103Chapter:The entrance to the relic? (2/5 for self-booking!)

“At this angle and speed, he absolutely can not be found!

Zhang Xing held the knife’s arm, a fierce bruise, using the whole body’s strength, a heavy swing toward Chu Tian.

In his eyes, the color of intense anger can no longer be hidden.

It almost turns into a substantial flame and is released.

Li Si and his relationship, before the end of the world, very good, from elementary school, is the same classmates.

At that time, Zhang Xing, although the grades are very good, but the body has always been very thin, even less than girls, often bullied by other students in the school.

Li Si, on the other hand, is the opposite of the poor student in the eyes of all, but the body is strong, the campus of the little bully also dare not provoke him.

Later, the two became good friends,

Also rely on Li Si, Zhang Xing was not bullied again, peacefully through the elementary school, secondary school era.

Once, the social punks, came to Zhang Xing to collect protection money, but also Li Si came forward, even took a knife, blood flowed out, to scare away the punks.

After the college entrance exam, the two went their separate ways, Zhang Xing successfully entered a major university, while Li Si, is to go to the community, became a long-awaited gangster.

In fact, Zhang Xing’s ability to enter the world’s top 100 companies, but for Li Si, he chose to come to this small factory, as a clerk.

The friendship of men973, sometimes it is so simple.

In Zhang Xing’s heart, and Li Si’s friendship, is able to pass life.

So, even though later knew that Li Si had deep complaints about his control of the factory, Zhang did not point out, but to find an opportunity to throw Li Si into the basement.

At the same time, a few crystal cores were placed inside.

After Li Si broke free from the genetic lock, even if Li Si shot at himself again, Zhang Xing still did not start to kill him, but only to drive him away.

Who knows, Li Si only one day out, but was killed!

And, this murderer, actually took the initiative to come to the door, how could he not be angry.

According to the yellow service, the other party’s strength, should also be in the breakaway three genetic locks, their own sneak attack from this angle, caught off guard, must hit hard can, or even directly cut each other to death!

“Li Si, I’m going to avenge you!”

Zhang Xing’s heart roared in anger.


To his dismay,

In the moment he just raised the knife, the other party is like found himself, the fierce people turned his head, and then a punch out.

Fist in Zhang Xing’s abdomen, the latter immediately changed his face, his mouth spit out several mouthfuls of blood, sat down on the ground, full of horror looking at Chu Tian: “You… how you found…


The long knife fell to the ground, emitting a burst of buzzing.

The inch-headed young man on the side of the yellow service, when he saw this scene, immediately miserable.

No, what’s the deal?

Didn’t the boss say that he brought back someone as powerful as him to do something together?

Now why are we fighting when we meet?

And the boss sneak attack, and was found?

Staring at Chu Tian and Zhang Xing for a long time, the yellow service hesitated for a moment, or no action.

Are you kidding, these two are able to slay the zombies, what can he participate in?

Chu Tian stared at Zhang Xing and frowned slightly.

He also could not understand, Zhang Xing why he wanted to do it to himself.

However, now is obviously not the time to think about this, Chu Tian also lazy nonsense.

Directly bend down, pick up the long knife, directly thrown over.


The long knife instantly cut through Zhang Xing’s head, the blood on the neck instantly shot out.

To the death, Zhang Xing are a shock.

Why, did this man just kill himself?

Shouldn’t you first ask yourself why you struck out? Then one can say it logically.

Damn, the heart of a lot of words did not say, so unhappy ah…

His (cfbi) consciousness faded.

The other side.

Chu Tian stared at the small mound of dirt, his heart slightly moved: “system, still not scanned out?”

“Ding! The system is scanning for this type of target for the first time and is loading the program…

Hearing the system’s words, the curiosity in Chu Tian’s heart grew even more.

A few moments later,

“Ding! Scan successful!

The system’s voice, finally sounded, Chu Tian suddenly brightened up.

A virtual panel, soon appeared in front of.

[Obscured entrance to the underground ruins]

Introduction: The relics of a civilization that existed long before the birth of mankind, belonging to another small space with a large number of creatures left behind by prehistoric civilizations.

The entrance had been hidden by the land until the Frost Dragon revived and the entrance was revealed on the surface.

Kill have a certain chance to get: [crystal core], [genetic crystal core]

According to the system detection: At present, the strongest strength of the creature born in this relic is about equal to the human who breaks free from five to six genetic locks.

After reading the virtual panel given by the system, Chu Tian’s pupils suddenly shrank.

No wonder the system takes so long to scan,

It turns out that it is because inside is another space now.

Besides, I was worried about finding the place where the zombies gather!

It’s like sending a pillow in sleep.

And according to the system’s speculation, the strongest creature produced inside, it is only five to six genetic locks degree, with the help of coconut Mengade, himself able to eat alone.

Even in the event of an accident, escape out, or can be.

It’s just that the situation out here . …

After thinking for a moment, Tian Tian directly threw the long knife in his hand towards Huang: “Guard here, don’t let anyone in, less benefits for you, even, you can become as strong as him.”

Until now, Huang is still in a state of love.

It has been less than half an hour since we brought in Chu Tian,

The god in his own eyes, the boss Zhang Xing, was actually cut down directly?

His mind, quickly thought of himself.

If the other side is angry, Huang does not think he has a little way to survive.

After all, the other side of this strength, Zhang boss active sneak attack, were so easily cut down.

Just when Huang Moudu wanted to kneel down and beg for mercy,

Just hear the other side speak.

And after hearing what Tian said, the yellow service suddenly trembled.

PS: Sorry for the late arrival, there are three more!

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