut Mungad, wake up and get ready to eat.”


The coconut dream of the Gard wandered from Chu Tian’s earlobes to his shoulders, raised his head, spat out the snake’s letter, and also stared ahead at the twisted entrance to the ruins.

Take a deep breath, Chu Tian’s feet, directly into the.

Brush! Brush! Brush!

Once he entered the twisted portal, Chu Tian’s ears instantly heard the sound of several winds, so he could not help but close his eyes,

When you open your eyes again, the vision around you, instantly changed.

The darkness is endless, and heaven and earth are united,

As far as Chu Tian could see, there were several passages leading in different directions, just like a maze.

Some of the path midway, but also covered with a large number of swamps, in the continuous emergence of green gas.

“It seems that this place really does not belong to Earth space.

Chu Tian’s heart slightly moved, “Here, it’s like a maze!”

“114 ……”

Coconut dream of the Gard also spit out the snake’s letter, the eyes became gloomy incomparable.

It was very dark, almost no light, but, under Tian’s powerful night vision, it was nothing.

However, there are so many roads, which one to take?

Chu Tian called up the system: “System, can you scan a map of this place?”

The system quickly responded: “Ding! Host, the system has not yet opened the scan map function.”


Chu Tian slightly disappointed, “However, to all come, certainly can not just leave the Liu Mengga De, we go here!”

Soon, Chu Tian chose a passage and walked straight through.

This road is like a jump forest path, deep, and occasionally there is a cold wind blowing, so that people shudder.

But Chu Tian doesn’t care much.

On the road, occasionally there will be a few boulders blocking the road, but all by Chu Tian a knife into a frost-wrapped rock blocks.

“The Glacier Rift Sword is really good …just…

Looking at the road that stretches deep into the darkness, Chu Tian frowned slightly: “I thought there were a lot of prehistoric creatures in here? How come it’s been so long, and not a single one has been encountered….

Soon, Chu Tian came to a fork in the road,

Both sides of the road, are blocked by two rocks.



The sword light slashed through, both sides of the rock, directly all shattered.

Chu Tian quietly opened the heat sensing ability, two roads, both probing up.

“There are no creatures here, there seems to be tiny flying creatures here…, it should be the insect …Liu Mengade, let’s go this way!”

……… request flowers ……

With the news of the arrival of heat sensing, Chu Tian quickly chose the route to follow.


It took about a minute or less to walk the distance,

Not far away,

There came a buzzing sound.

Chu Tian’s heart suddenly moved, can not help but speed up the pace.

Soon, he found the source of the sound.

It was really a group of creatures similar to insects, flying in the air, bobbing back and forth.

However, Chu Tian can be sure that these creatures do not belong to any kind of insects on Earth!

This creature, like a ball of hair, wrapped in fleece, completely non-aerodynamic, but is able to fly!

“System, scan!”

Chu Tian enabled the system directly.

[Stinging Needle Insects]


Rank:Approximately equal to once mutated creature


Introduction: Growing in the Stuart Ice Age, it is one of the first insects to appear and evolve to the lowest level, usually used as engineers and reconnaissance, very fast, with a certain amount of reconnaissance, through the hundreds of thousands of fluff on the surface of the body, high-speed rotation, allowing itself to take off.

Needle: The fluffy hair on the body of the stinging needle insects can instantly harden and turn into sharp weapons when they are in danger, instantly ejecting them and causing a large amount of damage at range.


Chu Tian’s heart moved slightly: “Could it be that the prehistoric civilization that caused this ruin is the insect race?

His mind was filled with doubts.

There really is a race of insects? And also formed a prehistoric civilization.

However, now is obviously not the time to dwell on this,

“This batch of insects, about 30 or so ….we can take care of it in two seconds, Ryu Mungad!”

Chu Tian reacted quickly.


The next moment, he waved the glacier rift sword, and Liu Menggaade at the same time towards these dozens of insects, sprinted forward!

ps: the third shift, there are two more! child.

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